Class ActionRedirect

  extended by org.apache.struts.config.BaseConfig
      extended by org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig
          extended by org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
              extended by org.apache.struts.action.ActionRedirect
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ActionRedirect
extends ActionForward

A subclass of ActionForward which is designed for use in redirecting requests, with support for adding parameters at runtime.
An ForwardConfig (or subclass) can be passed to the constructor to copy its configuration:

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                              ActionForm form,
                              HttpServletRequest request,
                              HttpServletResponse response)
         throws Exception {
     ActionRedirect redirect =
             new ActionRedirect(mapping.findForward("doRedirect"));
     return redirect;

$Rev: 513602 $ $Date: 2007-03-01 20:50:23 -0600 (Thu, 01 Mar 2007) $
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String anchorValue
          Holds the anchor value.
protected static Log LOG
          Commons logging instance.
protected  Map parameterValues
          Holds the redirect parameters.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig
catalog, command, extensionProcessed, inherit, module, name, path, redirect
Fields inherited from class org.apache.struts.config.BaseConfig
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new instance with redirect set to true and initialize parameter lists.
ActionRedirect(ForwardConfig baseConfig)
          Construct a new instance with a ForwardConfig object to copy name, path, contextRelative, and arbitrary property values from.
ActionRedirect(String path)
          Construct a new instance with the specified path and initialize parameter lists.
ActionRedirect(String name, String path, String module)
          Construct a new instance with the specified values and initialize parameter lists.
Method Summary
 ActionRedirect addParameter(String fieldName, Object valueObj)
          Adds the object's toString() to the list of parameters if it's not null, or an empty string with the given fieldName if it is.
 String getAnchorString()
          Forms the string containing the parameters passed onto this object thru calls to addParameter().
 String getOriginalPath()
          Get the original path without the parameters added at runtime.
 String getParameterString()
          Forms the string containing the parameters passed onto this object thru calls to addParameter().
 String getPath()
          Get the path for this object, including any parameters that may have been added at runtime.
 ActionRedirect setAnchor(String anchorValue)
          Adds an anchor to the path.
 String toString()
          Return a string description of this object.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig
checkCircularInheritance, getCatalog, getCommand, getExtends, getModule, getName, getRedirect, inheritFrom, isExtensionProcessed, processExtends, setCatalog, setCommand, setExtends, setModule, setName, setPath, setRedirect
Methods inherited from class org.apache.struts.config.BaseConfig
copyProperties, freeze, getProperties, getProperty, inheritProperties, setProperties, setProperty, throwIfConfigured
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final Log LOG

Commons logging instance.


protected Map parameterValues

Holds the redirect parameters. Each entry is either a String or a String[] depending on whether it has one or more entries.


protected String anchorValue

Holds the anchor value.

Constructor Detail


public ActionRedirect()

Construct a new instance with redirect set to true and initialize parameter lists.


public ActionRedirect(String path)

Construct a new instance with the specified path and initialize parameter lists.

path - Path for this instance


public ActionRedirect(String name,
                      String path,
                      String module)

Construct a new instance with the specified values and initialize parameter lists.

name - Name of this instance
path - Path for this instance
module - Module prefix, if any


public ActionRedirect(ForwardConfig baseConfig)

Construct a new instance with a ForwardConfig object to copy name, path, contextRelative, and arbitrary property values from.

baseConfig - the ForwardConfig to copy configuration values from
Method Detail


public ActionRedirect addParameter(String fieldName,
                                   Object valueObj)

Adds the object's toString() to the list of parameters if it's not null, or an empty string with the given fieldName if it is.

fieldName - the name to use for the parameter
valueObj - the value for this parameter
The ActionRedirect instance this method is called on


public ActionRedirect setAnchor(String anchorValue)

Adds an anchor to the path. Technically, the anchor value is just stored for later and will be added to the path in getPath(). Note that this is a considerably simpler method than the addParmaeter method because aside from encoding the value, there isn't really anything to do. Passing in null is fine because that is the value that will be checked for later to determine whether to append an anchor to the path or not.

anchorValue - The anchor to append to the path
The ActionRefirect instance this method is called on


public String getOriginalPath()

Get the original path without the parameters added at runtime.

the original path as configured.


public String getPath()

Get the path for this object, including any parameters that may have been added at runtime.

getPath in class ForwardConfig
The path for this object.


public String getAnchorString()

Forms the string containing the parameters passed onto this object thru calls to addParameter().

a string which can be appended to the URLs. The return string includes a leading hash mark (#).


public String getParameterString()

Forms the string containing the parameters passed onto this object thru calls to addParameter().

a string which can be appended to the URLs. The return string does not include a leading question mark (?).


public String toString()

Return a string description of this object.

toString in class ForwardConfig
a string containing the original path for this object and the parameters it currently holds

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