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[edit] Ingredients

This setups is only a proof of concept = means: experimental, but works for me.

  1. serve the equests
    • nginx: webserver with memcache api
    • couchbase: persistent memcache server
  2. preload memcache
    • python: a programming language
    • fuse: file system in user space
    • fuse.py: python library for fuse
    • memcache.py: python library for memcache
    • memfis.py: experimental fuse file system (new: symbolic links)

[edit] Server Setup

[edit] Installation

apt-get install nginx-full
cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist
vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
dpkg -i membase-server-community_<arch>_<version>.deb
# Browser: http://<hostname>:8091

[edit] /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

server {
        listen          80;
        server_name     <webserver>;
        root            /var/www/;
        location / {
                index                   index.html;
                default_type            text/plain;
                set $memcached_key      memfis://<hostname>$uri;

To do:

  • full example with error and fallback
  • scetch the goal of a complete system with php offloading

[edit] Preload Memcache

[edit] Preparation

mkdir /mnt/memfis
mkdir memfis.d
cd memfis.d
vi memfis.py fuse.py memcache.py
chmod +x memfis.py

[edit] Mount, Preload, Unmount

memfis.d/memfis.py /mnt/memfis
cp -a <source>/* /mnt/memfis
sudo unmount /mnt/memfis

[edit] MemFiS Filesystem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""memcache filesystem, v.20120415"""
"""(c) 2011-2012, titusx at gmx.de"""
from time   import time, strftime
from sys    import argv, exit
from socket import gethostname
from os     import getuid, getgid
from errno  import *
from stat   import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG, S_IFLNK
from fuse   import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations
from json   import dumps, loads
import memcache as mc
# a class with preferences an handy functions
class Auxiliary(object):
    # custom ini
    def ini(self):
        # debug switch (off="None") and path
        self.debugp = '/tmp/memfis-debug.log'
        # connection to the memcache server
        self.server = [""]
        # hook for the (open) memcache object
        self.mcache = None
        # don't use "access time"
        self.noatim = True
        # prefix for each database entry
        self.prefix = "memfis://" + gethostname()
        # prefix of the file counter
        self.countr = self.prefix + "/?cntr"
        # prefix of the validation counter
        self.erased = self.prefix + "/?free"
        # init time of the filesystem
        self.initim = self.now()
        # owner of the filessystem
        self.iniuid = getuid()
        self.inigid = getgid()
    # the time function of the file system
    def now(self):
        return time()
    # constructs a default attribute
    def mka(self):
        Attr = dict(
            st_ino     = 0,
            #st_dev     = 0, # currently unused
            #st_rdev    = 0, # currently unused
            st_blksize = 1024, #20000000
            st_blocks  = 1,
            st_nlink   = 2, # currently wrong used
            st_size    = 4,
            st_mode    = 0,
            st_uid     = self.iniuid,
            st_gid     = self.inigid,
            st_atime   = self.initim,
            st_mtime   = self.initim,
            st_ctime   = self.initim )
        return Attr
    # writes debug lines into log file
    def dbg(self, dmsg):
        if self.debugp:
            stamp = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M.%S")
            log = open(self.debugp, 'a')
            log.write("[%s] %s\n" % (stamp, dmsg))
    # generate the attribute key from a given path
    def p2a(self, path):
        return self.prefix + path + "?attr"
    # generate the extended key from a given path
    def p2x(self, path):
        return self.prefix + path + "?xttr"
    # generate the data key from a given path
    def p2d(self, path):
        return self.prefix + path
    # generate the node key from a given counter
    def c2n(self, cntr):
        return self.prefix + "/?node=%08i" % (cntr)
    # splits a file path into parent directory and file name
    def par(self, path):
        if path == "/":
            return None
        Splt = path.rsplit("/",1)
        if Splt[0] == "":
            Splt[0] = "/"
        return Splt
    # adds a pointer, increases and returns the counter
    def cnt(self, path):
