Package freemarker.template

This package contains the core API's that most users will use.


Interface Summary
AdapterTemplateModel Supplemental interface that can be implemented by classes that also implement any of the TemplateModel interfaces.
ObjectWrapper An object that knows how to "wrap" a java object as a TemplateModel instance.
TemplateBooleanModel Objects that will be interpreted as true/false in the appropriate context must implement this interface.
TemplateCollectionModel This interface can be implemented by a class to make a variable "foreach-able", i.e. the model can be used as the list in a <foreach...
TemplateDateModel Date values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateDirectiveBody Represents the body of a directive invocation.
TemplateDirectiveModel Objects that implement this interface can be used as user-defined directives (much like macros).
TemplateExceptionHandler An API for objects that handle exceptions that are thrown during template rendering.
TemplateHashModel Hashes in a data model must implement this interface.
TemplateHashModelEx An extended hash interface with a couple of extra hooks.
TemplateMethodModel Objects that act as methods in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateMethodModelEx A subinterface of TemplateMethodModel that acts on models, rather than on strings.
TemplateModel This is a marker interface that indicates that an object can be put in a template's data model.
TemplateModelAdapter Implemented by classes that serve as adapters for template model objects in some other object model.
TemplateModelIterator This interface is used to iterate over a set of template models, and is usually returned from an instance of TemplateCollectionModel.
TemplateNodeModel Describes objects that are nodes in a tree.
TemplateNumberModel Numeric values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateScalarModel String values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateSequenceModel List values in a template data model whose elements are accessed by the index operator should implement this interface.
TemplateTransformModel Objects that implement this interface can be used as user-defined directives (much like macros); you should rather use the newer TemplateDirectiveModel instead.
TransformControl An interface that can be implemented by writers returned from TemplateTransformModel.getWriter(, java.util.Map).

Class Summary
Configuration Main entry point into the FreeMarker API, this class encapsulates the various configuration parameters with which FreeMarker is run, as well as serves as a central template loading and caching point.
DefaultObjectWrapper The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
LocalizedString An abstract base class for scalars that vary by locale.
ResourceBundleLocalizedString A concrete implementation of LocalizedString that gets a localized string from a ResourceBundle
SimpleCollection A simple implementation of TemplateCollectionModel.
SimpleDate A simple implementation of the TemplateDateModel interface.
SimpleHash A simple implementation of the TemplateHashModelEx interface, using an underlying Map or SortedMap.
SimpleList Deprecated. Use SimpleSequence instead.
SimpleNumber A simple implementation of the TemplateNumberModel interface.
SimpleObjectWrapper The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
SimpleScalar A simple implementation of the TemplateScalarModel interface, using a String.
SimpleSequence A convenient implementation of a list.
Template A core FreeMarker API that represents a compiled template.
TemplateModelListSequence Sequence that wraps a java.util.List of already wrapped objects directly, with minimal resource usage.
WrappingTemplateModel A base class for containers that wrap arbitrary Java objects into TemplateModel instances.

Exception Summary
TemplateException The FreeMarker classes usually use this exception and its descendants to signal FreeMarker specific exceptions.
TemplateModelException Template model implementation classes should throw this exception if requested data cannot be retrieved.

Package freemarker.template Description

This package contains the core API's that most users will use.

The typical usage pattern is to be vended Template objects by the Configuration object. The Template class represents a template file compiled into an efficient data structure for later use. Processing of compiled templates is very fast.

For complete instructions on how to use this package, please see the manual.