Class NTPUDPClient

  extended by
      extended by

public final class NTPUDPClient
extends DatagramSocketClient

The NTPUDPClient class is a UDP implementation of a client for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) described in RFC 1305 as well as the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) in RFC-2030. To use the class, merely open a local datagram socket with open and call getTime to retrieve the time. Then call close to close the connection properly. Successive calls to getTime are permitted without re-establishing a connection. That is because UDP is a connectionless protocol and the Network Time Protocol is stateless.

$Revision: 1299238 $
Jason Mathews, MITRE Corp

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_PORT
          The default NTP port.
Fields inherited from class
_isOpen_, _socket_, _socketFactory_, _timeout_
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 TimeInfo getTime(InetAddress host)
          Retrieves the time information from the specified server on the default NTP port and returns it.
 TimeInfo getTime(InetAddress host, int port)
          Retrieves the time information from the specified server and port and returns it.
 int getVersion()
          Returns the NTP protocol version number that client sets on request packet that is sent to remote host (e.g.
 void setVersion(int version)
          Sets the NTP protocol version number that client sets on request packet communicate with remote host.
Methods inherited from class
close, getDefaultTimeout, getLocalAddress, getLocalPort, getSoTimeout, isOpen, open, open, open, setDatagramSocketFactory, setDefaultTimeout, setSoTimeout
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
The default NTP port. It is set to 123 according to RFC 1305.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public NTPUDPClient()
Method Detail


public TimeInfo getTime(InetAddress host,
                        int port)
                 throws IOException
Retrieves the time information from the specified server and port and returns it. The time is the number of miliiseconds since 00:00 (midnight) 1 January 1900 UTC, as specified by RFC 1305. This method reads the raw NTP packet and constructs a TimeInfo object that allows access to all the fields of the NTP message header.

host - The address of the server.
port - The port of the service.
The time value retrieved from the server.
IOException - If an error occurs while retrieving the time.


public TimeInfo getTime(InetAddress host)
                 throws IOException
Retrieves the time information from the specified server on the default NTP port and returns it. The time is the number of miliiseconds since 00:00 (midnight) 1 January 1900 UTC, as specified by RFC 1305. This method reads the raw NTP packet and constructs a TimeInfo object that allows access to all the fields of the NTP message header.

host - The address of the server.
The time value retrieved from the server.
IOException - If an error occurs while retrieving the time.


public int getVersion()
Returns the NTP protocol version number that client sets on request packet that is sent to remote host (e.g. 3=NTP v3, 4=NTP v4, etc.)

the NTP protocol version number that client sets on request packet.
See Also:


public void setVersion(int version)
Sets the NTP protocol version number that client sets on request packet communicate with remote host.

version - the NTP protocol version number

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