Package org.apache.shiro.authz.aop

Contains AOP implementation support classes specifically used for authorization operations, particularly supporting AOP Method Interceptors and JSR-175 metadata Annotations.


Class Summary
AnnotationsAuthorizingMethodInterceptor An AnnotationsAuthorizingMethodInterceptor is a MethodInterceptor that asserts a given method is authorized to execute based on one or more configured AuthorizingAnnotationMethodInterceptors.
AuthenticatedAnnotationHandler Handles RequiresAuthentication annotations and ensures the calling subject is authenticated before allowing access.
AuthenticatedAnnotationMethodInterceptor Checks to see if a @RequiresAuthenticated annotation is declared, and if so, ensures the calling Subject.isAuthenticated() before invoking the method.
AuthorizingAnnotationHandler An AnnotationHandler that executes authorization (access control) behavior based on directive(s) found in a JSR-175 Annotation.
AuthorizingAnnotationMethodInterceptor An AnnotationMethodInterceptor that asserts the calling code is authorized to execute the method before allowing the invocation to continue by inspecting code annotations to perform an access control check.
AuthorizingMethodInterceptor Basic abstract class to support intercepting methods that perform authorization (access control) checks.
GuestAnnotationHandler Checks to see if a @RequiresGuest annotation is declared, and if so, ensures the calling Subject does not have an identity before invoking the method.
GuestAnnotationMethodInterceptor Checks to see if a @RequiresGuest annotation is declared, and if so, ensures the calling Subject does not have an identity before invoking the method.
PermissionAnnotationHandler Checks to see if a @RequiresPermissions annotation is declared, and if so, performs a permission check to see if the calling Subject is allowed continued access.
PermissionAnnotationMethodInterceptor Checks to see if a @RequiresPermissions annotation is declared, and if so, performs a permission check to see if the calling Subject is allowed to call the method.
RoleAnnotationHandler Checks to see if a @RequiresRoles annotation is declared, and if so, performs a role check to see if the calling Subject is allowed to proceed.
RoleAnnotationMethodInterceptor Checks to see if a @RequiresRoles annotation is declared, and if so, performs a role check to see if the calling Subject is allowed to invoke the method.
UserAnnotationHandler Checks to see if a @RequiresUser annotation is declared, and if so, ensures the calling Subject is either authenticated or remembered via remember me services before allowing access.
UserAnnotationMethodInterceptor Checks to see if a @RequiresUser annotation is declared, and if so, ensures the calling Subject is either authenticated or remembered via remember me services before invoking the method.

Package org.apache.shiro.authz.aop Description

Contains AOP implementation support classes specifically used for authorization operations, particularly supporting AOP Method Interceptors and JSR-175 metadata Annotations.

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