A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Z _


accept(Environment) - Method in class freemarker.core.DebugBreak
accept(Environment) - Method in class freemarker.core.TextBlock
Simply outputs the text.
ACCURACY_HOURS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
ACCURACY_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
ACCURACY_MINUTES - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
ACCURACY_SECONDS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
AdapterTemplateModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Supplemental interface that can be implemented by classes that also implement any of the TemplateModel interfaces.
add(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
add(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
add(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
add(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Adds an arbitrary object to the end of this SimpleSequence.
add(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Adds a boolean to the end of this SimpleSequence, by coercing the boolean into TemplateBooleanModel.TRUE or TemplateBooleanModel.FALSE.
add_escapes(String) - Method in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
addAutoImport(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Add an auto-imported template.
addAutoInclude(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
add a template to be automatically included at the top of any template that is vended by this Configuration object.
addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Adds a breakpoint
addConfiguredJython(JythonAntTask) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
addConfiguredPrepareEnvironment(JythonAntTask) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
addConfiguredPrepareModel(JythonAntTask) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
addDebuggerListener(DebuggerListener) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Adds a listener for debugger events.
addEscapes(String) - Static method in error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their espaced (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addImport(LibraryLoad) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Called by code internally to maintain a list of imports
AdditiveExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
addMacro(Macro) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Called by code internally to maintain a table of macros
addPrefixNSMapping(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
This is used internally.
AddSubExpression(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production that builds up an expression using the dot or dynamic key name or the args list if this is a method invocation.
addText(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.JythonAntTask
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
afterBody() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Called after the body has been evaluated.
AllHttpScopesHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
An extension of SimpleHash that looks up keys in the hash, then in the request, session, and servlet context scopes.
AllHttpScopesHashModel(ObjectWrapper, ServletContext, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.AllHttpScopesHashModel
Creates a new instance of AllHttpScopesHashModel for handling a single HTTP servlet request.
ALLOWS_NOTHING_RESOLVER - Static variable in interface freemarker.core.TemplateClassResolver
Doesn't allow resolving any classes.
AndExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ANGLE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
ARITHMETIC_ENGINE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
ArithmeticEngine - Class in freemarker.core
Class to perform arithmetic operations.
ArithmeticEngine() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine - Class in freemarker.core
This is the default arithmetic engine in FreeMarker.
ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine - Class in freemarker.core
An arithmetic engine that conservatively widens the operation arguments to extent that they can hold the result of the operation.
ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
ArrayModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that will wrap an arbitrary array into TemplateCollectionModel and TemplateSequenceModel interfaces.
ArrayModel(Object, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.ArrayModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified array object.
Assign() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Attempt() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
attributeAdded(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
attributeRemoved(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
attributeReplaced(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
AUTO_DETECT_TAG_SYNTAX - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
AUTO_FLUSH_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
AUTO_IMPORT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
AUTO_INCLUDE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration


backup(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
baseDir - Variable in class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
BeanModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that will wrap an arbitrary object into TemplateHashModel interface allowing calls to arbitrary property getters and invocation of accessible methods on the object from a template using the object.foo to access properties and object.bar(arg1, arg2) to invoke methods on it.
BeanModel(Object, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified object.
BEANS_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper
An ObjectWrapper that works similarly to ObjectWrapper.SIMPLE_WRAPPER, but exposes the objects methods and JavaBeans properties as hash elements and custom handling for Java Maps, ResourceBundles, etc.
BeansModelCache - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
BeansWrapper - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Utility class that provides generic services to reflection classes.
BeansWrapper() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Creates a new instance of BeansWrapper.
BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Experimental class; subject to change!
BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
BeginToken() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
BIGDECIMAL_ENGINE - Static variable in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
Arithmetic engine that converts all numbers to BigDecimal and then operates on them.
BOOLEAN_FORMAT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
BooleanLiteral() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
BooleanModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that will wrap instances of Boolean into a TemplateBooleanModel.
BooleanModel(Boolean, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.BooleanModel
Break() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production used to break out of a loop or a switch block.
Breakpoint - Class in freemarker.debug
Represents a breakpoint location consisting of a template name and a line number.
Breakpoint(String, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
Creates a new breakpoint.
bufcolumn - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
buffer - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
bufline - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
bufpos - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
BuiltIn(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
BuiltinVariable() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser


CACHE_STORAGE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
CacheStorage - Interface in freemarker.cache
Cache storage abstracts away the storage aspects of a cache - associating an object with a key, retrieval and removal via the key.
Call() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
canonicalizePrefix(String) - Static method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
Can be used by subclasses to canonicalize URL path prefixes.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
CaptureOutput - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Deprecated. Use block-assignments instead, as <assign x>...</assign>.
CaptureOutput() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.CaptureOutput
Case() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
children() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
chomp(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Removes the line-break from the end of the string.
CLASSIC_COMPATIBLE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
ClassTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
A TemplateLoader that uses streams reachable through Class.getResourceAsStream(String) as its source of templates.
ClassTemplateLoader() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader
Deprecated. confusing constructor, and seldom useful; use ClassTemplateLoader.ClassTemplateLoader(Class, String) instead.
ClassTemplateLoader(Class) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader
Deprecated. it is confusing that the base path is ""; use ClassTemplateLoader.ClassTemplateLoader(Class, String) instead.
ClassTemplateLoader(Class, String) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader
Creates a template loader that will use the Class.getResource(String) method of the specified class to load the resources, and the specified base path (absolute or relative).
ClassUtil - Class in freemarker.template.utility
clear() - Method in interface freemarker.cache.CacheStorage
clear() - Method in class freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage
clear() - Method in class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
clear() - Method in class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
clear() - Method in class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
clear() - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Removes all entries from the cache, forcing reloading of templates on subsequent TemplateCache.getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean) calls.
clear() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
clearCache() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
clearEncodingMap() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Clears language-to-encoding map.
clearSharedVariables() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Removes all shared variables, except the predefined ones (compress, html_escape, etc.).
clearTemplateCache() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Removes all entries from the template cache, thus forcing reloading of templates on subsequent getTemplate calls.
clone() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
clone() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns a shallow copy of this IdentityHashMap instance: the keys and values themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader
Closes the template source.
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
closeTemplateSource(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
coerceBigDecimal(BigDecimal, Class) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
coerceBigDecimals(AccessibleObject, Object[]) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Converts any BigDecimals in the passed array to the type of the corresponding formal argument of the method.
coerceBigDecimals(Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Converts any BigDecimals in the passed array to the type of the corresponding formal argument of the method.
CollectionAndSequence - Class in freemarker.core
Add sequence capabilities to an existing collection, or vice versa.
CollectionAndSequence(TemplateCollectionModel) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.CollectionAndSequence
CollectionAndSequence(TemplateSequenceModel) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.CollectionAndSequence
CollectionModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A special case of BeanModel that can wrap Java collections and that implements the TemplateCollectionModel in order to be usable in a <foreach> block.
CollectionModel(Collection, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.CollectionModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified collection object.
Collections12 - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Implementation of missing JDK 1.3 collection features for JDK 1.2
column - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
columnNumber - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
CommandLine - Class in freemarker.core
FreeMarker command-line utility, the Main-Class of freemarker.jar.
CommandLine() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.CommandLine
Comment - Class in freemarker.core
A template element where the content is ignored, a Comment.
Comment() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory - Class in freemarker.log
CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory() - Constructor for class freemarker.log.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory
compareNumbers(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
compareNumbers(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
compareNumbers(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
compareTo(Object) - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
Compress() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ConcurrentCacheStorage - Interface in freemarker.cache
An optional interface for cache storage that knows whether it can be concurrently accessible without synchronization.
Configurable - Class in freemarker.core
This is a common superclass of Configuration, Template, and Environment classes.
Configurable() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.Configurable
Configurable(Configurable) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.Configurable
Creates a new instance.
Configurable.UnknownSettingException - Exception in freemarker.core
Configuration - Class in freemarker.template
Main entry point into the FreeMarker API, this class encapsulates the various configuration parameters with which FreeMarker is run, as well as serves as a central template loading and caching point.
Configuration() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.Configuration
CONSERVATIVE_ENGINE - Static variable in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
Arithmetic engine that uses (more-or-less) the widening conversions of Java language to determine the type of result of operation, instead of converting everything to BigDecimal up front.
Constants - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Frequently used constant TemplateModel values.
Constants() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
containingElements(int, int) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
contains(int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
containsKey(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
Content() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
convertArray(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper
Converts an array to a java.util.List
convertValueToText(Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.FreeMarkerTree
copyMap(Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
create() - Method in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
This method is invoked when CustomAttribute.get() is invoked without CustomAttribute.set(Object) being invoked before it to define the value in the current scope.
create(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansModelCache
create(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
create(Object, ObjectWrapper) - Method in interface freemarker.ext.util.ModelFactory
Create a wrapping model for the specified object that belongs to the specified wrapper.
createConfiguration() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
This method is called from FreemarkerServlet.init() to create the FreeMarker configuration object that this servlet will use for template loading.
createExpressionParser(String) - Static method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Create an FM expression parser using a string.
createModel(ObjectWrapper, ServletContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
createObjectWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
This method is called from FreemarkerServlet.init() to create the FreeMarker object wrapper object that this servlet will use for adapting request, session, and servlet context attributes into template models..
createProcessingEnvironment(Object, Writer, ObjectWrapper) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Creates a Environment object, using this template, the data model provided as the root map object, and the supplied object wrapper to convert map elements to template models.
createProcessingEnvironment(Object, Writer) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Same as createProcessingEnvironment(rootMap, out, null).
createRequestParametersHashModel(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
createTemplateLoader(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Create the template loader.
currentToken - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
CustomAttribute - Class in freemarker.core
A class that allows one to associate custom data with a configuration, a template, or environment.
CustomAttribute(int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Creates a new custom attribute with the specified scope


