Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityMode
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.persister.entity This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime metamodel. This package abstracts the notion of a "property" of an entity. 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate

Methods in org.hibernate that return EntityMode
static EntityMode EntityMode.parse(String entityMode)
          Legacy-style entity-mode name parsing.
static EntityMode EntityMode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static EntityMode[] EntityMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type EntityMode
 Object Interceptor.instantiate(String entityName, EntityMode entityMode, Serializable id)
          Instantiate the entity class.
 Object EmptyInterceptor.instantiate(String entityName, EntityMode entityMode, Serializable id)

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return EntityMode
 EntityMode Settings.getDefaultEntityMode()

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.collection.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.collection.internal with parameters of type EntityMode
protected  Serializable PersistentSortedSet.snapshot(BasicCollectionPersister persister, EntityMode entityMode)
protected  Serializable PersistentSortedMap.snapshot(BasicCollectionPersister persister, EntityMode entityMode)

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.engine.spi

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.spi with parameters of type EntityMode
 Serializable[] BatchFetchQueue.getEntityBatch(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id, int batchSize, EntityMode entityMode)
          Get a batch of unloaded identifiers for this class, using a slightly complex algorithm that tries to grab keys registered immediately after the given key.

Constructors in org.hibernate.engine.spi with parameters of type EntityMode
CollectionKey(CollectionPersister persister, Serializable key, EntityMode em)
EntityEntry(Status status, Object[] loadedState, Object rowId, Serializable id, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, EntityMode entityMode, String tenantId, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched, PersistenceContext persistenceContext)
EntityUniqueKey(String entityName, String uniqueKeyName, Object semiResolvedKey, Type keyType, EntityMode entityMode, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
TypedValue(Type type, Object value, EntityMode entityMode)

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.internal that return EntityMode
 EntityMode StatelessSessionImpl.getEntityMode()

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.mapping

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type EntityMode
 void PersistentClass.addTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, String implClassName)
 void Component.addTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, String implClassName)
 String Property.getAccessorPropertyName(EntityMode mode)
 String Subclass.getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode)
 String PersistentClass.getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode)
 String Component.getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode)

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.metamodel.binding

Methods in org.hibernate.metamodel.binding that return EntityMode
 EntityMode HierarchyDetails.getEntityMode()

Constructors in org.hibernate.metamodel.binding with parameters of type EntityMode
EntityBinding(InheritanceType inheritanceType, EntityMode entityMode)
          Used to instantiate the EntityBinding for an entity that is the root of an inheritance hierarchy
HierarchyDetails(EntityBinding rootEntityBinding, InheritanceType inheritanceType, EntityMode entityMode)

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.annotations.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.annotations.entity that return EntityMode
 EntityMode RootEntitySourceImpl.getEntityMode()

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder

Methods in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder that return EntityMode
 EntityMode RootEntitySource.getEntityMode()
          Obtain the entity mode for this entity.

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.hbm

Methods in org.hibernate.metamodel.source.hbm that return EntityMode
protected  EntityMode AbstractEntitySourceImpl.determineEntityMode()
 EntityMode RootEntitySourceImpl.getEntityMode()

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.persister.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.persister.entity that return EntityMode
 EntityMode EntityPersister.getEntityMode()
 EntityMode AbstractEntityPersister.getEntityMode()

Uses of EntityMode in

Methods in with parameters of type EntityMode
static PropertyAccessor PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor(AttributeBinding property, EntityMode mode)
          Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and entity mode.
static PropertyAccessor PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor(Property property, EntityMode mode)
          Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and entity mode.

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.tuple.component

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.component that return EntityMode
 EntityMode ComponentMetamodel.getEntityMode()

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.component with parameters of type EntityMode
 ComponentTuplizer ComponentTuplizerFactory.constructDefaultTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, Component metadata)
          Construct am instance of the default tuplizer for the given entity-mode.
 void ComponentTuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode entityMode, Class<? extends ComponentTuplizer> tuplizerClass)
          Method allowing registration of the tuplizer class to use as default for a particular entity-mode.

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.tuple.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.entity that return EntityMode
 EntityMode EntityTuplizer.getEntityMode()
          Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance.
 EntityMode DynamicMapEntityTuplizer.getEntityMode()
          Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance.
 EntityMode EntityMetamodel.getEntityMode()
 EntityMode PojoEntityTuplizer.getEntityMode()
          Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance.

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.entity with parameters of type EntityMode
 EntityTuplizer EntityTuplizerFactory.constructDefaultTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, EntityMetamodel metamodel, EntityBinding entityBinding)
          Construct am instance of the default tuplizer for the given entity-mode.
 EntityTuplizer EntityTuplizerFactory.constructDefaultTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, EntityMetamodel metamodel, PersistentClass persistentClass)
          Construct am instance of the default tuplizer for the given entity-mode.
 void EntityTuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode entityMode, Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> tuplizerClass)
          Method allowing registration of the tuplizer class to use as default for a particular entity-mode.

Uses of EntityMode in org.hibernate.type

Fields in org.hibernate.type declared as EntityMode
protected  EntityMode ComponentType.entityMode

Methods in org.hibernate.type that return EntityMode
 EntityMode ComponentType.getEntityMode()

Methods in org.hibernate.type with parameters of type EntityMode
 Object ComponentType.getPropertyValue(Object component, int i, EntityMode entityMode)
 Object[] CompositeCustomType.getPropertyValues(Object component, EntityMode entityMode)
 Object[] ComponentType.getPropertyValues(Object component, EntityMode entityMode)
 Object[] CompositeType.getPropertyValues(Object component, EntityMode entityMode)
          Extract the values of the component properties from the given component instance without access to the session.
 Object[] AnyType.getPropertyValues(Object component, EntityMode entityMode)
 Object ComponentType.instantiate(EntityMode entityMode)
          This method does not populate the component parent
 void CompositeCustomType.setPropertyValues(Object component, Object[] values, EntityMode entityMode)
 void ComponentType.setPropertyValues(Object component, Object[] values, EntityMode entityMode)
 void CompositeType.setPropertyValues(Object component, Object[] values, EntityMode entityMode)
          Inject property values onto the given component instance

An optional operation

 void AnyType.setPropertyValues(Object component, Object[] values, EntityMode entityMode)

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