Uses of Class

Packages that use NewsgroupInfo NNTP - network news transfer protocol 

Uses of NewsgroupInfo in

Methods in that return NewsgroupInfo
 NewsgroupInfo[] NNTPClient.listNewNewsgroups(NewGroupsOrNewsQuery query)
          List all new newsgroups added to the NNTP server since a particular date subject to the conditions of the specified query.
 NewsgroupInfo[] NNTPClient.listNewsgroups()
          List all newsgroups served by the NNTP server.
 NewsgroupInfo[] NNTPClient.listNewsgroups(String wildmat)
          List the newsgroups that match a given pattern.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type NewsgroupInfo
 Iterable<NewsgroupInfo> NNTPClient.iterateNewNewsgroups(NewGroupsOrNewsQuery query)
          List all new newsgroups added to the NNTP server since a particular date subject to the conditions of the specified query.
 Iterable<NewsgroupInfo> NNTPClient.iterateNewsgroups()
          List all newsgroups served by the NNTP server.
 Iterable<NewsgroupInfo> NNTPClient.iterateNewsgroups(String wildmat)
          List the newsgroups that match a given pattern.

Methods in with parameters of type NewsgroupInfo
 boolean NNTPClient.selectNewsgroup(String newsgroup, NewsgroupInfo info)
          Select the specified newsgroup to be the target of for future article retrieval and posting operations.

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