DATE - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
The date model represents a date-only value.
DATE_FORMAT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
DateModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Wraps arbitrary subclass of Date into a reflective model.
DateModel(Date, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.DateModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified date object.
DATETIME - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
The date model represents a datetime value.
DATETIME_FORMAT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
dateToISO8601String(Date, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, TimeZone, DateUtil.DateToISO8601CalendarFactory) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
Format a date, time or date+time with one of the ISO 8601 extended formats.
DateUtil - Class in freemarker.template.utility
DateUtil.DateToISO8601CalendarFactory - Interface in freemarker.template.utility
Used internally by DateUtil; don't use it's implementations for anything else.
DateUtil.TrivialDateToISO8601CalendarFactory - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Non-thread-safe factory that hard-references a calendar internally.
DateUtil.TrivialDateToISO8601CalendarFactory() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.TrivialDateToISO8601CalendarFactory
debug - Variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
debug(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs a debugging message.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs a debugging message with accompanying throwable.
DEBUG_HANDLER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler
This is a TemplateExceptionHandler used when you develop the templates.
DebugBreak - Class in freemarker.core
DebugBreak(TemplateElement) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.DebugBreak
DebuggedEnvironment - Interface in freemarker.debug
Represents the debugger-side mirror of a debugged Environment object in the remote VM.
Debugger - Interface in freemarker.debug
The main debugger interface.
DebuggerClient - Class in freemarker.debug
A utility class that allows you to connect to the FreeMarker debugger service running on a specific host and port.
DebuggerListener - Interface in freemarker.debug
An interface for components that wish to receive debugging events.
DebugModel - Interface in freemarker.debug
Represents the debugger-side mirror of a TemplateModel object, a Template object, or a Configuration object.
deduceLocale(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Returns the locale used for the Configuration.getTemplate(String, Locale) call.
deduceLocale(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
DeepUnwrap - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Utility methods for unwrapping TemplateModel-s.
DeepUnwrap() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.DeepUnwrap
DEFAULT_ENCODING_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
DEFAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_ENHANCEMENTS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Template
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
DEFAULT_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper
The default object wrapper implementation.
DefaultObjectWrapper - Class in freemarker.template
The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
DefaultObjectWrapper() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper
DefaultTo(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
disable_tracing() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
divide(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
divide(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
divide(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
doAfterBody() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
doAutoImportsAndIncludes(Environment) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
doAutoImportsAndIncludes(Environment) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
doEndTag() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
doInitBody() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
DOMNodeModel - Class in freemarker.template.utility
A convenient wrapper class for wrapping a Node in the W3C DOM API.
DOMNodeModel(Node) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.DOMNodeModel
Done() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
doStartTag() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
DotVariable(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
production for when a key is specified by + keyname
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Dump the raw template in canonical form.
dump(Writer) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Dump the raw template in canonical form.
DynamicKey(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
production for when the key is specified in brackets.


EMPTY_COLLECTION - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
EMPTY_HASH - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
EMPTY_ITERATOR - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
EMPTY_MAP - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Collections12
EMPTY_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel
A constant value to use as the empty string.
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
EmptyMap - Class in freemarker.template
EmptyMap() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
enable_tracing() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
END_EVALUATION - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Constant returned from TransformControl.afterBody() that tells the template engine to end the transform and close the writer.
entrySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter
entrySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns a collection view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
EnumerationModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that adds TemplateModelIterator functionality to the Enumeration interface implementers.
EnumerationModel(Enumeration, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.EnumerationModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified enumeration object.
Environment - Class in freemarker.core
Object that represents the runtime environment during template processing.
Environment(Template, TemplateHashModel, Writer) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.Environment
Environment.Namespace - Class in freemarker.core
environmentSuspended(EnvironmentSuspendedEvent) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebuggerListener
Called whenever an environment gets suspended (ie hits a breakpoint).
EnvironmentSuspendedEvent - Class in freemarker.debug
Event describing a suspension of an environment (ie because it hit a breakpoint).
EnvironmentSuspendedEvent(Object, int, DebuggedEnvironment) - Constructor for class freemarker.debug.EnvironmentSuspendedEvent
eol - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
EqualityExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
equals(Object) - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
equals(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
error(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs an error message.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs an error message with accompanying throwable.
Escape() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
EVALUATE_BODY - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Constant returned from TransformControl.onStart() that tells the template engine to evaluate the body.
EventForwarding - Class in freemarker.ext.jsp
An instance of this class should be registered as a <listener> in the web.xml descriptor in order to correctly dispatch events to event listeners that are specified in TLD files.
EventForwarding() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
The first argument is used as a key to call the map's get method.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
Takes first argument as a resource key, looks up a string in resource bundle with this key, then applies a MessageFormat.format on the string with the rest of the arguments.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMethodModel
Invokes the method, passing it the arguments from the list.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Applies an XPath expression to the node list and returns the resulting node list.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoFunctionModel
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Evaluates an XPath expression on XML nodes in this model.
exec(List) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateMethodModel
Executes a method call.
exec(List) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateMethodModelEx
Executes a method call.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.Execute
Executes a method call.
exec(List) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.ObjectConstructor
execute() - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
execute(Map) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.JythonAntTask
execute(String, Map) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.UnlinkedJythonOperationsImpl
execute(File, Map) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.UnlinkedJythonOperationsImpl
execute(Environment, Map, TemplateModel[], TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.IncludePage
execute(Environment, Map, TemplateModel[], TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveModel
Executes this user-defined directive; called by FreeMarker when the user-defined directive is called in the template.
Execute - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Gives FreeMarker the the ability to execute external commands.
Execute() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.Execute
executeQuery(Object, String) - Method in interface freemarker.ext.dom.XPathSupport
Exists(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ExpandBuff(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
expectedTokenSequences - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
EXPOSE_ALL - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
At this level of exposure, all methods and properties of the wrapped objects are exposed to the template.
EXPOSE_NOTHING - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
At this level of exposure, no bean properties and methods are exposed.
EXPOSE_PROPERTIES_ONLY - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
At this level of exposure, only property getters are exposed.
EXPOSE_SAFE - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
At this level of exposure, all methods and properties of the wrapped objects are exposed to the template except methods that are deemed not safe.
Expression - Class in freemarker.core
An abstract class for nodes in the parse tree that represent a FreeMarker expression.
Expression() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.Expression
Expression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
This is the same as OrExpression, since the OR is the operator with the lowest precedence.


FallBack() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
FALSE - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel
A singleton object to represent boolean false
FALSE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
FileTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
A TemplateLoader that uses files in a specified directory as the source of templates.
FileTemplateLoader() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
Creates a new file template cache that will use the current directory (the value of the system property user.dir as the base directory for loading templates.
FileTemplateLoader(File) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
Creates a new file template loader that will use the specified directory as the base directory for loading templates.
FileTemplateLoader(File, boolean) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
Creates a new file template loader that will use the specified directory as the base directory for loading templates.
FillBuff() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader
Finds the object that acts as the source of the template with the given name.
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
findTemplateSource(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
finetuneMethodAppearance(Class, Method, BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Experimental method; subject to change!
Flush() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser - Class in freemarker.core
This class is generated by JavaCC from a grammar file.
FMParser(Template, Reader, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
Constructs a new parser object.
FMParser(Template, Reader, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser(Template, Reader, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser(String) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser(Reader) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
FMParser(FMParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FMParser
ForEach() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
format(String, Object[]) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
Provides direct access to caching format engine from code (instead of from script).
forName(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.ClassUtil
Similar to Class.forName(java.lang.String), but attempts to load through the thread context class loader.
freemarker.cache - package freemarker.cache
Contains classes and interfaces that deal with template loading and caching.
freemarker.core - package freemarker.core
This package contains FreeMarker's core parsing/rendering functionality; most casual users do not need to be aware of the classes in this package, and can restrict their attention to the freemarker.template package.
freemarker.debug - package freemarker.debug
freemarker.ext.ant - package freemarker.ext.ant
An ant task that can be used to invoke the FreeMarker engine to generate documentation.
freemarker.ext.beans - package freemarker.ext.beans
Provides model implementations that allow access to arbitrary Java objects.
freemarker.ext.dom - package freemarker.ext.dom
freemarker.ext.jdom - package freemarker.ext.jdom
Provides adapter for JDOM including support for writing XML fragments, listing nodes, traversal, copying, and filtering, and a full XPath support.
freemarker.ext.jsp - package freemarker.ext.jsp
Classes for two-way FreeMarker-JSP integration.
freemarker.ext.jython - package freemarker.ext.jython
Provides model implementations that allow access to arbitrary Jython objects.
freemarker.ext.rhino - package freemarker.ext.rhino
Rhino (ECMAScript) support
freemarker.ext.servlet - package freemarker.ext.servlet
Provides a generic purpose servlet that generates dynamic response using FreeMarker.
freemarker.ext.util - package freemarker.ext.util
freemarker.ext.xml - package freemarker.ext.xml
Provides data model adapter for DOM, dom4j and JDOM; three widely used XML document object models.
freemarker.log - package freemarker.log
Provides the FreeMarker logging facility.
freemarker.template - package freemarker.template
This package contains the core API's that most users will use.
freemarker.template.utility - package freemarker.template.utility
Utility classes that may be used to customize aspects of FreeMarker.
FreemarkerDirective() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A production for FreeMarker directives.
FreemarkerServlet - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
This is a general-purpose FreeMarker view servlet.
FreemarkerServlet() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
FreemarkerTag - Class in freemarker.ext.jsp
Simple implementation of JSP tag to allow use of FreeMarker templates in JSP.
FreemarkerTag() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
FreeMarkerText() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A production freemarker text that may contain ${...} and #{...} but no directives.
FreeMarkerTree - Class in freemarker.core
FreeMarkerTree(Template) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.FreeMarkerTree
FreemarkerXmlTask - Class in freemarker.ext.ant
Deprecated. FMPP is a more complete solution.
FreemarkerXmlTask() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Constructor creates the SAXBuilder.
FTLStringLiteralDec(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
FTL string literal decoding. \\, \", \', \n, \t, \r, \b and \f will be replaced according to Java rules.
FTLStringLiteralEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil


