Uses of Interface

Packages that use Subject
org.apache.shiro This package primarily exists as a root classpath distinction, but it does contain two core classes widely used by applications, SecurityUtils and ShiroException
org.apache.shiro.aop Components used to support the framework's AOP/interception support classes. 
org.apache.shiro.concurrent Executor, ExecutorService, and ScheduledExecutorService implementations for transparent Subject association with threads in an asynchronous execution environment. 
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 
org.apache.shiro.util Your run-of-the-mill 'util' pacakge for components and logic widely used across the framework that can't find their home into a proper OO hierarchy (or, most likely for things used across many hierarchies). 

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro

Methods in org.apache.shiro that return Subject
static Subject SecurityUtils.getSubject()
          Returns the currently accessible Subject available to the calling code depending on runtime environment.

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro.aop

Methods in org.apache.shiro.aop that return Subject
protected  Subject MethodInterceptorSupport.getSubject()
          Returns the Subject associated with the currently-executing code.
protected  Subject AnnotationHandler.getSubject()
          Returns the Subject associated with the currently-executing code.

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro.concurrent

Methods in org.apache.shiro.concurrent that return Subject
protected  Subject SubjectAwareExecutor.getSubject()
          Returns the currently Subject instance that should be associated with Runnable or Callable instances before being dispatched to the target Executor instance.

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro.mgt

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt that return Subject
protected  Subject DefaultSecurityManager.createSubject(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject existing)
          Creates a Subject instance for the user represented by the given method arguments.
 Subject SubjectFactory.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Creates a new Subject instance reflecting the state of the specified contextual data.
 Subject SecurityManager.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Creates a Subject instance reflecting the specified contextual data.
 Subject DefaultSubjectFactory.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
 Subject DefaultSecurityManager.createSubject(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          This implementation functions as follows:

Ensures the SubjectContext is as populated as it can be, using heuristics to acquire data that may not have already been available to it (such as a referenced session or remembered principals). Calls DefaultSecurityManager.doCreateSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) to actually perform the Subject instance creation. calls save(subject) to ensure the constructed Subject's state is accessible for future requests/invocations if necessary. returns the constructed Subject instance.

protected  Subject DefaultSecurityManager.doCreateSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Actually creates a Subject instance by delegating to the internal subjectFactory.
 Subject SecurityManager.login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken authenticationToken)
          Logs in the specified Subject using the given authenticationToken, returning an updated Subject instance reflecting the authenticated state if successful or throwing AuthenticationException if it is not.
 Subject DefaultSecurityManager.login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token)
          First authenticates the AuthenticationToken argument, and if successful, constructs a Subject instance representing the authenticated account's identity.
protected  Subject DefaultSubjectFactory.newSubjectInstance(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, SecurityManager securityManager)
          Deprecated. since 1.2 - override DefaultSubjectFactory.createSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) directly if you need to instantiate a custom Subject class.
 Subject subject)
          Persists the specified Subject's state for later access.
 Subject subject)
          Saves the subject's state to the subject's session only if sessionStorageEnabled(subject).

