Interface Configurable

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigurableFTPFileEntryParserImpl, FTPClient, FTPHTTPClient, FTPSClient, FTPTimestampParserImpl, MacOsPeterFTPEntryParser, MVSFTPEntryParser, NetwareFTPEntryParser, NTFTPEntryParser, OS2FTPEntryParser, OS400FTPEntryParser, UnixFTPEntryParser, VMSFTPEntryParser, VMSVersioningFTPEntryParser

public interface Configurable

This interface adds the aspect of configurability by means of a supplied FTPClientConfig object to other classes in the system, especially listing parsers.

Method Summary
 void configure(FTPClientConfig config)

Method Detail


void configure(FTPClientConfig config)
config - the object containing the configuration data
IllegalArgumentException - if the elements of the config are somehow inadequate to configure the Configurable object.

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