Uses of Interface

Packages that use SubjectContext
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 

Uses of SubjectContext in org.apache.shiro.mgt

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt that return SubjectContext
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.copy(SubjectContext subjectContext)
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.createSubjectContext()
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.ensureSecurityManager(SubjectContext context)
          Determines if there is a SecurityManager instance in the context, and if not, adds 'this' to the context.
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.resolvePrincipals(SubjectContext context)
          Attempts to resolve an identity (a PrincipalCollection) for the context using heuristics.
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.resolveSession(SubjectContext context)
          Attempts to resolve any associated session based on the context and returns a context that represents this resolved Session to ensure it may be referenced if necessary by the invoked SubjectFactory that performs actual Subject construction.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt with parameters of type SubjectContext
protected  PrincipalCollection AbstractRememberMeManager.convertBytesToPrincipals(byte[] bytes, SubjectContext subjectContext)
          If a cipherService is available, it will be used to first decrypt the byte array.
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.copy(SubjectContext subjectContext)
protected  SessionContext DefaultSecurityManager.createSessionContext(SubjectContext subjectContext)
 Subject SubjectFactory.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Creates a new Subject instance reflecting the state of the specified contextual data.
 Subject SecurityManager.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Creates a Subject instance reflecting the specified contextual data.
 Subject DefaultSubjectFactory.createSubject(SubjectContext context)
 Subject DefaultSecurityManager.createSubject(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          This implementation functions as follows:

Ensures the SubjectContext is as populated as it can be, using heuristics to acquire data that may not have already been available to it (such as a referenced session or remembered principals). Calls DefaultSecurityManager.doCreateSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) to actually perform the Subject instance creation. calls save(subject) to ensure the constructed Subject's state is accessible for future requests/invocations if necessary. returns the constructed Subject instance.

protected  Subject DefaultSecurityManager.doCreateSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Actually creates a Subject instance by delegating to the internal subjectFactory.
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.ensureSecurityManager(SubjectContext context)
          Determines if there is a SecurityManager instance in the context, and if not, adds 'this' to the context.
 void RememberMeManager.forgetIdentity(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          Forgets any remembered identity corresponding to the subject context map being used to build a subject instance.
protected  PrincipalCollection DefaultSecurityManager.getRememberedIdentity(SubjectContext subjectContext)
 PrincipalCollection RememberMeManager.getRememberedPrincipals(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          Based on the specified subject context map being used to build a Subject instance, returns any previously remembered principals for the subject for automatic identity association (aka 'Remember Me').
 PrincipalCollection AbstractRememberMeManager.getRememberedPrincipals(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          Implements the interface method by first acquiring the remembered serialized byte array.
protected abstract  byte[] AbstractRememberMeManager.getRememberedSerializedIdentity(SubjectContext subjectContext)
          Based on the given subject context data, retrieves the previously persisted serialized identity, or null if there is no available data.
protected  SessionKey DefaultSecurityManager.getSessionKey(SubjectContext context)
protected  PrincipalCollection AbstractRememberMeManager.onRememberedPrincipalFailure(RuntimeException e, SubjectContext context)
          Called when an exception is thrown while trying to retrieve principals.
protected  Session DefaultSecurityManager.resolveContextSession(SubjectContext context)
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.resolvePrincipals(SubjectContext context)
          Attempts to resolve an identity (a PrincipalCollection) for the context using heuristics.
protected  SubjectContext DefaultSecurityManager.resolveSession(SubjectContext context)
          Attempts to resolve any associated session based on the context and returns a context that represents this resolved Session to ensure it may be referenced if necessary by the invoked SubjectFactory that performs actual Subject construction.

Uses of SubjectContext in org.apache.shiro.subject

Methods in org.apache.shiro.subject that return SubjectContext
protected  SubjectContext Subject.Builder.getSubjectContext()
          Returns the backing context used to build the Subject instance, available to subclasses since the context class attribute is marked as private.
protected  SubjectContext Subject.Builder.newSubjectContextInstance()
          Creates a new SubjectContext instance to be used to populate with subject contextual data that will then be sent to the SecurityManager to create a new Subject instance.

Uses of SubjectContext in

Classes in that implement SubjectContext
 class DefaultSubjectContext
          Default implementation of the SubjectContext interface.

Constructors in with parameters of type SubjectContext
DefaultSubjectContext(SubjectContext ctx)

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