generateParseException() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
get(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.CacheStorage
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.CollectionAndSequence
get() - Method in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
get(Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.StringArraySequence
get(int) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
get(int, int) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
get(String) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
get(String[]) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ArrayModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
Uses Beans introspection to locate a property or method with name matching the key name.
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.CollectionModel
Retrieves the i-th object from the collection, wrapped as a TemplateModel.
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMethodModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Provides node list traversal as well as special functions: filtering by name, filtering by node type, shallow-copying, and duplicate removal.
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Retrieves the i-th element of the node list.
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.TaglibFactory
Retrieves a JSP tag library identified by an URI.
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
Calls PyObject.__findattr__(java.lang.String), then if it returns null calls PyObject.__finditem__(java.lang.String).
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonSequenceModel
Returns PyObject.__finditem__(int).
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.AllHttpScopesHashModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpSessionHashModel
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.ServletContextHashModel
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Selects a single node from this model's nodelist by its list index and returns a new NodeListModel containing that single node.
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Returns a new NodeListModel containing the nodes that result from applying an operator to this model's nodes.
get(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
get(String) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel
Gets a TemplateModel from the hash.
get(int) - Method in class freemarker.template.TemplateModelListSequence
get(int) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel
Retrieves the i-th template model in this sequence.
get(TimeZone, Date) - Method in interface freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.DateToISO8601CalendarFactory
Returns a GregorianCalendar with the desired time zone and time and US locale.
get(TimeZone, Date) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.TrivialDateToISO8601CalendarFactory
get(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.DOMNodeModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
getAdaptedObject(Class) - Method in interface freemarker.template.AdapterTemplateModel
Retrieves the underlying object, or some other object semantically equivalent to its value narrowed by the class hint.
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getArgumentNames() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
getArithmeticEngine() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Retrieves the arithmetic engine used to perform arithmetic operations.
getAsBoolean() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getAsBoolean() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BooleanModel
getAsBoolean() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.EnumerationModel
Returns Enumeration.hasMoreElements().
getAsBoolean() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.IteratorModel
Returns Iterator.hasNext().
getAsBoolean() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
Returns the value of PyObject.__nonzero__().
getAsBoolean() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
getAsBoolean() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel
getAsDate() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getAsDate() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.DateModel
getAsDate() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
getAsDate() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
Returns the date value.
getAsNumber() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getAsNumber() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.NumberModel
getAsNumber() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonNumberModel
Returns either PyObject.__tojava__(java.lang.Class) with Number.class as argument.
getAsNumber() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
getAsNumber() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
getAsNumber() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNumberModel
Returns the numeric value.
getAsString() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.StringModel
Returns the result of calling Object.toString() on the wrapped object.
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. This method returns the string resulting from concatenation of string representations of its nodes.
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
Returns the value of Object.toString().
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Returns the string representation of the wrapped nodes.
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.template.LocalizedString
getAsString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleScalar
getAsString() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel
Returns the string representation of this model.
getAsTemplateModel(Environment) - Method in class freemarker.core.Expression
getAutoFlush() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
See Configurable.setAutoFlush(boolean)
getBeginColumn() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
getBeginColumn() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getBeginColumn() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getBeginLine() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
getBeginLine() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getBeginLine() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getBooleanFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
getBreakpoints() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Retrieves a list of all Breakpoint objects.
getBreakpoints(String) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Retrieves a list of all Breakpoint objects for the specified template.
getBundle() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
getCacheStorage() - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
getCaching() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.Comment
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.DebugBreak
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.LibraryLoad
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.ReturnInstruction
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getCanonicalForm() - Method in class freemarker.core.TextBlock
getCatchAll() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
getCause() - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Returns the same exception as getCauseException.
getCauseException() - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Returns the underlying exception that caused this exception to be generated.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getChildCount() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getChildNodes() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getChildNodes() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getChildNodes() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
getChildNodes() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel
getCNumberFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the NumberFormat used for the c built-in.
getCollection() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getColumn() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getColumnNumber() - Method in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
getConfiguration() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getConfiguration() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Returns the Configuration object used by this servlet.
getConfiguration() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Returns the Configuration object associated with this template.
getCurrentEnvironment() - Static method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Retrieves the environment object associated with the current thread.
getCurrentNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the main name-space.
getCurrentVisitorNode() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getCustomAttribute(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Retrieves a named custom attribute for this configurable.
getCustomAttributeNames() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns an array with names of all custom attributes defined directly on this configurable.
getDataModel() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getDateFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the date format used to convert date models representing date-only dates to strings.
getDateTimeFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the date format used to convert date models representing datetime dates to strings.
getDateType() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getDateType() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.DateModel
getDateType() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
getDateType() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
Returns the type of the date.
getDebugger(InetAddress, int, String) - Static method in class freemarker.debug.DebuggerClient
Connects to the FreeMarker debugger service running on a specific host and port.
getDefaultConfiguration() - Static method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Deprecated. The usage of the static singleton (the "default") Configuration instance can easily cause erroneous, unpredictable behavior. This is because multiple independent software components may use FreeMarker internally inside the same application, so they will interfere because of the common Configuration instance. Each such component should use its own private Configuration object instead, that it typically creates with new Configuration() when the component is initialized.
getDefaultDateType() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Returns the default date type.
getDefaultEncoding() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Gets the default encoding for converting bytes to characters when reading template files in a locale for which no explicit encoding was specified.
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Returns the default instance of the wrapper.
getDefaultNS() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getDefaultNS() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getDefaultObjectWrapper() - Static method in class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Returns the default object wrapper that is used when a wrapping template model is constructed without being passed an explicit object wrapper.
getDelay() - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Gets the delay in milliseconds between checking for newer versions of a template source.
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.Comment
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.DebugBreak
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.LibraryLoad
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.ReturnInstruction
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getDescription() - Method in class freemarker.core.TextBlock
getDocumentBuilderFactory() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getEncoding(Locale) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Gets the preferred character encoding for the given locale, or the default encoding if no encoding is set explicitly for the specified locale.
getEncoding() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Returns the character encoding used for reading included files.
getEndColumn() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
getEndColumn() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getEndColumn() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getEndLine() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
getEndLine() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getEndLine() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getEndLocation() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getEndLocationQuoted() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
Same as TemplateObject.getStartLocation(), but quotes the template name with StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(String).
getEnumModels() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Returns a hash model that represents the so-called class enum models.
getEnvironment() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
getEnvironment() - Method in class freemarker.debug.EnvironmentSuspendedEvent
The environment that was suspended
getEnvironment() - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
getExposeAsProperty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
getExposeMethodAs() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
getFTLInstructionStack() - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Returns the quote of the problematic FTL instruction and the FTL stack strace.
getFullTemplatePath(Environment, String, String) - Static method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
getGlobalNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns a fictitious name-space that contains the globally visible variables that were created in the template, but not the variables of the data-model.
getGlobalVariable(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the globally visible variable of the given name (or null).
getGlobalVariables() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the read-only hash of globally visible variables.
getId() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebuggedEnvironment
Returns a unique identifier for this environment
GetImage() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getImports() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getIncompatibleEnhancements() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
getIndex(TreeNode) - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getInputSource() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
getInstance(Object, ModelFactory) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Deprecated. override BeansWrapper.getModelFactory(Class) instead. Using this method will now bypass wrapper caching (if it is enabled) and always result in creation of a new wrapper. This method will be removed in 2.4
getInstance(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
getKnownVariableNames() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns a set of variable names that are known at the time of call.
getLastModified(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
getLastModified(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
getLastModified(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
getLastModified(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader
Returns the time of last modification of the specified template source.
getLastModified(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
getLastModified(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
getLine() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getLine() - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
Returns the line number of the breakpoint
getLine() - Method in class freemarker.debug.EnvironmentSuspendedEvent
The line number in the template where the execution of the environment was suspended.
getLineNumber() - Method in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
getLocale() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the assumed locale when searching for template files with no explicit requested locale.
getLocalizedLookup() - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Returns if localized template lookup is enabled or not.
getLocalizedLookup() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Returns if localized template lookup is enabled or not.
getLocalizedString(Locale) - Method in class freemarker.template.LocalizedString
getLocalizedString(Locale) - Method in class freemarker.template.ResourceBundleLocalizedString
getLocalVariable(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the loop or macro local variable corresponding to this variable name.
getLocalVariable(String) - Method in interface freemarker.core.LocalContext
getLocalVariableNames() - Method in interface freemarker.core.LocalContext
getLocationString() - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
Returns the template name and the line number separated with a colon
getLogger(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory
getLogger(String) - Static method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns a logger for the specified category.
getLogger(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.SLF4JLoggerFactory
getMacros() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getMainNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the main name-space.
getMessage() - Method in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMethodShadowsProperty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
getModelFactory(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
getModelFactory(Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoWrapper
getModelTypes() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
getName() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
getName() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
The path of the template file relative to the directory what you use to store the templates.
getNamespace(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the name-space for the name if exists, or null.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getNewBuiltinClassResolver() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Retrieves the TemplateClassResolver used to resolve classes when "SomeClassName"?
getNextToken() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
getNode() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getNodeName() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getNodeName() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
getNodeName() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel
getNodeNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getNodeNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getNodeNamespace() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
getNodeNamespace() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel
getNodeType() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getNodeType() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getNodeType() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
getNodeType() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel
getNumberFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the default number format used to convert numbers to strings.
getObjectWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Retrieves the object wrapper used to wrap objects to template models.
getObjectWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
getObjectWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
getObjectWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Returns the object wrapper instance used by this wrapping template model.
getOut() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getOuterIdentity() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
By default returns this.
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
getParent() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the parent Configurable object of this object.
getParent() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getParent() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
getParentNode() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
getParentNode() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getParentNode() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
getParentNode() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel
getParsedIncompatibleEnhancements() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Same as Configuration.getIncompatibleEnhancements(), but returns the version as an int, according to StringUtil.versionStringToInt(String).
getPlainTextTemplate(String, String, Configuration) - Static method in class freemarker.template.Template
Returns a trivial template, one that is just a single block of plain text, no dynamic content.
getPrefixedName(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getPrefixForNamespace(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
getPrefixForNamespace(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getReader(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader
getReader(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
getReader(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
getReader(Object, String) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader
Returns the character stream of a template represented by the specified template source.
getReader(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
getReader(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
getRequest() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
getResponse() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
getRootTreeNode() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
getServlet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.ServletContextHashModel
Returns the underlying servlet.
getSetting(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Deprecated. This method was always defective, and certainly it always will be. Don't use it. (Simply, it's hardly possible in general to convert setting values to text in a way that ensures that Configurable.setSetting(String, String) will work with them correctly.)
getSettings() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Deprecated. This method was always defective, and certainly it always will be. Don't use it. (Simply, it's hardly possible in general to convert setting values to text in a way that ensures that Configurable.setSettings(Properties) will work with them correctly.)
getSharedVariable(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Gets a shared variable.
getSharedVariableNames() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Returns the set containing the names of all defined shared variables.
getSource() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getSource(int, int, int, int) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Returns the template source at the location specified by the coordinates given.
getStartLocation() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
Returns a string that indicates where in the template source, this object is.
getStartLocationQuoted() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
Same as TemplateObject.getStartLocation(), but quotes the template name with StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(String).
getStaticModels() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Returns a hash model that represents the so-called class static models.
getStrictSyntaxMode() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Tells whether directives such as if, else, etcetera must be written as #if, #else, etcetera.
GetSuffix(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
getSupportsIndexedAccess() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.CollectionModel
Tells if CollectionModel.get(int) will always fail for this object.
getSuspendedEnvironments() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Retrieves a collection of all DebuggedEnvironment objects that are currently suspended.
getSystemProperty(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.SecurityUtilities
getSystemProperty(String, String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.SecurityUtilities
getSystemProperty(String, int) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.SecurityUtilities
getTagSyntax() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
See Configuration.setTagSyntax(int) to see the returned number.
getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Loads a template with the given name, in the specified locale and using the specified character encoding.
getTemplate() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Retrieves the currently processed template.
getTemplate() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment.Namespace
getTemplate() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
getTemplate(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to getTemplate(name, thisCfg.getLocale(), thisCfg.getEncoding(thisCfg.getLocale()), true).
getTemplate(String, Locale) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to getTemplate(name, locale, thisCfg.getEncoding(locale), true).
getTemplate(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to getTemplate(name, thisCfg.getLocale(), encoding, true).
getTemplate(String, Locale, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to getTemplate(name, locale, encoding, true).
getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Retrieves a template specified by a name and locale, interpreted using the specified character encoding, either parsed or unparsed.
getTemplateExceptionHandler() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Retrieves the exception handler used to handle template exceptions.
getTemplateForImporting(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Gets a template for importing; used with Environment.importLib(Template importedTemplate, String namespace).
getTemplateForInclusion(String, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Gets a template for inclusion; used with Environment.include(Template includedTemplate).
getTemplateLoader() - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
getTemplateLoader() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
getTemplateModel() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter
getTemplateModel() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateModelAdapter
getTemplateName() - Method in class freemarker.core.LibraryLoad
getTemplateName() - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
Returns the template name of the breakpoint
getTemplatePath() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
getText() - Method in class freemarker.core.Comment
getTimeFormat() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the date format used to convert date models representing time-only dates to strings.
getTimeZone() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns the time zone to use when formatting time values.
getTimeZone(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil
Returns the time zone object for the name (or ID).
getTimeZoneName() - Method in exception freemarker.template.utility.UnrecognizedTimeZoneException
getToken(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
getUndeclaredThrowable() - Method in exception freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException
getURL(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader
getURL(String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
Given a template name (plus potential locale decorations) retrieves an URL that points the template source.
getURLEscapingCharset() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
getVariable(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Returns the variable that is visible in this context.
getVersionNumber() - Static method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Returns FreeMarker version number string.
getWhitespaceStripping() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Gets whether the FTL parser will try to remove superfluous white-space around certain FTL tags.
getWrappedObject() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
getWrappedObject() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
getWrappedObject() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
getWrappedObject() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
getWrappedObject() - Method in interface freemarker.ext.util.WrapperTemplateModel
Deprecated. Retrieves the object wrapped by this model.
getWrappedObject() - Method in class freemarker.template.TemplateModelListSequence
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateTransformModel
Returns a writer that will be used by the engine to feed the transformation input to the transform.
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.CaptureOutput
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.HtmlEscape
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.JythonRuntime
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.NormalizeNewlines
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.StandardCompress
getWriter(Writer, Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.XmlEscape
getXPathSupportClass() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Get the currently used freemarker.ext.dom.XPathSupport used as the XPath engine.
getYesNo(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil


handleTemplateException(TemplateException, Environment, Writer) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler
handle the exception.
handleUnknownType(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper
Called if an unknown type is passed in.
handleUnknownType(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleObjectWrapper
Called if a type other than the simple ones we know about is passed in.
HashAdapter - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
hashCode() - Method in class freemarker.debug.Breakpoint
hashCode() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
HashLiteral() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
hasNext() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.EnumerationModel
Calls underlying Enumeration.nextElement().
hasNext() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.IteratorModel
Calls underlying Iterator.hasNext().
hasNext() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateModelIterator
hasPlainGetMethod() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
Whether the model has a plain get(String) or get(Object) method
HeaderElement() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler
This is a TemplateExceptionHandler used when you develop HTML templates.
HTMLEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
HTML encoding (does not convert line breaks).
HtmlEscape - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Performs an HTML escape of a given template fragment.
HtmlEscape() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.HtmlEscape
HttpRequestHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest attributes.
HttpRequestHashModel(HttpServletRequest, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
HttpRequestHashModel(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
HttpRequestParametersHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest parameters.
HttpRequestParametersHashModel(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
HttpSessionHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpSession attributes.
HttpSessionHashModel(HttpSession, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpSessionHashModel
Use this constructor when the session already exists.
HttpSessionHashModel(FreemarkerServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpSessionHashModel
Use this constructor when the session isn't already created.


Identifier() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
IdentifierOrStringLiteral() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
IdentityHashMap - Class in freemarker.ext.util
A variant of HashMap that uses System.identityHashCode(Object) for hashing, and reference comparison instead of Object.equals(Object).
IdentityHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Constructs a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
IdentityHashMap(int) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Constructs a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
IdentityHashMap() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Constructs a new, empty map with a default capacity and load factor, which is 0.75.
IdentityHashMap(Map) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Constructs a new map with the same mappings as the given map.
If() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
IGNORE_HANDLER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler
This is a TemplateExceptionHandler which simply skips errors.
Import() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
importLib(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Emulates import directive, except that name must be tempate root relative.
importLib(Template, String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Emulates import directive.
inBuf - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
include(String, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Emulates include directive, except that name must be tempate root relative.
include(Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Processes a Template in the context of this Environment, including its output in the Environment's Writer.
Include() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
IncludePage - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
A model that when invoked with a 'path' parameter will perform a servlet include.
IncludePage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.IncludePage
INCOMPATIBLE_ENHANCEMENTS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
info(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs an informational message.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs an informational message with accompanying throwable.
init() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
initializeServletContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Called when servlet detects in a request processing that application-global (that is, ServletContext-specific) attributes are not yet set.
initializeSession(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Called when servlet detects in a request processing that session-global (that is, HttpSession-specific) attributes are not yet set.
inputStream - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
insertDefaults(Map) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
INSTANCE - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper
instance - Static variable in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
INSTANCE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.StandardCompress
InvalidPropertyException - Exception in freemarker.ext.beans
An exception thrown when there is an attempt to access an invalid bean property when we are in a "strict bean" mode
InvalidPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception freemarker.ext.beans.InvalidPropertyException
InvalidReferenceException - Exception in freemarker.core
A subclass of TemplateException that says there is no value associated with a given expression.
InvalidReferenceException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException
InvalidReferenceException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException
invalidSettingValueException(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
invokeGenericGet(Map, Class, String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
invokeGenericGet(Map, Class, String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
Overridden to invoke the generic get method by casting to Map instead of through reflection - should yield better performance.
invokeGenericGet(Map, Class, String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
Overridden to invoke the getObject method of the resource bundle.
isCacheable(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansModelCache
isCacheable(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
isClassicCompatible() - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Returns whether the engine runs in the "Classic Compatibile" mode.
isConcurrent() - Method in interface freemarker.cache.ConcurrentCacheStorage
Returns true if this instance of cache storage is concurrently accessible from multiple threads without synchronization.
isConcurrent() - Method in class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
isConcurrent() - Method in class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
isConcurrent() - Method in class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
Returns true if the underlying Map is a ConcurrentMap.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns true if this logger will log debug messages.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ArrayModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
Tells whether the model is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
Returns true if this bundle contains no objects.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Returns true if this model contains no nodes.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.TaglibFactory
Returns false.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
Returns PyObject.__len__() == 0.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpSessionHashModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.ServletContextHashModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Returns true if this NodeListModel contains no nodes.
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
isEmpty() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel
isEmpty() - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.DOMNodeModel
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns true if this logger will log error messages.
isExposeFields() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Returns whether exposure of public instance fields of classes is enabled.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns true if this logger will log fatal error messages.
isFunction() - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns true if this logger will log informational messages.
isLeaf() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
isSimpleMapWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Tells whether Maps are exposed as simple maps, without access to their method.
isStrict() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Returns true if this logger will log warning messages.
isXMLID(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.core.CollectionAndSequence
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ArrayModel
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.CollectionModel
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.EnumerationModel
This allows the enumeration to be used in a <foreach> block.
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.IteratorModel
This allows the iterator to be used in a <foreach> block.
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonSequenceModel
iterator() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleCollection
Retrieves a template model iterator that is used to iterate over the elements in this collection.
iterator() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel
Retrieves a template model iterator that is used to iterate over the elements in this collection.
IteratorModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that adds TemplateModelIterator functionality to the Iterator interface implementers.
IteratorModel(Iterator, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.IteratorModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified iterator object.


javaScriptStringEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Escapes a String according the JavaScript string literal escaping rules.
javaStringEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Escapes the String with the escaping rules of Java language string literals, so it is safe to insert the value into a string literal.
jj_nt - Variable in class freemarker.core.FMParser
jjtAddChild(Node, int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
This method tells the node to add its argument to the node's list of children.
jjtClose() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
This method is called after all the child nodes have been added.
jjtGetChild(int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
This method returns a child node.
jjtGetNumChildren() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
Return the number of children the node has.
jjtGetParent() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
jjtOpen() - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
This method is called after the node has been made the current node.
jjtSetParent(Node) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.
jQuote(Object) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Converts the parameter with toString (if not null)and passes it to StringUtil.jQuote(String).
jQuote(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Quotes string as Java Language string literal.
jQuoteNoXSS(Object) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Converts the parameter with toString (if not null)and passes it to StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(String).
jQuoteNoXSS(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Same as StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(String) but also escapes '<' as <.
jsonStringEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Escapes a String according the JSON string literal escaping rules.
JythonAntTask - Class in freemarker.ext.ant
Used internally, public for technical reasons only.
JythonAntTask() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.ant.JythonAntTask
JythonHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.jython
Model for Jython dictionaries (PyDictionary and PyStringMap).
JythonHashModel(PyObject, JythonWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonHashModel
JythonModel - Class in freemarker.ext.jython
Generic model for arbitrary Jython objects.
JythonModel(PyObject, JythonWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
JythonNumberModel - Class in freemarker.ext.jython
Model for Jython numeric objects (PyInteger, PyLong, PyFloat).
JythonNumberModel(PyObject, JythonWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonNumberModel
JythonRuntime - Class in freemarker.template.utility
A crude first pass at an embeddable Jython interpreter
JythonRuntime() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.JythonRuntime
JythonSequenceModel - Class in freemarker.ext.jython
Model for Jython sequence objects (PySequence descendants).
JythonSequenceModel(PyObject, JythonWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonSequenceModel
JythonWrapper - Class in freemarker.ext.jython
An object wrapper that wraps Jython objects into FreeMarker template models and vice versa.
JythonWrapper() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper


