Package org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation

Annotations used to restrict which classes, instances, or methods may be accessed or invoked depending on the caller's access abilities or authentication state.


Enum Summary
Logical An enum for specifying a logical operation that can be used for interpreting authorization annotations

Annotation Types Summary
RequiresAuthentication Requires the current Subject to have been authenticated during their current session for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked.
RequiresGuest Requires the current Subject to be a "guest", that is, they are not authenticated or remembered from a previous session for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked.
RequiresPermissions Requires the current executor's Subject to imply a particular permission in order to execute the annotated method.
RequiresRoles Requires the currently executing Subject to have all of the specified roles.
RequiresUser Requires the current Subject to be an application user for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked.

Package org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation Description

Annotations used to restrict which classes, instances, or methods may be accessed or invoked depending on the caller's access abilities or authentication state. Since 1.1, all core annotations were extends to accept Target ElementType.TYPE in additon to ElementType.METHOD

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