Package org.apache.shiro.subject

Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API.


Interface Summary
MutablePrincipalCollection A PrincipalCollection that allows modification.
PrincipalCollection A collection of all principals associated with a corresponding Subject.

A PrincipalMap is map of all of a subject's principals - its identifying attributes like username, userId, etc.

Subject A Subject represents state and security operations for a single application user.
SubjectContext A SubjectContext is a 'bucket' of data presented to a SecurityManager which interprets this data to construct Subject instances.

Class Summary
SimplePrincipalCollection A simple implementation of the MutablePrincipalCollection interface that tracks principals internally by storing them in a LinkedHashMap.
SimplePrincipalMap Default implementation of the PrincipalMap interface.
Subject.Builder Builder design pattern implementation for creating Subject instances in a simplified way without requiring knowledge of Shiro's construction techniques.

Exception Summary
ExecutionException Exception wrapping any potential checked exception thrown when a Subject executes a Callable.

Package org.apache.shiro.subject Description

Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API.

A Subject is the primary component when using Shiro programatically for single-user security operations, and it is the handle to any accessible user security data. All single-user authentication, authorization and session operations are performed via a Subject instance.

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