Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidSessionException
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.session Components related to managing sessions, the time-based data contexts in which a Subject interacts with an application. 
org.apache.shiro.session.mgt SessionManager components supporting enterprise session management. 

Uses of InvalidSessionException in org.apache.shiro.mgt

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt that throw InvalidSessionException
protected  Session DefaultSecurityManager.resolveContextSession(SubjectContext context)

Uses of InvalidSessionException in org.apache.shiro.session

Subclasses of InvalidSessionException in org.apache.shiro.session
 class ExpiredSessionException
          A special case of a StoppedSessionException.
 class StoppedSessionException
          Exception thrown when attempting to interact with the system under a session that has been stopped.
 class UnknownSessionException
          Exception thrown when attempting to interact with the system under the pretense of a particular session (e.g.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session that throw InvalidSessionException
 Object Session.getAttribute(Object key)
          Returns the object bound to this session identified by the specified key.
 Object ProxiedSession.getAttribute(Object key)
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 Collection<Object> Session.getAttributeKeys()
          Returns the keys of all the attributes stored under this session.
 Collection<Object> ProxiedSession.getAttributeKeys()
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 long Session.getTimeout()
          Returns the time in milliseconds that the session session may remain idle before expiring.
 long ProxiedSession.getTimeout()
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 Object Session.removeAttribute(Object key)
          Removes (unbinds) the object bound to this session under the specified key name.
 Object ProxiedSession.removeAttribute(Object key)
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 void Session.setAttribute(Object key, Object value)
          Binds the specified value to this session, uniquely identified by the specifed key name.
 void ProxiedSession.setAttribute(Object key, Object value)
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 void Session.setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
          Sets the time in milliseconds that the session may remain idle before expiring.
 void ProxiedSession.setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 void Session.stop()
          Explicitly stops (invalidates) this session and releases all associated resources.
 void ProxiedSession.stop()
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.
 void Session.touch()
          Explicitly updates the lastAccessTime of this session to the current time when this method is invoked.
 void ProxiedSession.touch()
          Immediately delegates to the underlying proxied session.

Uses of InvalidSessionException in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt with parameters of type InvalidSessionException
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.onInvalidation(Session s, InvalidSessionException ise, SessionKey key)

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt that throw InvalidSessionException
 void NativeSessionManager.checkValid(SessionKey key)
          Returns quietly if the associated session is valid (it exists and is not stopped or expired) or throws an InvalidSessionException indicating that the session id is invalid.
 void AbstractNativeSessionManager.checkValid(SessionKey key)
protected  Session AbstractValidatingSessionManager.doGetSession(SessionKey key)
protected abstract  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.doGetSession(SessionKey key)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.doValidate(Session session)
 Object DelegatingSession.getAttribute(Object attributeKey)
 Object NativeSessionManager.getAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey)
          Returns the object bound to the associated session identified by the specified attribute key.
 Object AbstractNativeSessionManager.getAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey)
 Collection<Object> SimpleSession.getAttributeKeys()
 Collection<Object> DelegatingSession.getAttributeKeys()
 long DelegatingSession.getTimeout()
 long NativeSessionManager.getTimeout(SessionKey key)
          Returns the time in milliseconds that the associated session may remain idle before expiring.
 long AbstractNativeSessionManager.getTimeout(SessionKey key)
 Object ImmutableProxiedSession.removeAttribute(Object key)
          Immediately throws an InvalidSessionException in all cases because this proxy is immutable.
 Object DelegatingSession.removeAttribute(Object attributeKey)
 Object NativeSessionManager.removeAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey)
          Removes (unbinds) the object bound to associated Session under the given attributeKey.
 Object AbstractNativeSessionManager.removeAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey)
 void ImmutableProxiedSession.setAttribute(Object key, Object value)
          Immediately throws an InvalidSessionException in all cases because this proxy is immutable.
 void DelegatingSession.setAttribute(Object attributeKey, Object value)
 void NativeSessionManager.setAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey, Object value)
          Binds the specified value to the associated session uniquely identified by the attributeKey.
 void AbstractNativeSessionManager.setAttribute(SessionKey sessionKey, Object attributeKey, Object value)
 void ImmutableProxiedSession.setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
          Immediately throws an InvalidSessionException in all cases because this proxy is immutable.
 void DelegatingSession.setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
 void NativeSessionManager.setTimeout(SessionKey key, long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
          Sets the time in milliseconds that the associated session may remain idle before expiring.
 void AbstractNativeSessionManager.setTimeout(SessionKey key, long maxIdleTimeInMillis)
 void ImmutableProxiedSession.stop()
          Immediately throws an InvalidSessionException in all cases because this proxy is immutable.
 void DelegatingSession.stop()
 void NativeSessionManager.stop(SessionKey key)
          Explicitly stops the associated session, thereby releasing all of its resources.
 void AbstractNativeSessionManager.stop(SessionKey key)
protected  void ImmutableProxiedSession.throwImmutableException()
          Simply throws an InvalidSessionException indicating that this proxy is immutable.
 void ImmutableProxiedSession.touch()
          Immediately throws an InvalidSessionException in all cases because this proxy is immutable.
 void DelegatingSession.touch()
 void NativeSessionManager.touch(SessionKey key)
          Updates the last accessed time of the session identified by sessionId.
 void AbstractNativeSessionManager.touch(SessionKey key)
 void ValidatingSession.validate()
 void SimpleSession.validate()
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.validate(Session session, SessionKey key)

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