KEY_APPLICATION - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_APPLICATION_PRIVATE - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_INCLUDE - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_JSP_TAGLIBS - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_REQUEST - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_REQUEST_PRIVATE - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
KEY_SESSION - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
keys() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonHashModel
Returns either object.
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
keys() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
keys() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx
keySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
Helper method to support TemplateHashModelEx.
keySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
keySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
keySet() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap


leftPad(String, int) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the left with spaces until it reaches the desired length.
leftPad(String, int, char) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the left with the specified character until it reaches the desired length.
leftPad(String, int, String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the left with a filling pattern until it reaches the desired length.
LexicalError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char) - Static method in error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error.
LIBRARY_AUTO - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should automatically lookup and use any available logger library.
LIBRARY_AVALON - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use the Apache Jakarta Avalon LogKit logger package.
LIBRARY_COMMONS - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use the Apache commons-logging logger adapter package.
LIBRARY_JAVA - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use the java.util.logging logger package.
LIBRARY_LOG4J - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use the Apache Jakarta Log4J logger package.
LIBRARY_NONE - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use no logger package (i.e. turn off logging).
LIBRARY_SLF4J - Static variable in class freemarker.log.Logger
Constant used with Logger.selectLoggerLibrary(int) that indicates the engine should use the SLF4J logger adapter package.
LibraryLoad - Class in freemarker.core
An instruction that gets another template and processes it within the current template.
line - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
lineNumber - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
List() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
list - Variable in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
ListLiteral() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
loadBuiltInEncodingMap() - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Loads a preset language-to-encoding map.
LocalContext - Interface in freemarker.core
An interface that represents a local context.
LOCALE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
LOCALIZED_LOOKUP_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
LocalizedString - Class in freemarker.template
An abstract base class for scalars that vary by locale.
LocalizedString() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.LocalizedString
Logger - Class in freemarker.log
The FreeMarker logging facility.
Logger() - Constructor for class freemarker.log.Logger
lookingAhead - Variable in class freemarker.core.FMParser
LooseDirectiveEnd() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production to terminate potentially empty elements.


Macro() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Macro - Class in freemarker.core
An element representing a macro declaration.
main(String[]) - Static method in class freemarker.core.CommandLine
main(String[]) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.Transform
A convenient main() method for command-line invocation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Loads a template from a file passed as the first argument, loads an XML document from the standard input, passes it to the template as variable document and writes the result of template processing to standard output.
main(String[]) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.ToCanonical
MapModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A special case of BeanModel that adds implementation for TemplateMethodModelEx on map objects that is a shortcut for the Map.get() method.
MapModel(Map, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified map object.
matchesName(String, String, String, Environment) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
maxNextCharInd - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
maxScale - Variable in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
mergeAdjacentText(Node) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Merges adjacent text/cdata nodes, so that there are no adjacent text/cdata nodes.
MethodArgs(Expression) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
production for an arglist part of a method invocation.
minScale - Variable in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
ModelCache - Class in freemarker.ext.util
Internally used by various wrapper implementations to implement model caching.
ModelCache() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
ModelFactory - Interface in freemarker.ext.util
Interface used to create various wrapper models in the ModelCache.
modulus(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
modulus(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
modulus(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
MruCacheStorage - Class in freemarker.cache
A cache storage that implements a two-level Most Recently Used cache.
MruCacheStorage(int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage
Creates a new MRU cache storage with specified maximum cache sizes.
MultiplicativeExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A unary expression followed by zero or more unary expressions with operators in between.
multiply(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
multiply(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
multiply(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
MultiTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
A TemplateLoader that uses a set of other loaders to load the templates.
MultiTemplateLoader(TemplateLoader[]) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
Creates a new multi template Loader that will use the specified loaders.


NamedArgs() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Nested() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
NEW_BUILTIN_CLASS_RESOLVER_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
newInstance(Class, List) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
next() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.EnumerationModel
Calls underlying Enumeration.nextElement() and wraps the result.
next() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.IteratorModel
Calls underlying Iterator.next() and wraps the result.
next() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateModelIterator
Returns the next model.
NO_NS_PREFIX - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Template
Node - Interface in freemarker.core
NodeListModel - Class in freemarker.ext.jdom
Deprecated. Use NodeModel instead.
NodeListModel(Document) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Creates a node list that holds a single Document node.
NodeListModel(Element) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Creates a node list that holds a single Element node.
NodeListModel(List) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Creates a node list that holds a list of nodes.
NodeListModel(List, boolean) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Creates a node list that holds a list of nodes.
NodeListModel - Class in freemarker.ext.xml
Deprecated. Use NodeModel instead.
NodeListModel(Object) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Creates a new NodeListModel, wrapping the passed nodes.
NodeModel - Class in freemarker.ext.dom
A base class for wrapping a W3C DOM Node as a FreeMarker template model.
NodeModel(Node) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
NoEscape() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
NonBooleanException - Exception in freemarker.core
A subclass of TemplateException that indicates that the internals expected an expression to evaluate to a boolean value and it didn't.
NonBooleanException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonBooleanException
NonBooleanException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonBooleanException
NonDateException - Exception in freemarker.core
Indicates that a date, time or date+time was expected.
NonDateException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonDateException
NonDateException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonDateException
NonNumericalException - Exception in freemarker.core
A subclass of TemplateException that indicates that the internals expected an expression to evaluate to a numerical value and it didn't.
NonNumericalException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonNumericalException
NonNumericalException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonNumericalException
NonStringException - Exception in freemarker.core
A subclass of TemplateException that indicates that the internals expected an expression to evaluate to a string or numeric value and it didn't.
NonStringException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonStringException
NonStringException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.NonStringException
NoParse() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
NormalizeNewlines - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Transformer that supports FreeMarker legacy behavior: all newlines appearing within the transformed area will be transformed into the platform's default newline.
NormalizeNewlines() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.NormalizeNewlines
NotExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
NOTHING - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateModel
A general-purpose object to represent nothing.
NullCacheStorage - Class in freemarker.cache
A cache storage that doesn't store anything.
NullCacheStorage() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
NUMBER_FORMAT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
NumberLiteral() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
NumberModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Wraps arbitrary subclass of Number into a reflective model.
NumberModel(Number, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.NumberModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified number object.
NumericalOutput() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser


object - Variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
object - Variable in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
OBJECT_WRAPPER_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
ObjectConstructor - Class in freemarker.template.utility
An object that you can make available in a template to instantiate arbitrary beans-wrapped objects in a template.
ObjectConstructor() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.ObjectConstructor
ObjectWrapper - Interface in freemarker.template
An object that knows how to "wrap" a java object as a TemplateModel instance.
ONE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Called if any exception occurs during the transform between the TemplateTransformModel.getWriter(java.io.Writer, java.util.Map) call and the Writer.close() call.
onStart() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Called before the body is evaluated for the first time.
optimizeListStorage(List) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.OptimizerUtil
optimizeNumberRepresentation(Number) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.OptimizerUtil
This is needed to reverse the extreme conversions in arithmetic operations so that numbers can be meaningfully used with models that don't know what to do with a BigDecimal.
OptimizerUtil - Class in freemarker.template.utility
OptInTemplateClassResolver - Class in freemarker.core
A TemplateClassResolver that resolves only the classes whose name was specified in the constructor.
OptInTemplateClassResolver(Set, List) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.OptInTemplateClassResolver
Creates a new instance.
OptionalBlock() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A production for a block of optional content.
OrExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
OUTPUT_ENCODING_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
outputInstructionStack(PrintWriter) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Outputs the instruction stack.


ParamList() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Parenthesis() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
parse(InputSource, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Create a NodeModel from a SAX input source.
parse(InputSource) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Create a NodeModel from an XML input source.
parse(File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Create a NodeModel from an XML file.
parse(File) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Create a NodeModel from an XML file.
parseAsImportList(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
parseAsList(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
parseAsSegmentedList(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
PARSED_DEFAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_ENHANCEMENTS - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
ParseException - Exception in freemarker.core
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException" in the generated parser.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever purpose you can think of.
ParseException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.ParseException
ParseException(String, TemplateObject) - Constructor for exception freemarker.core.ParseException
parseNameValuePairList(String, String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Parses a name-value pair list, where the pairs are separated with comma, and the name and value is separated with colon.
PCData() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production for a block of raw text i.e. text that contains no FreeMarker directives.
permissiveUnwrap(TemplateModel) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.DeepUnwrap
Same as DeepUnwrap.unwrap(TemplateModel), but it doesn't throw exception if it doesn't know how to unwrap the model, but rather returns it as-is.
PositionalArgs() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
postTemplateProcess(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Template, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Called after the execution returns from template.process().
premissiveUnwrap(TemplateModel) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.DeepUnwrap
Deprecated. the name of this method is mistyped. Use DeepUnwrap.permissiveUnwrap(TemplateModel) instead.
preprocessRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Called as the first step in request processing, before the templating mechanism is put to work.
preTemplateProcess(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Template, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Called before the execution is passed to template.process().
prevCharIsCR - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
prevCharIsLF - Variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
PrimaryExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Lowest level expression, a literal, a variable, or a possibly more complex expression bounded by parentheses.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception freemarker.core.StopException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception freemarker.core.StopException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
printStackTrace() - Method in exception freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException
process() - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Processes the template to which this environment belongs.
process(Object, Writer) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Processes the template, using data from the map, and outputs the resulting text to the supplied Writer The elements of the map are converted to template models using the default object wrapper returned by the getObjectWrapper() method of the Configuration.
process(Object, Writer, ObjectWrapper, TemplateNodeModel) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Processes the template, using data from the root map object, and outputs the resulting text to the supplied writer, using the supplied object wrapper to convert map elements to template models.
process(Object, Writer, ObjectWrapper) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Processes the template, using data from the root map object, and outputs the resulting text to the supplied writer, using the supplied object wrapper to convert map elements to template models.
put(Object, Object) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.CacheStorage
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
put(String, Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Adds a key-value entry to the map.
put(String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Puts a boolean in the map
putAll(Map) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this one.
putAll(Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Adds all the key/value entries in the map
putTemplate(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
Puts a template into the loader.
putTemplate(String, String, long) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
Puts a template into the loader.
putUnlistedModel(String, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.AllHttpScopesHashModel
Stores a model in the hash so that it doesn't show up in keys() and values() methods.


RangeExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
readChar() - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
Recover() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Recurse() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
registerNamespace(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Registers an XML namespace with this node list.
registerNamespace(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Registers a namespace prefix-URI pair for subsequent use in NodeListModel.get(String) as well as for use in XPath expressions.
ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ReInit(Reader) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ReInit(FMParserTokenManager) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
ReInit(Reader, int, int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
ReInit(Reader, int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
ReInit(Reader) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, int, int) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
RelationalExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
release() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
remove(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.cache.CacheStorage
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.NullCacheStorage
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
remove(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
remove(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Removes the given key from the underlying map.
removeAutoImport(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Remove an auto-imported template
removeAutoInclude(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
remove a template from the auto-include list.
removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Removes a single breakpoint
removeBreakpoints(String) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Removes all breakpoints for a specific template
removeBreakpoints() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Removes all breakpoints
removeComments(Node) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Recursively removes all comment nodes from the subtree.
removeCustomAttribute(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Removes a named custom attribute for this configurable.
removeDebuggerListener(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.debug.Debugger
Removes a previously added debugger listener.
removePIs(Node) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Recursively removes all processing instruction nodes from the subtree.
removeTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Removes an entry from the cache, hence forcing the re-loading of it when it's next time requested.
removeTemplateFromCache(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to removeTemplateFromCache(name, thisCfg.getLocale(), thisCfg.getEncoding(thisCfg.getLocale()), true).
removeTemplateFromCache(String, Locale) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to removeTemplateFromCache(name, locale, thisCfg.getEncoding(locale), true).
removeTemplateFromCache(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to removeTemplateFromCache(name, thisCfg.getLocale(), encoding, true).
removeTemplateFromCache(String, Locale, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Equivalent to removeTemplateFromCache(name, locale, encoding, true).
removeTemplateFromCache(String, Locale, String, boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Removes a template from the template cache, hence forcing the re-loading of it when it's next time requested.
render(Writer) - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody
Renders the body of the directive body to the specified writer.
REPEAT_EVALUATION - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Constant returned from TransformControl.afterBody() that tells the template engine to repeat transform body evaluation and feed it again to the transform.
replace(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string in a string.
requestUrlToTemplatePath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
Maps the request URL to a template path that is passed to Configuration.getTemplate(String, Locale).
resetState() - Method in class freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader
resetState() - Method in interface freemarker.cache.StatefulTemplateLoader
Invoked by Configuration.clearTemplateCache() to instruct this template loader to throw away its current state and start afresh.
resolve(String, Environment, Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.OptInTemplateClassResolver
resolve(String, Environment, Template) - Method in interface freemarker.core.TemplateClassResolver
Gets a Class based on the class name.
ResourceBundleLocalizedString - Class in freemarker.template
A concrete implementation of LocalizedString that gets a localized string from a ResourceBundle
ResourceBundleLocalizedString(String, String) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.ResourceBundleLocalizedString
ResourceBundleModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A hash model that wraps a resource bundle.
ResourceBundleModel(ResourceBundle, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
resume() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebuggedEnvironment
Resumes the processing of the environment in the remote VM after it was stopped on a breakpoint.
RETHROW_HANDLER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler
This is a TemplateExceptionHandler that simply rethrows the exception.
Return() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production used to jump out of a macro.
ReturnInstruction - Class in freemarker.core
Represents a <return> instruction to jump out of a macro.
ReturnInstruction.Return - Exception in freemarker.core
RhinoFunctionModel - Class in freemarker.ext.rhino
RhinoFunctionModel(Function, Scriptable, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoFunctionModel
RhinoScriptableModel - Class in freemarker.ext.rhino
RhinoScriptableModel(Scriptable, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
RhinoWrapper - Class in freemarker.ext.rhino
RhinoWrapper() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoWrapper
rightPad(String, int) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the right with spaces until it reaches the desired length.
rightPad(String, int, char) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the right with the specified character until it reaches the desired length.
rightPad(String, int, String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Pads the string at the right with a filling pattern until it reaches the desired length.
Root() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Root production to be used when parsing an entire file.
roundingPolicy - Variable in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
RTFEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Rich Text Format encoding (does not replace line breaks).