        Cntr = self.mcache.incr(self.countr)
            self.mcache.add(self.c2n(Cntr), path)
            raise FuseOSError(EEXIST)
        return Cntr
    # increments the counter of erased objects, return pointer
    def fre(self, cntr):
        return self.c2n(cntr)
    # encodes a complex object into a string
    def enc(self, pobj):
        return dumps(pobj, sort_keys=True, indent=1)
    # decodes a string into a complex object
    def dec(self, strg):
        return loads(strg)
    # adds a node to the file system
    def mkn(self, path, mode, size):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (mode: '%s'=%i)" % ("addnode:", path, oct(mode), mode))
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr != None:
            raise FuseOSError(EEXIST) # datei existiert
        # a. processing the parent directory
        Splt = self.par(path)
        if Splt != None:
            Attr = self.dec(self.mcache.get(self.p2a(Splt[0])))
            List = self.dec(self.mcache.get(self.p2d(Splt[0])))
            Attr['st_size']  = len(self.enc(List))
            Attr['st_mtime'] = self.now()
            Attr['st_atime'] = Attr['st_mtime']
            if S_IFDIR & mode:
                Attr['st_nlink'] += 1
            self.mcache.set(self.p2a(Splt[0]), self.enc(Attr))
            self.mcache.set(self.p2d(Splt[0]), self.enc(List))
        # b. processing the new node itself
        Attr = self.mka()
        Attr['st_ino']   = self.cnt(path) # new inode
        Attr['st_uid']   = self.iniuid
        Attr['st_gid']   = self.inigid
        Attr['st_ctime'] = self.now()
        Attr['st_mtime'] = Attr['st_ctime']
        Attr['st_atime'] = Attr['st_ctime']
        Attr['st_mode']  = mode
        Attr['st_size']  = size
        if S_IFDIR & mode:
            Attr['st_nlink'] = 2
            Attr['st_nlink'] = 1
        self.mcache.set(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
        return Attr['st_ino']
    # deletes a node from the file system
    def rmn(self, path, dire):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("delnode:", path))
        if path == "/":
            raise FuseOSError(EPERM) # nicht berechtigt
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
        if dire == True and Attr['st_nlink'] > 2:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOTEMPTY) # verzeichnis nicht leer
        if dire == False and Attr['st_nlink'] != 1:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS) # nicht implementiert
        # deleting attribues, data and inode pointer
        self.mcache.delete_multi([self.p2a(path), self.p2d(path), self.fre(Attr['st_ino'])])
        Splt = self.par(path)
        if Splt != None:
            Attr = self.dec(self.mcache.get(self.p2a(Splt[0])))
            List = self.dec(self.mcache.get(self.p2d(Splt[0])))
            # removing entry from parent directory
            Attr['st_size']  = len(self.enc(List))
            Attr['st_mtime'] = self.now()
            Attr['st_atime'] = Attr['st_mtime']
            if dire == True:
                Attr['st_nlink'] -= 1
            self.mcache.set(self.p2a(Splt[0]), self.enc(Attr))
            self.mcache.set(self.p2d(Splt[0]), self.enc(List))
# the fuse file system class
class MemFiS(Operations, Auxiliary):
    # initialises the file system
    #def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
    def init(self, path):
        # load the preferences (incl. debug)
        # generate a log entry
        # connect to a server and store the hook
        self.mcache = mc.Client(self.server)
        # deletes the whole database at startup
        #if self.debugp:
        #    self.mcache.flush_all()
        # start a new file system if nothin exitst
        Cntr = self.mcache.get(self.countr)
        if Cntr == None:
            self.mcache.set(self.countr, 0)
            self.mcache.set(self.erased, 0)
        Attr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a("/"))
        if Attr == None:
            self.mkdir("/", 493)
    #def __del__(self):
    def destroy(self, path):
        # delete the whole database at shutdown
        #if self.debugp:
        #    self.mcache.flush_all()
        # disconnect from the server
    def access(self, path, mode):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (mode: '%s'=%i)" % ("ACCESS:", path, oct(mode), mode))
        return 0
    def chmod(self, path, mode):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (mode: '%s'=%i)" % ("CHMOD:", path, oct(mode), mode))
        # load the attributes
