Class CopyStreamAdapter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, CopyStreamListener

public class CopyStreamAdapter
extends Object
implements CopyStreamListener

The CopyStreamAdapter will relay CopyStreamEvents to a list of listeners when either of its bytesTransferred() methods are called. Its purpose is to facilitate the notification of the progress of a copy operation performed by one of the static copyStream() methods in to multiple listeners. The static copyStream() methods invoke the bytesTransfered(long, int) of a CopyStreamListener for performance reasons and also because multiple listeners cannot be registered given that the methods are static.

$Id: 1299238 2012-03-10 17:12:28Z sebb $
See Also:
CopyStreamEvent, CopyStreamListener, Util

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new copyStreamAdapter.
Method Summary
 void addCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
          Registers a CopyStreamListener to receive CopyStreamEvents.
 void bytesTransferred(CopyStreamEvent event)
          This method is invoked by a CopyStreamEvent source after copying a block of bytes from a stream.
 void bytesTransferred(long totalBytesTransferred, int bytesTransferred, long streamSize)
          This method is not part of the JavaBeans model and is used by the static methods in the class for efficiency.
 void removeCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
          Unregisters a CopyStreamListener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CopyStreamAdapter()
Creates a new copyStreamAdapter.

Method Detail


public void bytesTransferred(CopyStreamEvent event)
This method is invoked by a CopyStreamEvent source after copying a block of bytes from a stream. The CopyStreamEvent will contain the total number of bytes transferred so far and the number of bytes transferred in the last write. The CopyStreamAdapater will relay the event to all of its registered listeners, listing itself as the source of the event.

Specified by:
bytesTransferred in interface CopyStreamListener
event - The CopyStreamEvent fired by the copying of a block of bytes.


public void bytesTransferred(long totalBytesTransferred,
                             int bytesTransferred,
                             long streamSize)
This method is not part of the JavaBeans model and is used by the static methods in the class for efficiency. It is invoked after a block of bytes to inform the listener of the transfer. The CopyStreamAdapater will create a CopyStreamEvent from the arguments and relay the event to all of its registered listeners, listing itself as the source of the event.

Specified by:
bytesTransferred in interface CopyStreamListener
totalBytesTransferred - The total number of bytes transferred so far by the copy operation.
bytesTransferred - The number of bytes copied by the most recent write.
streamSize - The number of bytes in the stream being copied. This may be equal to CopyStreamEvent.UNKNOWN_STREAM_SIZE if the size is unknown.


public void addCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
Registers a CopyStreamListener to receive CopyStreamEvents. Although this method is not declared to be synchronized, it is implemented in a thread safe manner.

listener - The CopyStreamlistener to register.


public void removeCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
Unregisters a CopyStreamListener. Although this method is not synchronized, it is implemented in a thread safe manner.

listener - The CopyStreamlistener to unregister.

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