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt with parameters of type Subject
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.beforeLogout(Subject subject)
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.bind(Subject subject)
          Deprecated. in favor of save(subject).
protected  Subject DefaultSecurityManager.createSubject(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject existing)
          Creates a Subject instance for the user represented by the given method arguments.
 void SubjectDAO.delete(Subject subject)
          Removes any persisted state for the specified Subject instance.
 void DefaultSubjectDAO.delete(Subject subject)
          Removes any existing subject state from the subject's session (if the session exists).
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.delete(Subject subject)
          Removes (or 'unbinds') the Subject's state from the application, typically called during DefaultSecurityManager.logout(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject)..
protected abstract  void AbstractRememberMeManager.forgetIdentity(Subject subject)
          Forgets (removes) any remembered identity data for the specified Subject instance.
protected  PrincipalCollection AbstractRememberMeManager.getIdentityToRemember(Subject subject, AuthenticationInfo info)
          Returns info.getPrincipals() and ignores the Subject argument.
 boolean SessionStorageEvaluator.isSessionStorageEnabled(Subject subject)
          Returns true if the specified Subject's session may be used to persist that Subject's state, false otherwise.
protected  boolean DefaultSubjectDAO.isSessionStorageEnabled(Subject subject)
          Determines if the subject's session will be used to persist subject state or not.
 boolean DefaultSessionStorageEvaluator.isSessionStorageEnabled(Subject subject)
          This implementation functions as follows: If the specified Subject already has an existing Session (typically because an application developer has called subject.getSession() already), Shiro will use that existing session to store subject state. If a Subject does not yet have a Session, this implementation checks the sessionStorageEnabled property: If sessionStorageEnabled is true (the default setting), a new session may be created to persist Subject state if necessary. If sessionStorageEnabled is false, a new session will not be created to persist session state. Most applications use Sessions and are OK with the default true setting for sessionStorageEnabled.
 Subject SecurityManager.login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken authenticationToken)
          Logs in the specified Subject using the given authenticationToken, returning an updated Subject instance reflecting the authenticated state if successful or throwing AuthenticationException if it is not.
 Subject DefaultSecurityManager.login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token)
          First authenticates the AuthenticationToken argument, and if successful, constructs a Subject instance representing the authenticated account's identity.
 void SecurityManager.logout(Subject subject)
          Logs out the specified Subject from the system.
 void DefaultSecurityManager.logout(Subject subject)
protected  void DefaultSubjectDAO.mergeAuthenticationState(Subject subject)
          Merges the Subject's current authentication state with whatever may be in any available session.
protected  void DefaultSubjectDAO.mergePrincipals(Subject subject)
          Merges the Subject's current getPrincipals() with whatever may be in any available session.
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.onFailedLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationException ae, Subject subject)
 void RememberMeManager.onFailedLogin(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationException ae)
          Reacts to a failed authentication attempt, typically by forgetting any previously remembered principals for the Subject.
 void AbstractRememberMeManager.onFailedLogin(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationException ae)
          Reacts to a failed login by immediately forgetting any previously remembered identity.
 void RememberMeManager.onLogout(Subject subject)
          Reacts to a Subject logging out of the application, typically by forgetting any previously remembered principals for the Subject.
 void AbstractRememberMeManager.onLogout(Subject subject)
          Reacts to a subject logging out of the application and immediately forgets any previously stored identity and returns.
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.onSuccessfulLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject subject)
 void RememberMeManager.onSuccessfulLogin(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)
          Reacts to a successful authentication attempt, typically saving the principals to be retrieved ('remembered') for future system access.
 void AbstractRememberMeManager.onSuccessfulLogin(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)
          Reacts to the successful login attempt by first always forgetting any previously stored identity.
 void AbstractRememberMeManager.rememberIdentity(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo authcInfo)
          Remembers a subject-unique identity for retrieval later.
protected  void AbstractRememberMeManager.rememberIdentity(Subject subject, PrincipalCollection accountPrincipals)
          Remembers the specified account principals by first converting them to a byte array and then remembers that byte array.
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.rememberMeFailedLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationException ex, Subject subject)
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.rememberMeLogout(Subject subject)
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.rememberMeSuccessfulLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject subject)
protected abstract  void AbstractRememberMeManager.rememberSerializedIdentity(Subject subject, byte[] serialized)
          Persists the identity bytes to a persistent store for retrieval later via the AbstractRememberMeManager.getRememberedSerializedIdentity(SubjectContext) method.
protected  void DefaultSubjectDAO.removeFromSession(Subject subject)
          Removes any existing subject state from the Subject's session (if the session exists).
 Subject subject)
          Persists the specified Subject's state for later access.
 Subject subject)
          Saves the subject's state to the subject's session only if sessionStorageEnabled(subject).
protected  void subject)
          Saves the subject's state to a persistent location for future reference if necessary.
protected  void DefaultSubjectDAO.saveToSession(Subject subject)
          Saves the subject's state (it's principals and authentication state) to its session.
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.stopSession(Subject subject)
protected  void DefaultSecurityManager.unbind(Subject subject)
          Deprecated. in Shiro 1.2 in favor of DefaultSecurityManager.delete(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject)

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro.subject

Methods in org.apache.shiro.subject that return Subject
 Subject Subject.Builder.buildSubject()
          Creates and returns a new Subject instance reflecting the cumulative state acquired by the other methods in this class.
 Subject SubjectContext.getSubject()
          Returns any existing Subject that may be in use at the time the new Subject instance is being created.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.subject with parameters of type Subject
 void SubjectContext.setSubject(Subject subject)
          Sets the existing Subject that may be in use at the time the new Subject instance is being created.

Uses of Subject in

Classes in that implement Subject
 class DelegatingSubject
          Implementation of the Subject interface that delegates method calls to an underlying SecurityManager instance for security checks.

Methods in that return Subject
protected  Subject SubjectThreadState.getSubject()
          Returns the Subject instance managed by this ThreadState implementation.
 Subject DefaultSubjectContext.getSubject()

Methods in with parameters of type Subject
 void DefaultSubjectContext.setSubject(Subject subject)

Constructors in with parameters of type Subject
SubjectCallable(Subject subject, Callable<V> delegate)
SubjectRunnable(Subject subject, Runnable delegate)
          Creates a new SubjectRunnable that, when executed, will execute the target delegate, but guarantees that it will run associated with the specified Subject.
SubjectThreadState(Subject subject)
          Creates a new SubjectThreadState that will bind and unbind the specified Subject to the thread

Uses of Subject in org.apache.shiro.util

Methods in org.apache.shiro.util that return Subject
static Subject ThreadContext.getSubject()
          Convenience method that simplifies retrieval of a thread-bound Subject.
static Subject ThreadContext.unbindSubject()
          Convenience method that simplifies removal of a thread-local Subject from the thread.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.util with parameters of type Subject
static void ThreadContext.bind(Subject subject)
          Convenience method that simplifies binding a Subject to the ThreadContext.

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