Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.shiro.mgt
org.apache.shiro This package primarily exists as a root classpath distinction, but it does contain two core classes widely used by applications, SecurityUtils and ShiroException
org.apache.shiro.config Components that support configuring Shiro in any application. 
org.apache.shiro.env Concepts used to represent Shiro's aggregate state in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 
org.apache.shiro.util Your run-of-the-mill 'util' pacakge for components and logic widely used across the framework that can't find their home into a proper OO hierarchy (or, most likely for things used across many hierarchies). 

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro.config
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro.env
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro.mgt
          Shiro support of a SecurityManager class hierarchy that delegates all authentication operations to a wrapped Authenticator instance.
          Shiro support of a SecurityManager class hierarchy that delegates all authorization (access control) operations to a wrapped Authorizer instance.
          A very basic starting point for the SecurityManager interface that merely provides logging and caching support.
          Shiro support of a SecurityManager class hierarchy based around a collection of Realms.
          A RememberMeManager is responsible for remembering a Subject's identity across that Subject's sessions with the application.
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.
          Shiro support of a SecurityManager class hierarchy that delegates all session operations to a wrapped SessionManager instance.
          Evaluates whether or not Shiro may use a Subject's Session to persist that Subject's internal state.
          A SubjectDAO is responsible for persisting a Subject instance's internal state such that the Subject instance can be recreated at a later time if necessary.
          A SubjectFactory is responsible for constructing Subject instances as needed.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro.subject
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.mgt used by org.apache.shiro.util
          A SecurityManager executes all security operations for all Subjects (aka users) across a single application.

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