Interface PackedInts.Mutable

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public static interface PackedInts.Mutable
extends PackedInts.Reader

A packed integer array that can be modified.

NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Method Summary
 void clear()
          Sets all values to 0.
 void fill(int fromIndex, int toIndex, long val)
          Fill the mutable from fromIndex (inclusive) to toIndex (exclusive) with val.
 void save(DataOutput out)
          Save this mutable into out.
 void set(int index, long value)
          Set the value at the given index in the array.
 int set(int index, long[] arr, int off, int len)
          Bulk set: set at least one and at most len longs starting at off in arr into this mutable, starting at index.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts.Reader
get, get, getArray, getBitsPerValue, hasArray, ramBytesUsed, size

Method Detail


void set(int index,
         long value)
Set the value at the given index in the array.

index - where the value should be positioned.
value - a value conforming to the constraints set by the array.


int set(int index,
        long[] arr,
        int off,
        int len)
Bulk set: set at least one and at most len longs starting at off in arr into this mutable, starting at index. Returns the actual number of values that have been set.


void fill(int fromIndex,
          int toIndex,
          long val)
Fill the mutable from fromIndex (inclusive) to toIndex (exclusive) with val.


void clear()
Sets all values to 0.


void save(DataOutput out)
          throws IOException
Save this mutable into out. Instantiating a reader from the generated data will return a reader with the same number of bits per value.


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