Uses of Interface

Packages that use PackedInts.Mutable
org.apache.lucene.util.packed Packed integer arrays and streams. 

Uses of PackedInts.Mutable in org.apache.lucene.util.packed

Classes in org.apache.lucene.util.packed that implement PackedInts.Mutable
 class GrowableWriter
          Implements PackedInts.Mutable, but grows the bit count of the underlying packed ints on-demand.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.packed that return PackedInts.Mutable
 PackedInts.Mutable GrowableWriter.getMutable()
static PackedInts.Mutable PackedInts.getMutable(int valueCount, int bitsPerValue, float acceptableOverheadRatio)
          Create a packed integer array with the given amount of values initialized to 0.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.packed with parameters of type PackedInts.Mutable
static void PackedInts.copy(PackedInts.Reader src, int srcPos, PackedInts.Mutable dest, int destPos, int len, int mem)
          Copy src[srcPos:srcPos+len] into dest[destPos:destPos+len] using at most mem bytes.

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