Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD SMTP and SMTPS mail 

Uses of AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD in

Methods in that return AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD
static AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD[] AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD
 boolean AuthenticatingSMTPClient.auth(AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD method, String username, String password)
          Authenticate to the SMTP server by sending the AUTH command with the selected mechanism, using the given username and the given password.
static String AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD.getAuthName(AuthenticatingSMTPClient.AUTH_METHOD method)
          Gets the name of the given authentication method suitable for the server.

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