safeGetTemplateName(Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.OptInTemplateClassResolver
Extract the template name from the template object which will be matched against the trusted template names and pattern.
SAFER_RESOLVER - Static variable in interface freemarker.core.TemplateClassResolver
Same as TemplateClassResolver.UNRESTRICTED_RESOLVER, except that it doesn't allow resolving ObjectConstructor.
SCOPE_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Constant used in the constructor specifying that this attribute is scoped by the configuration.
SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Constant used in the constructor specifying that this attribute is scoped by the environment.
SCOPE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Constant used in the constructor specifying that this attribute is scoped by the template.
SecurityUtilities - Class in freemarker.template.utility
selectLoggerLibrary(int) - Static method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Selects the logger library to use.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
ServletContextHashModel - Class in freemarker.ext.servlet
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a ServletContext attributes.
ServletContextHashModel(GenericServlet, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.ServletContextHashModel
ServletContextHashModel(ServletContext, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.servlet.ServletContextHashModel
Deprecated. use ServletContextHashModel.ServletContextHashModel(GenericServlet, ObjectWrapper) instead.
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.EventForwarding
set(Object) - Method in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Sets the value of the attribute in the context of the current environment.
set(Object, Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.CustomAttribute
Sets the value of a template-scope attribute in the context of the given template.
setAllSharedVariables(TemplateHashModelEx) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Adds all object in the hash as shared variable to the configuration.
setArithmeticEngine(ArithmeticEngine) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the arithmetic engine used to perform arithmetic operations.
setAttributesShadowItems(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper
Sets whether attributes shadow items in wrapped objects.
setAutoFlush(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets whether the output Writer is automatically flushed at the end of Template.process(Object, Writer) (and its overloads).
setAutoImports(Map) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
set a map of namespace names to templates for auto-importing a set of templates.
setAutoIncludes(List) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
set the list of automatically included templates.
setBasedir(File) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Set the base directory.
setBeginColumn(int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
setBeginLine(int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
setBodyContent(BodyContent) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
setBooleanFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
setCacheStorage(CacheStorage) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets the CacheStorage used for caching Template-s.
setCaching(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
setCatchAll(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Macro
setCategoryPrefix(String) - Static method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Sets a category prefix.
setChildAt(int, TemplateElement) - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
setClassForTemplateLoading(Class, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets a class relative to which we do the Class.getResource() call to load templates.
setClassicCompatible(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Toggles the "Classic Compatibile" mode.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Sets the configuration object to which this cache belongs.
setCurrentVisitorNode(TemplateNodeModel) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
sets TemplateNodeModel as the current visitor node.
setCustomAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets a named custom attribute for this configurable.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the date format used to convert date models representing date-only dates to strings.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setDateTimeFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the date format used to convert date models representing datetime dates to strings.
setDateTimeFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setDefaultConfiguration(Configuration) - Static method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Deprecated. Using the "default" Configuration instance can easily lead to erroneous, unpredictable behaviour. See more here....
setDefaultDateType(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Sets the default date type to use for date models that result from a plain java.util.Date instead of java.sql.Date or java.sql.Time or java.sql.Timestamp.
setDefaultEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets the default encoding for converting bytes to characters when reading template files in a locale for which no explicit encoding was specified.
setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper) - Static method in class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Sets the default object wrapper that is used when a wrapping template model is constructed without being passed an explicit object wrapper.
setDelay(long) - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Sets the delay in milliseconds between checking for newer versions of a template sources.
setDestdir(File) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Set the destination directory into which the generated files should be copied to
setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(File) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Set the explicit directory from which to load templates.
setDocumentBuilderFactory(DocumentBuilderFactory) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Sets the DOM Parser implementation to be used when building NodeModel objects from XML files.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Set encoding for generated files.
setEncoding(Locale, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets the character set encoding to use for templates of a given locale.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Sets the character encoding to use for included files.
setEndColumn(int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
setEndLine(int) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
sets the error handler to use when parsing the document.
setExposeAsProperty(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
setExposeFields(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Controls whether public instance fields of classes are exposed to templates.
setExposeMethodAs(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
setExposureLevel(int) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Sets the method exposure level.
setExtension(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Set the output file extension.
setFile(File) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.JythonAntTask
setGlobalVariable(String, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Sets a variable that is visible globally.
setIncompatibleEnhancements(String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets which of the slightly non-backward compatible bugfixes/enhancements should be enabled.
setIncremental(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Turn on/off incremental processing.
setInputSource(String) - Method in interface freemarker.core.Node
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the locale to assume when searching for template files with no explicit requested locale.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setLocalizedLookup(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Setis if localized template lookup is enabled or not.
setLocalizedLookup(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Enables/disables localized template lookup.
setLocalVariable(String, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Sets a local variable (one effective only during a macro invocation).
setMaxScale(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
Sets the maximal scale to use when multiplying BigDecimal numbers.
setMethodShadowsProperty(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.MethodAppearanceDecision
setMethodsShadowItems(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Sets whether methods shadow items in beans.
setMinScale(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
Sets the minimal scale to use when dividing BigDecimal numbers.
setModels(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
setName(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
setNewBuiltinClassResolver(TemplateClassResolver) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the TemplateClassResolver that is used when the new built-in is called in a template.
setNullModel(TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Sets the null model.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the number format used to convert numbers to strings.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the object wrapper used to wrap objects to template models.
setObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper) - Method in class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
setOut(Writer) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setOuterIdentity(ObjectWrapper) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
When wrapping an object, the BeansWrapper commonly needs to wrap "sub-objects", for example each element in a wrapped collection.
setOutputEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the output encoding.
setOutputEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
setParent(Tag) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jsp.FreemarkerTag
setProjectfile(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Set the path to the project XML file
setRoundingPolicy(int) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
setServletContextForTemplateLoading(Object, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets the servlet context from which to load templates
setSetting(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets a setting by a name and string value.
setSetting(String, String) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets a setting by name and string value.
setSettings(Properties) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Set the settings stored in a Properties object.
setSettings(InputStream) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Reads a setting list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
setSharedVariable(String, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Adds a shared variable to the configuration.
setSharedVariable(String, Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Adds shared variable to the configuration.
setSimpleMapWrapper(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
By default the BeansWrapper wraps classes implementing java.util.Map using MapModel.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Specifies if an attempt to read a bean property that doesn't exist in the wrapped object should throw an InvalidPropertyException.
setStrictBeanModels(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
setStrictSyntaxMode(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets whether directives such as if, else, etcetera must be written as #if, #else, etcetera.
setTagSyntax(int) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Determines the syntax of the template files (angle bracket VS square bracket) that has no ftl directive in it.
setTemplate(Template) - Method in class freemarker.core.FreeMarkerTree
setTemplate(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
setTemplateDir(File) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
setTemplateEncoding(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the exception handler used to handle template exceptions.
setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setTemplateLoader(TemplateLoader) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets a template loader that is used to look up and load templates.
setTemplateName(String) - Method in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
setTemplateUpdateDelay(int) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Set the time in seconds that must elapse before checking whether there is a newer version of a template file.
setTimeFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the date format used to convert date models representing time-only values to strings.
setTimeFormat(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the time zone to use when formatting time values.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Setting() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
setURLEscapingCharset(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
Sets the URL escaping charset.
setURLEscapingCharset(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Sets whether this wrapper caches model instances.
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper
Sets whether this wrapper caches model instances.
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.ModelCache
Sets whether this wrapper caches model instances.
setValidation(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask
Deprecated. Sets whether to validate the XML input.
setVariable(String, TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Sets a variable in the current namespace.
setWhitespaceStripping(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.template.Configuration
Sets whether the FTL parser will try to remove superfluous white-space around certain FTL tags.
setXPathSupportClass(Class) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Set an alternative implementation of freemarker.ext.dom.XPathSupport to use as the XPath engine.
SIMPLE_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper
Object wrapper that uses SimpleXXX wrappers only.
SimpleCharStream - Class in freemarker.core
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCollection - Class in freemarker.template
A simple implementation of TemplateCollectionModel.
SimpleCollection(Iterator) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleCollection
SimpleCollection(Collection) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleCollection
SimpleCollection(Iterator, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleCollection
SimpleCollection(Collection, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleCollection
SimpleDate - Class in freemarker.template
A simple implementation of the TemplateDateModel interface.
SimpleDate(Date) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
Creates a new date model wrapping the specified date object and having DATE type.
SimpleDate(Time) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
Creates a new date model wrapping the specified time object and having TIME type.
SimpleDate(Timestamp) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
Creates a new date model wrapping the specified time object and having DATETIME type.
SimpleDate(Date, int) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
Creates a new date model wrapping the specified date object and having the specified type.
SimpleHash - Class in freemarker.template
A simple implementation of the TemplateHashModelEx interface, using an underlying Map or SortedMap.
SimpleHash() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Constructs an empty hash that uses the default wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleHash(Map) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Creates a new simple hash with the copy of the underlying map and the default wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleHash(ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Creates an empty simple hash using the specified object wrapper.
SimpleHash(Map, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Creates a new simple hash with the copy of the underlying map and either the default wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper), or the JavaBeans wrapper.
SimpleList - Class in freemarker.template
Deprecated. Use SimpleSequence instead.
SimpleList() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleList
SimpleList(List) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleList
SimpleMapModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Model used by BeansWrapper when simpleMapWrapper mode is enabled.
SimpleMapModel(Map, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
SimpleMethodModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
A class that will wrap a reflected method call into a TemplateMethodModel interface.
SimpleNumber - Class in freemarker.template
A simple implementation of the TemplateNumberModel interface.
SimpleNumber(Number) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(byte) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(short) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(int) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(long) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(float) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleNumber(double) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
SimpleObjectWrapper - Class in freemarker.template
The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
SimpleObjectWrapper() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleObjectWrapper
SimpleScalar - Class in freemarker.template
A simple implementation of the TemplateScalarModel interface, using a String.
SimpleScalar(String) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleScalar
Constructs a SimpleScalar containing a string value.
SimpleSequence - Class in freemarker.template
A convenient implementation of a list.
SimpleSequence() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs an empty simple sequence that will use the the default object wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleSequence(int) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs an empty simple sequence with preallocated capacity and using the default object wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleSequence(Collection) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs a simple sequence that will contain the elements from the specified Collection and will use the the default object wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleSequence(TemplateCollectionModel) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs a simple sequence from the passed collection model using the default object wrapper set in WrappingTemplateModel.setDefaultObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper).
SimpleSequence(ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs an empty simple sequence using the specified object wrapper.
SimpleSequence(Collection, ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Constructs a simple sequence that will contain the elements from the specified Collection and will use the specified object wrapper.
simplify(Node) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Removes comments and processing instruction, and then unites adjacent text nodes.
singletonList(Object) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.Collections12
singletonMap(Object, Object) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.Collections12
size() - Method in class freemarker.core.CollectionAndSequence
size() - Method in class freemarker.core.StringArraySequence
size() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ArrayModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.CollectionModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.MapModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.ResourceBundleModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMethodModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonHashModel
Returns PyObject.__len__().
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonSequenceModel
Returns PyObject.__len__().
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class freemarker.ext.xml.NodeListModel
Deprecated. Returns the number of nodes in this model's nodelist.
size() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
size() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
size() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
size() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx
size() - Method in class freemarker.template.TemplateModelListSequence
size() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel
SKIP_BODY - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TransformControl
Constant returned from TransformControl.onStart() that tells the template engine to skip evaluation of the body.
SLF4JLoggerFactory - Class in freemarker.log
SLF4JLoggerFactory() - Constructor for class freemarker.log.SLF4JLoggerFactory
SoftCacheStorage - Class in freemarker.cache
Soft cache storage is a cache storage that uses SoftReference objects to hold the objects it was passed, therefore allows the garbage collector to purge the cache when it determines that it wants to free up memory.
SoftCacheStorage() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
SoftCacheStorage(Map) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.SoftCacheStorage
specialConstructor - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
This variable determines which constructor was used to create this object and thereby affects the semantics of the "getMessage" method (see below).
specifiedEncoding - Variable in exception freemarker.template.Template.WrongEncodingException
split(String, char) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Splits a string at the specified character.
split(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Splits a string at the specified string.
SQUARE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
StandardCompress - Class in freemarker.template.utility
A filter that compresses each sequence of consecutive whitespace to a single line break (if the sequence contains a line break) or a single space.
StandardCompress() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.StandardCompress
StandardCompress(int) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.StandardCompress
StatefulTemplateLoader - Interface in freemarker.cache
Interface that can be implemented by template loaders that maintain some sort of internal state (i.e. caches of earlier lookups for performance optimization purposes etc.) and support resetting of their state.
staticFlag - Static variable in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
Stop() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
stop() - Method in interface freemarker.debug.DebuggedEnvironment
Stops the processing of the environment after it was stopped on a breakpoint.
StopException - Exception in freemarker.core
This exception is thrown when a <stop> directive is encountered.
STRICT_BEAN_MODELS - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
STRICT_SYNTAX_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
StringArraySequence - Class in freemarker.core
Sequence variable implementation that wraps a String[] with relatively low resource utilization.
StringArraySequence(String[]) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.StringArraySequence
Warning: Does not copy the argument array!
StringLiteral(boolean) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
StringModel - Class in freemarker.ext.beans
Subclass of BeanModel that exposes the return value of the Object.toString() method through the TemplateScalarModel interface.
StringModel(Object, BeansWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.beans.StringModel
Creates a new model that wraps the specified object with BeanModel + scalar functionality.
StringOutput() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A production representing the ${...}
StringTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
A TemplateLoader that uses a Map with Strings as its source of templates.
StringTemplateLoader() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader
StringUtil - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Some text related utilities.
StringUtil() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
StrongCacheStorage - Class in freemarker.cache
Strong cache storage is a cache storage that simply wraps a Map.
StrongCacheStorage() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage
subtract(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
subtract(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
subtract(Number, Number) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
Switch() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
synchronizedWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
synchronizedWrapper() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence


