Uses of Interface

Packages that use Factory
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.functors This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.list This package contains implementations of the List interface. This package contains implementations of the Map, IterableMap, OrderedMap and SortedMap interfaces. 

Uses of Factory in org.apache.commons.collections

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return Factory
static Factory FactoryUtils.constantFactory(java.lang.Object constantToReturn)
          Creates a Factory that will return the same object each time the factory is used.
static Factory FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory()
          Gets a Factory that always throws an exception.
static Factory FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(java.lang.Class classToInstantiate)
          Creates a Factory that can create objects of a specific type using a no-args constructor.
static Factory FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(java.lang.Class classToInstantiate, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Creates a Factory that can create objects of a specific type using the arguments specified to this method.
static Factory FactoryUtils.nullFactory()
          Gets a Factory that will return null each time the factory is used.
static Factory FactoryUtils.prototypeFactory(java.lang.Object prototype)
          Creates a Factory that will return a clone of the same prototype object each time the factory is used.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections with parameters of type Factory
static Transformer TransformerUtils.asTransformer(Factory factory)
          Creates a Transformer that calls a Factory each time the transformer is used.
static java.util.List ListUtils.lazyList(java.util.List list, Factory factory)
          Returns a "lazy" list whose elements will be created on demand.
static java.util.Map MapUtils.lazyMap(java.util.Map map, Factory factory)
          Returns a "lazy" map whose values will be created on demand.
static java.util.SortedMap MapUtils.lazySortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Factory factory)
          Returns a "lazy" sorted map whose values will be created on demand.
static java.util.Map MapUtils.multiValueMap(java.util.Map map, Factory collectionFactory)
          Creates a multi-value map backed by the given map which returns collections created by the specified collection factory.

Uses of Factory in org.apache.commons.collections.functors

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.functors that implement Factory
 class ConstantFactory
          Factory implementation that returns the same constant each time.
 class ExceptionFactory
          Factory implementation that always throws an exception.
 class InstantiateFactory
          Factory implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.functors declared as Factory
static Factory ExceptionFactory.INSTANCE
          Singleton predicate instance
static Factory ConstantFactory.NULL_INSTANCE
          Returns null each time

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.functors that return Factory
 Factory FactoryTransformer.getFactory()
          Gets the factory.
static Factory ExceptionFactory.getInstance()
          Factory returning the singleton instance.
static Factory InstantiateFactory.getInstance(java.lang.Class classToInstantiate, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Factory PrototypeFactory.getInstance(java.lang.Object prototype)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Factory ConstantFactory.getInstance(java.lang.Object constantToReturn)
          Factory method that performs validation.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.functors with parameters of type Factory
static Transformer FactoryTransformer.getInstance(Factory factory)
          Factory method that performs validation.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.functors with parameters of type Factory
FactoryTransformer(Factory factory)
          Constructor that performs no validation.

Uses of Factory in org.apache.commons.collections.list

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.list declared as Factory
protected  Factory LazyList.factory
          The factory to use to lazily instantiate the objects

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type Factory
static java.util.List LazyList.decorate(java.util.List list, Factory factory)
          Factory method to create a lazily instantiating list.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type Factory
LazyList(java.util.List list, Factory factory)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Factory in

Methods in with parameters of type Factory
static MultiValueMap MultiValueMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Factory collectionFactory)
          Creates a map which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.
static java.util.Map LazyMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Factory factory)
          Factory method to create a lazily instantiated map.
static java.util.Map DefaultedMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Factory factory)
          Factory method to create a defaulting map.
static java.util.SortedMap LazySortedMap.decorate(java.util.SortedMap map, Factory factory)
          Factory method to create a lazily instantiated sorted map.

Constructors in with parameters of type Factory
LazyMap(java.util.Map map, Factory factory)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
LazySortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Factory factory)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
MultiValueMap(java.util.Map map, Factory collectionFactory)
          Creates a MultiValueMap which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.

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