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[edit] ngx_http_secure_download_module

This module enables you to create links which are only valid until a certain datetime is reached. The way it works is similar to lightttpd's mod_secdownload, but not exactly same.

[edit] Directives

[edit] secure_download

syntax: secure_download (on|off)

default: off

context: location

This can turn the module on/off.

[edit] secure_download_secret

syntax: secure_download_secret <secret string>

default: none

context: location

Defines the string which is included in the md5 hash. It can also contain variables.

[edit] secure_download_path_mode

syntax: secure_download_path_mode (file|folder)

default: folder

context: location

This defines if the md5 hash has to be done for the full path, including filename, or just the folders which contain the file, without the filename. Depending on this your link will be valid either for a whole directory, or only for one file.

Note: The way this works is simply that if you specify "folder", it will drop the last part of the accessed path and to the hash on the rest. This means that if you use a path which doesn`t specify a filename, because you maybe want to access the index.html or you rely on some rewriting, you better specify "file" to make it match the full path.

[edit] Variables

[edit] $secure_download

This variable contains the result of the request URL validation process. It always contains a number and can have the following possible values:

"">0"" "link is valid and the value is the amount of seconds until it expires" ""-1"" "the timestamp is expired" ""-2"" "the md5 hash is wrong" ""-3"" "other problem like f.e. parsing problem or module config problem"

[edit] Explanation

[edit] The theory

A generated URI must have the following format:


the md5 hash gets generated out of the following string:

<real_path>/<secret (user supplied)>/<expiration_timestamp>

  • real_path can be either the path of the file which you want to access or the folder which contains the file, which of those two has to be defined in the nginx config
  • secret is some random string which must be known by the nginx config and by the link generating script
  • expiration_timestamp is a unix_timestamp (seconds since beginning of 1970) in hexadecimal format

[edit] By example

Lets say you have a file in your document root under the path "/somefolder/protected.html". Now you want to generate a link which expires in 20 minutes, so you do following:

  • Get the current timestamp, for example from http://www.unixtimestamp.com/index.php. In this example our timestamp would be 1240928342
  • Convert the timestamp into hex, like for example http://www.easycalculation.com/decimal-converter.php does. Our timestamp in hex is 49F71056
  • Now you need to decide for a secret string. It needs to be set in the nginx config with the parameter secure_download_secret. For example "privatestring"
  • Then you put the following string together "/somefolder/protected.html/privatestring/49F71056" which consists of "<real path/secret string/timestamp in hex"
  • Now you need to create an md5 hash of that string which we put together, for example on http://www.xs4all.nl/~jlpoutre/BoT/Javascript/Utils/md5_hashing.html. Then the resulting md5 should be f901b5272c17b456fabf49c3e9bcc120
  • ok, you got everything you need, now you just have to put it together in the format "<real_path>/<md5>/<timestamp>" in our example this would look like "/somefolder/protected.html/f901b5272c17b456fabf49c3e9bcc120/49F71056"
  • thats it, now you got your link which is only valid until the included timestamp gets reached

Now your config could look like following:

[edit] Configuration example

        location /somefolder {
            secure_download on;
            secure_download_secret IAmSalt$remote_addr;
            secure_download_path_mode file;
            if ($secure_download = "-1") {
                rewrite /expired.html break;
            if ($secure_download = "-2") {
                rewrite /bad_hash.html break;
            if ($secure_download = "-3") {
                return 500;
            rewrite ^(.*)/[0-9a-zA-Z]*/[0-9a-zA-Z]*$ $1 break; // crop all the /hash/time stuff off the url


        location /secured {
            secure_download on; 
            secure_download_path_mode file;
            secure_download_secret DontCopyMyPics$remote_addr;
            if ($secure_download !~ "^-.") {
                rewrite ^/secured(.*)/[0-9a-zA-Z]*/[0-9a-zA-Z]*$ $1 last;
            if ($secure_download = "-1") {
                rewrite . /static/expired.html last;
            if ($secure_download = "-2") {
                rewrite . /static/bad_hash.html last;
            return 500;
        location / { 
            root html;
        location /static { 
           root static;

[edit] Requirements

To compile the nginx with this module you will need to have following:

- The mod_rewrite in the nginx has to be enabled

- You need the mhash library, it is used by the secure-download module to create the md5 hashes

- I tested the module only with nginx 0.7.61 and 0.8.33, no guarantee for other versions

[edit] Bugs/Feedback

In case you find any bugs, please write me a mail and I will try to help.

If you are using that module, i would appreciate every kind of feedback or problem reports.

I tried to give some meaningful output in the error log if you set its log level to debug.

Mail: mauro.stettler(A.T)gmail.com

[edit] Download

from github