Class SimplePrincipalCollection

  extended by org.apache.shiro.subject.SimplePrincipalCollection
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable, MutablePrincipalCollection, PrincipalCollection

public class SimplePrincipalCollection
extends Object
implements MutablePrincipalCollection

A simple implementation of the MutablePrincipalCollection interface that tracks principals internally by storing them in a LinkedHashMap.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
SimplePrincipalCollection(Collection principals, String realmName)
SimplePrincipalCollection(Object principal, String realmName)
SimplePrincipalCollection(PrincipalCollection principals)
Method Summary
 void add(Object principal, String realmName)
          Adds the given principal to this collection.
 void addAll(Collection principals, String realmName)
          Adds all of the principals in the given collection to this collection.
 void addAll(PrincipalCollection principals)
          Adds all of the principals from the given principal collection to this collection.
 List asList()
          Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a List, or an empty List if there are not any principals.
 Set asSet()
          Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a Set, or an empty Set if there are not any principals.
<T> Collection<T>
byType(Class<T> type)
          Returns all principals assignable from the specified type, or an empty Collection if no principals of that type are contained.
 void clear()
          Removes all Principals in this collection.
 boolean equals(Object o)
 Collection fromRealm(String realmName)
          Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from the specified Realm only as a Collection, or an empty Collection if there are not any principals from that realm.
 Object getPrimaryPrincipal()
          Returns the first available principal from any of the Realm principals, or null if there are no principals yet.
protected  Collection getPrincipalsLazy(String realmName)
 Set<String> getRealmNames()
          Returns the realm names that this collection has principals for.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if this collection is empty, false otherwise.
 Iterator iterator()
<T> T
oneByType(Class<T> type)
          Returns the first discovered principal assignable from the specified type, or null if there are none of the specified type.
 String toString()
          Returns a simple string representation suitable for printing.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimplePrincipalCollection()


public SimplePrincipalCollection(Object principal,
                                 String realmName)


public SimplePrincipalCollection(Collection principals,
                                 String realmName)


public SimplePrincipalCollection(PrincipalCollection principals)
Method Detail


protected Collection getPrincipalsLazy(String realmName)


public Object getPrimaryPrincipal()
Returns the first available principal from any of the Realm principals, or null if there are no principals yet.

The 'first available principal' is interpreted as the principal that would be returned by iterator().next().

Specified by:
getPrimaryPrincipal in interface PrincipalCollection
the primary principal used to uniquely identify the owning account/Subject


public void add(Object principal,
                String realmName)
Description copied from interface: MutablePrincipalCollection
Adds the given principal to this collection.

Specified by:
add in interface MutablePrincipalCollection
principal - the principal to be added.
realmName - the realm this principal came from.


public void addAll(Collection principals,
                   String realmName)
Description copied from interface: MutablePrincipalCollection
Adds all of the principals in the given collection to this collection.

Specified by:
addAll in interface MutablePrincipalCollection
principals - the principals to be added.
realmName - the realm these principals came from.


public void addAll(PrincipalCollection principals)
Description copied from interface: MutablePrincipalCollection
Adds all of the principals from the given principal collection to this collection.

Specified by:
addAll in interface MutablePrincipalCollection
principals - the principals to add.


public <T> T oneByType(Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns the first discovered principal assignable from the specified type, or null if there are none of the specified type.

Note that this will return null if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.

Specified by:
oneByType in interface PrincipalCollection
type - the type of the principal that should be returned.
a principal of the specified type or null if there isn't one of the specified type.


public <T> Collection<T> byType(Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns all principals assignable from the specified type, or an empty Collection if no principals of that type are contained.

Note that this will return an empty Collection if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.

Specified by:
byType in interface PrincipalCollection
type - the type of the principals that should be returned.
a Collection of principals that are assignable from the specified type, or an empty Collection if no principals of this type are associated.


public List asList()
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a List, or an empty List if there are not any principals.

Note that this will return an empty List if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.

Specified by:
asList in interface PrincipalCollection
a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a List.


public Set asSet()
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a Set, or an empty Set if there are not any principals.

Note that this will return an empty Set if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.

Specified by:
asSet in interface PrincipalCollection
a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a Set.


public Collection fromRealm(String realmName)
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from the specified Realm only as a Collection, or an empty Collection if there are not any principals from that realm.

Note that this will return an empty Collection if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.

Specified by:
fromRealm in interface PrincipalCollection
realmName - the name of the Realm from which the principals were retrieved.
the Subject's principals from the specified Realm only as a Collection or an empty Collection if there are not any principals from that realm.


public Set<String> getRealmNames()
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns the realm names that this collection has principals for.

Specified by:
getRealmNames in interface PrincipalCollection
the names of realms that this collection has one or more principals for.


public boolean isEmpty()
Description copied from interface: PrincipalCollection
Returns true if this collection is empty, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface PrincipalCollection
true if this collection is empty, false otherwise.


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: MutablePrincipalCollection
Removes all Principals in this collection.

Specified by:
clear in interface MutablePrincipalCollection


public Iterator iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public String toString()
Returns a simple string representation suitable for printing.

toString in class Object
a simple string representation suitable for printing.

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