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[edit] Michael Lustfield

[edit] Currently

Today, I manage the Nginx Wiki, Planet, and Packagin (for Debian and Ubuntu).

[edit] In The Past

[edit] About Me

I attended college at Dakota State University majoring in Business and Computer Information Systems. In my spare time I spent time with my fianc茅e, on IRC, working with Nginx, and working with Ubuntu. My personal website is http://michael.lustfield.net/.

I also started a company called Kalliki Software with another person. It was an incredibly hectic time; it came with joys and pains. I have since closed up shop and moved onto more fruitful paths which have since let me pick up hobbies.

[edit] Contributions

South Dakota LoCo

I was the leader/contact of the SD LoCo Team. I was been very active with this team, and was doing my best to promote its existence and user base. I rebuilt the structure of the Wiki to make it more manageable and structured. I reworked the LP team and the mailing list. I managed all parts of this team. I created a website for our team at http://sd.ubuntu-us.org as well. My only issue was the lack of interest in building a community.

Ubuntu Drupal

I was VERY deeply involved with a team that put together a suite of tools for Lo``Co teams. Any Lo``Co that wants to create a website and integrate it with Launchpad for their team can use this set of tools to accomplish the task. We have a theme that is legally acceptable as well as a set of modules that make deployment very easy. Our aim is that in the end the user will be able to deploy this entire suite in under 5 minutes. <
>You can see the project itself at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal.


I was learning how to package software for Ubuntu. This was a fun experience and it helped me to understand how the various FOSS communities interact. I packaged tools that made it easier to spread Ubuntu as well web server software and utilities.


I was deeply involved in bug reports for a long while. I tried to report bugs for users so I could help them have Ubuntu working for their systems. I had been managing bazaar branches, projects, teams, blueprints, bugs, answers, etc.

I was sitting with over 34,000 karma in bug management and bazaar branches alone. This is what JoeyStanford is referring to below.

Supporting Users

I spent a lot of time trying to support users that have gone to Linux but don't understand how to use it correctly. I also try to spend at least a few hours in #ubuntu every week supporting users. There are a few reasons that I have reduced my time here; I still put in my efforts here as well.

Advertising Ubuntu

I have been a member of the ubuntu-marketing team in LP since 2008-09-09. I was also a member about a year prior to joining the LP team. As part of this team, I push myself hard to advertise Ubuntu every chance I get. The fact that my girlfriend buys me Linux shirts helps.

Making Ubuntu Efficient

I have been writing some web logs about modifying Ubuntu to be very efficient, as well as some things about administration of a Linux system. These can be seen at my website listed above. Not only have I managed to make it extremely efficient; but it is now faster and leaner than many Gentoo systems I have seen.

[edit] Testimonials

  • MauricioPennaloza: Well, after read the wiki and see some report bugs, i saw that Michael, had a lot of knowledge about Ubuntu. Is only time that he needs to become a good Ubuntu Member or a Canonical employee (why not?). Saludos desde Chile!
  • TonyYarusso: Michael can frequently be found volunteering for user support in #ubuntu and related channels. Additionally, while I'm not actually in his LoCo, I'm in the neighboring state and have been proud of the efforts I've seen him putting forth there. Of particular interest are his work on web resources for that team and marketing and conversion efforts locally.
  • TravisWatkins: Michael is doing great work getting his LoCo going and is always around on IRC helping people.
  • JoeyStanford: +1. Michael has been good to work with on the Drupal items and also on LP bugs. He is dedicated to Ubuntu and his enthusiasm rubs off on you. Despite circumstantial evidence to the contrary, he has no life but Ubuntu (any doubts can be dispelled by looking at his karma) and occasionally his girlfriend Kim when Launchpad is doing a roll-out.
  • ChristianReis: +1; smart worker with a sense of humor. Am particularly impressed at him getting this LoCo in a box project assembled and shipped. You'd have to work hard to find a harder working contributor.
  • KurtvonFinck: +1; I have had numerous opportunities to interact with Michael in Ubuntu IRC namespace. I have always found him interesting and interested, and have watched him both help others and seek help and guidance. Being able to give and take direction results in valuable work like the LoCo Drupal project, which by accounts from Ubuntu-Quebec members, has been of value indeed.
  • MatthewRevell: +1; great work with the LoCo Drupal project. Good to deal with.
  • 02/20/09 03:52 "#ubuntu-meeting: < atoponce> for those that come to the meeting, and don't meet approval, MTecknology is a shining example of what we're looking for"
  • Launchpad:~hggdh2 I have had contact with MTecknology since beginning of 2009, and I find him, and his work with Ubuntu, to be extremely positive. I really wish we had more people like him.

[edit] LP Memberships

In the past, I was a member of the following Launchpad teams: Base Control Devs, Central US LoCo's, Community Website Developers, Daniel Holbach Huggers, Drupal Projects, Indubuntu Team, Jailkit, Kernel Bugs, Launchpad Beta Testers, Launchpad Community Development Team, Launchpad Documentation Team, Launchpad Recipe beta users, League of Scripters, Loco Django Development Dev Team, Nginx, Nginx Planet Users, Planet Ubuntu, Profarius Admins, SD LoCo Site Admins, SD LoCo Site Editors, TDC Devs, Terminator Users, Ubuntu Audio Team, Ubuntu BugSquad, Ubuntu cloaked people on freenode, Ubuntu ClusterFuck, Ubuntu Community Web Themes Developers, Ubuntu Drupal Development Suite, Ubuntu Fridge Editors, Ubuntu Hardened, Ubuntu HPPA Architecture Team, Ubuntu ia64 Architecture Team, Ubuntu Kernel ACPI Team, Ubuntu Kernel Network Team, Ubuntu Kernel Storage Team, Ubuntu Kernel Team, Ubuntu Kernel USB Team, Ubuntu Kernel Video Team, Ubuntu Local Community Teams, Ubuntu Members, ubuntu-news, Ubuntu North Dakota LoCo Team, Ubuntu PowerPC Architecture Team, Ubuntu Screencast Team, Ubuntu Server Team, Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team, Ubuntu Sparc64 Architecture Team, Ubuntu Testing Team, Ubuntu US Central Admins, Ubuntu Website Community Team, Ubuntu x86 Architecture Team, UD Devs

[edit] My Linux Experience

Initial Exposure

I have been using Ubuntu since 5.04. I was initially exposed to Linux during a conversation with a network administrator. He mentioned that I don't need to be using illegal software and he helped me learn how to install Ubuntu on my first laptop.

Microsoft Angers

I've worked at some Microsoft dependent companies that complained about the costs of having computers. After many discussions I came to the conclusion that they just enjoyed having a reason to complain. I realized these were the types of places I'd never want to work in again. I would rather bag groceries at Hy-Vee than work for a company that complains about money and says everything free sucks. I did take this route until I was able to take a position in a company that I could be happy in.

Current Experience

I'm currently the CTO of a company which requires high availability and uptime. It's been a challenging process but we're now running exceptionally well on the infrastructure that was built from scratch.