Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownAlgorithmException
org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash Cryptographic Hashing components that greatly simplify one-way data hashing in an application. 

Uses of UnknownAlgorithmException in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash

Methods in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash that throw UnknownAlgorithmException
protected  MessageDigest SimpleHash.getDigest(String algorithmName)
          Returns the JDK MessageDigest instance to use for executing the hash.
protected  MessageDigest AbstractHash.getDigest(String algorithmName)
          Deprecated. Returns the JDK MessageDigest instance to use for executing the hash.
protected  byte[] SimpleHash.hash(byte[] bytes)
          Hashes the specified byte array without a salt for a single iteration.
protected  byte[] SimpleHash.hash(byte[] bytes, byte[] salt)
          Hashes the specified byte array using the given salt for a single iteration.
protected  byte[] SimpleHash.hash(byte[] bytes, byte[] salt, int hashIterations)
          Hashes the specified byte array using the given salt for the specified number of iterations.
protected  byte[] AbstractHash.hash(byte[] bytes, byte[] salt, int hashIterations)
          Deprecated. Hashes the specified byte array using the given salt for the specified number of iterations.

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash that throw UnknownAlgorithmException
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source with no salt using a single hash iteration.
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source, Object salt)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source using the given salt using a single hash iteration.
SimpleHash(String algorithmName, Object source, Object salt, int hashIterations)
          Creates an algorithmName-specific hash of the specified source using the given salt a total of hashIterations times.

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