Uses of Class

Packages that use DocValues
org.apache.lucene.codecs Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index. 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 Lucene 4.0 file format. 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40.values Default DocValues implementation for Lucene 4.0 indexes. 
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. 

Uses of DocValues in org.apache.lucene.codecs

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs that return DocValues
abstract  DocValues PerDocProducer.docValues(String field)
          Returns DocValues for the current field.
 DocValues PerDocProducerBase.docValues(String field)
protected  DocValues PerDocConsumer.getDocValuesForMerge(AtomicReader reader, FieldInfo info)
          Returns a DocValues instance for merging from the given reader for the given FieldInfo.
protected abstract  DocValues PerDocProducerBase.loadDocValues(int docCount, Directory dir, String id, DocValues.Type type, IOContext context)
          Loads a DocValues instance depending on the given DocValues.Type.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs that return types with arguments of type DocValues
protected abstract  Map<String,DocValues> PerDocProducerBase.docValues()
          Returns a map, mapping field names to doc values.
protected  TreeMap<String,DocValues> PerDocProducerBase.load(FieldInfos fieldInfos, String segment, int docCount, Directory dir, IOContext context)
          Only opens files...

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type DocValues
protected  void DocValuesConsumer.merge(DocValues reader, int docBase, int docCount, Bits liveDocs)
          Merges the given DocValues into this DocValuesConsumer.
 void DocValuesConsumer.merge(MergeState mergeState, DocValues[] docValues)
          Merges the given MergeState into this DocValuesConsumer.

Uses of DocValues in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40

Fields in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 with type parameters of type DocValues
protected  TreeMap<String,DocValues> Lucene40DocValuesProducer.docValues
          Maps field name to DocValues instance.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 that return DocValues
protected  DocValues Lucene40NormsFormat.Lucene40NormsDocValuesConsumer.getDocValuesForMerge(AtomicReader reader, FieldInfo info)
protected  DocValues Lucene40DocValuesProducer.loadDocValues(int docCount, Directory dir, String id, DocValues.Type type, IOContext context)

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 that return types with arguments of type DocValues
protected  Map<String,DocValues> Lucene40DocValuesProducer.docValues()

Uses of DocValues in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40.values

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40.values that return DocValues
static DocValues Bytes.getValues(Directory dir, String id, Bytes.Mode mode, boolean fixedSize, int maxDoc, Comparator<BytesRef> sortComparator, IOContext context)
          Creates a new DocValues instance that provides either memory resident or iterative access to a per-document stored byte[] value.
static DocValues Ints.getValues(Directory dir, String id, int numDocs, DocValues.Type type, IOContext context)
          Creates and returns a DocValues to read previously written int values.
static DocValues Floats.getValues(Directory dir, String id, int maxDoc, IOContext context, DocValues.Type type)
          Creates and returns a DocValues to read previously written float values.

Uses of DocValues in org.apache.lucene.index

Fields in org.apache.lucene.index declared as DocValues
static DocValues[] DocValues.EMPTY_ARRAY
          Zero length DocValues array.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return DocValues
abstract  DocValues AtomicReader.docValues(String field)
          Returns DocValues for this field.
 DocValues SegmentReader.docValues(String field)
 DocValues FilterAtomicReader.docValues(String field)
 DocValues ParallelAtomicReader.docValues(String field)
 DocValues SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.docValues(String field)
abstract  DocValues AtomicReader.normValues(String field)
          Returns DocValues for this field's normalization values.
 DocValues SegmentReader.normValues(String field)
 DocValues FilterAtomicReader.normValues(String field)
 DocValues ParallelAtomicReader.normValues(String field)
 DocValues SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.normValues(String field)

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type DocValues
static List<SortedBytesMergeUtils.SortedSourceSlice> SortedBytesMergeUtils.buildSlices(int[] docBases, MergeState.DocMap[] docMaps, DocValues[] docValues, SortedBytesMergeUtils.MergeContext ctx)
          Creates the SortedBytesMergeUtils.SortedSourceSlices for merging.
 void DocValues.SourceCache.close(DocValues values)
          Atomically closes the cache and frees all resources.
static SortedBytesMergeUtils.MergeContext SortedBytesMergeUtils.init(DocValues.Type type, DocValues[] docValues, Comparator<BytesRef> comp, int mergeDocCount)
          Creates the SortedBytesMergeUtils.MergeContext necessary for merging the ordinals.
abstract  void DocValues.SourceCache.invalidate(DocValues values)
          Atomically invalidates the cached DocValues.Source instances if any and empties the cache.
 void DocValues.SourceCache.DirectSourceCache.invalidate(DocValues values)
abstract  DocValues.Source DocValues.SourceCache.load(DocValues values)
          Atomically loads a DocValues.Source into the cache from the given DocValues and returns it iff no other DocValues.Source has already been cached.
 DocValues.Source DocValues.SourceCache.DirectSourceCache.load(DocValues values)

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