Extended status module
Nginx extended_status module
-- Decription -- This module is a extended module for Nginx status.
- Note: this module is not distributed with the Nginx source.
Installation instructions can be found below.*
-- How to build and install -- Before compile, please apply patch to Nginx core according to the part of "How to patch Nginx core" ./configure --add-module=[nginx_extended_status_module source dirctory] make make install
-- How to configure this module --
syntax: extended_status on|off; default: off context: http, server, location
location = /extended_status { extended_status on; } location = /tablesort.min.js { root html; }
-- How to patch Nginx core -- For Nginx 0.8.54 (or 0.8.55), patch -p0 < extended_status-0.8.54.patch
For Nginx 1.0.11, patch -p0 < extended_status-1.0.11.patch