Uses of Class

Packages that use CodecException
org.apache.shiro.codec Components for encoding and decoding of data across multiple formats, especially useful in Shiro's cryptography and web functionality. 
org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash Cryptographic Hashing components that greatly simplify one-way data hashing in an application. 

Uses of CodecException in org.apache.shiro.codec

Methods in org.apache.shiro.codec that throw CodecException
static byte[] CodecSupport.toBytes(char[] chars, String encoding)
          Converts the specified character array into a byte array using the specified character encoding.
static byte[] CodecSupport.toBytes(String source, String encoding)
          Converts the specified source to a byte array via the specified encoding, throwing a CodecException if the encoding fails.
static char[] CodecSupport.toChars(byte[] bytes, String encoding)
          Converts the specified byte array to a character array using the specified character encoding.
static String CodecSupport.toString(byte[] bytes, String encoding)
          Converts the specified byte array to a String using the specified character encoding.

Uses of CodecException in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash that throw CodecException
AbstractHash(Object source)
          Deprecated. Creates a hash of the specified source with no salt using a single hash iteration.
AbstractHash(Object source, Object salt)
          Deprecated. Creates a hash of the specified source using the given salt using a single hash iteration.
AbstractHash(Object source, Object salt, int hashIterations)
          Deprecated. Creates a hash of the specified source using the given salt a total of hashIterations times.
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source with no salt using a single hash iteration.
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source, Object salt)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source using the given salt using a single hash iteration.
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source, Object salt, int hashIterations)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source using the given salt a total of hashIterations times.

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