Class FingerClient

  extended by
      extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FingerClient
extends SocketClient

The FingerClient class implements the client side of the Internet Finger Protocol defined in RFC 1288. To finger a host you create a FingerClient instance, connect to the host, query the host, and finally disconnect from the host. If the finger service you want to query is on a non-standard port, connect to the host at that port. Here's a sample use:

    FingerClient finger;

    finger = new FingerClient();

    try {
      System.out.println(finger.query("foobar", false));
    } catch(IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Error I/O exception: " + e.getMessage());

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_PORT
          The default FINGER port.
Fields inherited from class
_defaultPort_, _input_, _output_, _serverSocketFactory_, _socket_, _socketFactory_, _timeout_, connectTimeout, NETASCII_EOL
Constructor Summary
          The default FingerClient constructor.
Method Summary
 InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput)
          Fingers the connected host and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query.
 InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput, String username)
          Fingers a user and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query.
 InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput, String username, String encoding)
          Fingers a user and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query.
 String query(boolean longOutput)
          Fingers the connected host and returns the output as a String.
 String query(boolean longOutput, String username)
          Fingers a user at the connected host and returns the output as a String.
Methods inherited from class
_connectAction_, addProtocolCommandListener, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, createCommandSupport, disconnect, fireCommandSent, fireReplyReceived, getCommandSupport, getConnectTimeout, getDefaultPort, getDefaultTimeout, getKeepAlive, getLocalAddress, getLocalPort, getProxy, getReceiveBufferSize, getRemoteAddress, getRemotePort, getSendBufferSize, getServerSocketFactory, getSoLinger, getSoTimeout, getTcpNoDelay, isAvailable, isConnected, removeProtocolCommandListener, setConnectTimeout, setDefaultPort, setDefaultTimeout, setKeepAlive, setProxy, setReceiveBufferSize, setSendBufferSize, setServerSocketFactory, setSocketFactory, setSoLinger, setSoTimeout, setTcpNoDelay, verifyRemote
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
The default FINGER port. Set to 79 according to RFC 1288.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FingerClient()
The default FingerClient constructor. Initializes the default port to DEFAULT_PORT .

Method Detail


public String query(boolean longOutput,
                    String username)
             throws IOException
Fingers a user at the connected host and returns the output as a String. You must first connect to a finger server before calling this method, and you should disconnect afterward.

longOutput - Set to true if long output is requested, false if not.
username - The name of the user to finger.
The result of the finger query.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs while reading the socket.


public String query(boolean longOutput)
             throws IOException
Fingers the connected host and returns the output as a String. You must first connect to a finger server before calling this method, and you should disconnect afterward. This is equivalent to calling query(longOutput, "") .

longOutput - Set to true if long output is requested, false if not.
The result of the finger query.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs while reading the socket.


public InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput,
                                  String username)
                           throws IOException
Fingers a user and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query. You must first connect to a finger server before calling this method, and you should disconnect after finishing reading the stream.

longOutput - Set to true if long output is requested, false if not.
username - The name of the user to finger.
The InputStream of the network connection of the finger query. Can be read to obtain finger results.
IOException - If an I/O error during the operation.


public InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput,
                                  String username,
                                  String encoding)
                           throws IOException
Fingers a user and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query. You must first connect to a finger server before calling this method, and you should disconnect after finishing reading the stream.

longOutput - Set to true if long output is requested, false if not.
username - The name of the user to finger.
encoding - the character encoding that should be used for the query, null for the platform's default encoding
The InputStream of the network connection of the finger query. Can be read to obtain finger results.
IOException - If an I/O error during the operation.


public InputStream getInputStream(boolean longOutput)
                           throws IOException
Fingers the connected host and returns the input stream from the network connection of the finger query. This is equivalent to calling getInputStream(longOutput, ""). You must first connect to a finger server before calling this method, and you should disconnect after finishing reading the stream.

longOutput - Set to true if long output is requested, false if not.
The InputStream of the network connection of the finger query. Can be read to obtain finger results.
IOException - If an I/O error during the operation.

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