TAG_SYNTAX_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
TaglibFactory - Class in freemarker.ext.jsp
A hash model associated with a servlet context that can load JSP tag libraries associated with that servlet context.
TaglibFactory(ServletContext) - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.jsp.TaglibFactory
Creates a new JSP taglib factory that will be used to load JSP taglibs for the web application represented by the passed servlet context.
Template - Class in freemarker.template
A core FreeMarker API that represents a compiled template.
Template(String, Reader, Configuration, String) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.Template
Constructs a template from a character stream.
Template(String, Reader, Configuration) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.Template
This is equivalent to Template(name, reader, cfg, null)
Template(String, Reader) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.Template
Deprecated. This constructor uses the "default" Configuration instance, which can easily lead to erroneous, unpredictable behaviour. See more here....
Template.WrongEncodingException - Exception in freemarker.template
Template.WrongEncodingException(String) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.Template.WrongEncodingException
TEMPLATE_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
TEMPLATE_UPDATE_DELAY_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
TemplateBooleanModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Objects that will be interpreted as true/false in the appropriate context must implement this interface.
TemplateCache - Class in freemarker.cache
A class that performs caching and on-demand loading of the templates.
TemplateCache() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Returns a template cache that will first try to load a template from the file system relative to the current user directory (i.e. the value of the system property user.dir), then from the classpath.
TemplateCache(TemplateLoader) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Creates a new template cache with a custom template loader that is used to load the templates.
TemplateCache(TemplateLoader, CacheStorage) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.TemplateCache
Creates a new template cache with a custom template loader that is used to load the templates.
TemplateClassResolver - Interface in freemarker.core
Used by built-ins and other template language features that get a class based on a string.
TemplateCollectionModel - Interface in freemarker.template
This interface can be implemented by a class to make a variable "foreach-able", i.e. the model can be used as the list in a <foreach...
TemplateDateModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Date values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateDirectiveBody - Interface in freemarker.template
Represents the body of a directive invocation.
TemplateDirectiveModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Objects that implement this interface can be used as user-defined directives (much like macros).
TemplateElement - Class in freemarker.core
Objects that represent elements in the compiled tree representation of the template necessarily descend from this abstract class.
TemplateElement() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.TemplateElement
TemplateException - Exception in freemarker.template
The FreeMarker classes usually use this exception and its descendants to signal FreeMarker specific exceptions.
TemplateException(Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Constructs a TemplateException with no specified detail message or underlying cause.
TemplateException(String, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Constructs a TemplateException with the given detail message, but no underlying cause exception.
TemplateException(Exception, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Constructs a TemplateException with the given underlying Exception, but no detail message.
TemplateException(String, Exception, Environment) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateException
Constructs a TemplateException with both a description of the error that occurred and the underlying Exception that caused this exception to be raised.
TemplateExceptionHandler - Interface in freemarker.template
An API for objects that handle exceptions that are thrown during template rendering.
TemplateHashModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Hashes in a data model must implement this interface.
TemplateHashModelEx - Interface in freemarker.template
An extended hash interface with a couple of extra hooks.
TemplateLoader - Interface in freemarker.cache
A template loader is an object that can find the source stream for a template, can retrieve its time of last modification as well as the stream itself.
TemplateMethodModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Objects that act as methods in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateMethodModelEx - Interface in freemarker.template
A subinterface of TemplateMethodModel that acts on models, rather than on strings.
TemplateModel - Interface in freemarker.template
This is a marker interface that indicates that an object can be put in a template's data model.
TemplateModelAdapter - Interface in freemarker.template
Implemented by classes that serve as adapters for template model objects in some other object model.
TemplateModelException - Exception in freemarker.template
Template model implementation classes should throw this exception if requested data cannot be retrieved.
TemplateModelException() - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
Constructs a TemplateModelException with no specified detail message.
TemplateModelException(String) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
Constructs a TemplateModelException with the specified detail message.
TemplateModelException(Exception) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
Constructs a TemplateModelException with the given underlying Exception, but no detail message.
TemplateModelException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
Constructs a TemplateModelException with both a description of the error that occurred and the underlying Exception that caused this exception to be raised.
TemplateModelIterator - Interface in freemarker.template
This interface is used to iterate over a set of template models, and is usually returned from an instance of TemplateCollectionModel.
TemplateModelListSequence - Class in freemarker.template
Sequence that wraps a java.util.List of already wrapped objects directly, with minimal resource usage.
TemplateModelListSequence(List) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.TemplateModelListSequence
TemplateNodeModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Describes objects that are nodes in a tree.
TemplateNumberModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Numeric values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateObject - Class in freemarker.core
Objects that represent instructions or expressions in the compiled tree representation of the template all descend from this abstract base class.
TemplateObject() - Constructor for class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
TemplateScalarModel - Interface in freemarker.template
String values in a template data model must implement this interface.
TemplateSequenceModel - Interface in freemarker.template
List values in a template data model whose elements are accessed by the index operator should implement this interface.
TemplateTransformModel - Interface in freemarker.template
Objects that implement this interface can be used as user-defined directives (much like macros); you should rather use the newer TemplateDirectiveModel instead.
TextBlock - Class in freemarker.core
A TemplateElement representing a block of plain text.
TextBlock(String) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.TextBlock
TextBlock(String, boolean) - Constructor for class freemarker.core.TextBlock
TIME - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
The date model represents a time-only value.
TIME_FORMAT_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
TIME_ZONE_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
ToCanonical - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Read in a template and convert it to a canonical format.
ToCanonical() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.ToCanonical
token - Variable in class freemarker.core.FMParser
token_source - Variable in class freemarker.core.FMParser
tokenImage - Variable in exception freemarker.core.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
TokenMgrError - Error in freemarker.core
TokenMgrError() - Constructor for error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for error freemarker.core.TokenMgrError
toList() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
Note that this method creates and returns a deep-copy of the underlying list used internally.
toMap() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Note that this method creates and returns a deep-copy of the underlying hash used internally.
toNumber(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.BigDecimalEngine
toNumber(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine.ConservativeEngine
toNumber(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine
toString() - Method in class freemarker.core.TemplateObject
toString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
toString() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMethodModel
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleDate
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
Convenience method for returning the String value of the underlying map.
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleNumber
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleScalar
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleSequence
toString() - Method in class freemarker.template.Template
Returns a string representing the raw template text in canonical form.
transcode(String) - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
Transform() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Transform - Class in freemarker.ext.dom
A class that contains a main() method for command-line invocation of a FreeMarker XML transformation.
transform(Reader, Writer) - Method in class freemarker.template.utility.NormalizeNewlines
Performs newline normalization on FreeMarker output.
TransformControl - Interface in freemarker.template
An interface that can be implemented by writers returned from TemplateTransformModel.getWriter(java.io.Writer, java.util.Map).
Trim() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
TRUE - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel
A singleton object to represent boolean true
TRUE - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_HASH - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_HASH_EX - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_METHOD - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_METHOD_EX - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_SCALAR - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel
TYPE_TRANSFORM - Static variable in interface freemarker.debug.DebugModel


UnaryExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
A primary expression preceded by zero or more unary operators.
UnaryPlusMinusExpression() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
UndeclaredThrowableException - Exception in freemarker.template.utility
The equivalent of JDK 1.3 UndeclaredThrowableException.
UndeclaredThrowableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException
UnifiedMacroTransform() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel
It is not known whether the date model represents a time-only, a date-only, or a datetime value.
unknownSettingException(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Configurable
UnlinkedJythonOperationsImpl - Class in freemarker.ext.ant
Used internally, public for technical reasons only.
UnlinkedJythonOperationsImpl() - Constructor for class freemarker.ext.ant.UnlinkedJythonOperationsImpl
UnparsedContent(StringBuffer) - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser
Production for dealing with unparsed content, i.e. what is inside a comment or noparse tag.
UnrecognizedTimeZoneException - Exception in freemarker.template.utility
Indicates that the time zone name is not recognized.
UnrecognizedTimeZoneException(String) - Constructor for exception freemarker.template.utility.UnrecognizedTimeZoneException
UNRESTRICTED_RESOLVER - Static variable in interface freemarker.core.TemplateClassResolver
Simply calls ClassUtil.forName(String).
unwrap(TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
unwrap(TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Attempts to unwrap a model into underlying object.
unwrap(TemplateModel, Class) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Attempts to unwrap a model into an object of the desired class.
unwrap(TemplateModel) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper
Coerces a template model into a PyObject.
unwrap(TemplateModel) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.DeepUnwrap
Unwraps TemplateModel-s recursively.
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class freemarker.core.SimpleCharStream
URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.core.Configurable
URLEnc(String, String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
URL encoding (like%20this).
URLTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
This is an abstract template loader that can load templates whose location can be described by an URL.
URLTemplateLoader() - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.URLTemplateLoader
useDefaultXPathSupport() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Tells the system to use (restore) the default (initial) XPath system used by this FreeMarker version on this system.
useJaxenXPathSupport() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Convenience method.
useSunInternalXPathSupport() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
useXalanXPathSupport() - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
Convenience method.
UTC - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil


values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.SimpleMapModel
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonHashModel
Returns object.
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoScriptableModel
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel
values() - Method in class freemarker.ext.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class freemarker.template.EmptyMap
values() - Method in class freemarker.template.SimpleHash
values() - Method in interface freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx
versionStringToInt(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
Converts a version number string to an integer for easy comparison.
visit(TemplateElement, TemplateDirectiveModel, Map, List) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
Visit() - Method in class freemarker.core.FMParser


warn(String) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs a warning message.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class freemarker.log.Logger
Logs a warning message with accompanying throwable.
WebappTemplateLoader - Class in freemarker.cache
A TemplateLoader that uses streams reachable through ServletContext.getResource(String) as its source of templates.
WebappTemplateLoader(ServletContext) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
Creates a resource template cache that will use the specified servlet context to load the resources.
WebappTemplateLoader(ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class freemarker.cache.WebappTemplateLoader
Creates a template loader that will use the specified servlet context to load the resources.
WHITESPACE_STRIPPING_KEY - Static variable in class freemarker.template.Configuration
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper
Wraps the object with a template model that is most specific for the object's class.
wrap(Node) - Static method in class freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonWrapper
Wraps the passed Jython object into a FreeMarker template model.
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.ext.rhino.RhinoWrapper
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper
wrap(Object) - Method in interface freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper
wrap(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Wraps the passed object into a template model using this object's object wrapper.
wrapDomNode(Object) - Method in class freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper
wrapper - Variable in class freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel
wrapper - Variable in class freemarker.ext.jython.JythonModel
WrapperTemplateModel - Interface in freemarker.ext.util
Deprecated. use AdapterTemplateModel instead.
WrappingTemplateModel - Class in freemarker.template
A base class for containers that wrap arbitrary Java objects into TemplateModel instances.
WrappingTemplateModel() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Protected constructor that creates a new wrapping template model using the default object wrapper.
WrappingTemplateModel(ObjectWrapper) - Constructor for class freemarker.template.WrappingTemplateModel
Protected constructor that creates a new wrapping template model using the specified object wrapper.


XHTMLEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
XHTML Encoding.
XMLEnc(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
XML Encoding.
XMLEncNA(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
XML encoding without replacing apostrophes.
XMLEncNQG(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
XML encoding without replacing apostrophes and quotation marks and greater-thans (except in ]]>).
XMLEncQAttr(String) - Static method in class freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil
XML encoding for attributes valies quoted with " (not with '!).
XmlEscape - Class in freemarker.template.utility
Performs an XML escaping of a given template fragment.
XmlEscape() - Constructor for class freemarker.template.utility.XmlEscape
XPathSupport - Interface in freemarker.ext.dom


ZERO - Static variable in class freemarker.template.utility.Constants


__getitem__(String) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
A hook that Jython uses.
__setitem__(String, Object) - Method in class freemarker.core.Environment
A hook that Jython uses.

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