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        # decode attributes if exists
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
        # adjust changed mode and save it
        if Attr['st_mode'] != mode:
            Attr['st_mode'] = mode
            Attr['st_mtime'] = self.now()
            self.mcache.set(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
    def chown(self, path, usid, grid):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (uid: %i, gid: %i)" % ("CHOWN:", path, usid, grid))
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
        Dirt = False
        # adjust user id
        if Attr['st_uid'] != usid and usid >= 0:
            Attr['st_uid'] = usid
            Dirt = True
        # adjust group id
        if Attr['st_gid'] != grid and grid >= 0:
            Attr['st_gid'] = grid
            Dirt = True
        # save changed attributes
        if Dirt != False:
            Attr['st_mtime'] = self.now()
            self.mcache.set(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
    # creates an inode with file attributes
    def create(self, path, mode):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (mode: '%s'=%i)" % ("CREATE:", path, oct(mode), mode))
        return self.mkn(path, S_IFREG|mode, 0)
    # loads the attributes object
    def getattr(self, path, fhdl=None):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("GETATTR:", path))
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            return self.dec(JAttr)
    # creates a new directory
    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (mode: '%s'=%i)" % ("MKDIR:", path, oct(mode), mode))
        Data = self.enc(['.', '..'])
        self.mkn(path, S_IFDIR|mode, len(Data))
        self.mcache.set(self.p2d(path), Data)
    def read(self, path, size, oset, fhdl):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (size: %i, offset: %i)" % ("READ:", path, size, oset))
        if oset != 0:
            # to do
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS) # nicht implementiert
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
        #if Attr['st_size'] != size:
        #    raise FuseOSError(EINVAL) # ung眉ltiges argument
        if self.noatim == False:
            Attr['st_atime'] = self.now()
            self.mcache.set(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
        return self.mcache.get(self.p2d(path))
    def readdir(self, path, fhdl):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("READDIR:", path))
        List = []
        for e in self.dec(self.read(path, 0, 0, fhdl)):
            List.append( e.encode('ascii') )
        return List
    def readlink(self, path):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("READLINK:", path))
        return self.mcache.get(self.p2d(path))
    def rmdir(self, path):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("RMDIR:", path))
        self.rmn(path, True)
    def symlink(self, path, orig):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (path: %s)" % ("SYMLINK:", path, orig))
        self.mkn(path, S_IFLNK|511, len(orig))
        self.mcache.set(self.p2d(path), orig)
    # adjusts file size
    def truncate(self, path, leng, fhdl):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (len: %i)" % ("TRUNCATE:", path, leng))
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
            Attr['st_size'] = leng
            self.mcache.replace(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
    def write(self, path, buff, oset, fhdl):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s (buffer: %i, offset: %i)" % ("WRITE:", path, len(buff), oset))
        JAttr = self.mcache.get(self.p2a(path))
        if JAttr == None:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) # daten nicht gefunden
            Attr = self.dec(JAttr)
        #if oset != Attr['st_size']:
        #    raise FuseOSError(ESPIPE) # unzulaessige suche
        if Attr['st_size'] + len(buff) > 20000000:
            raise FuseOSError(EFBIG) # datei zu gross
        Attr['st_size'] += len(buff)
        Attr['st_mtime'] = self.now()
        Attr['st_atime'] = Attr['st_mtime']
        self.mcache.replace(self.p2a(path), self.enc(Attr))
        if oset == 0:
            self.mcache.add(self.p2d(path), buff)
            self.mcache.append(self.p2d(path), buff)
        return len(buff)
    def unlink(self, path):
        self.dbg("%-9s %s" % ("UNLINK:", path))
        self.rmn(path, False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print 'usage: %s <mountpoint>' % argv[0]
    fuse = FUSE(MemFiS(), argv[1], foreground=False)