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* [https://heiher.info/1758.html LNMP 澶氱敤鎴疯櫄鎷熶富鏈烘柟妗圿
* [https://heiher.info/1758.html LNMP 澶氱敤鎴疯櫄鎷熶富鏈烘柟妗圿
* [https://heiher.info/2069.html LNMP 澶氱敤鎴峰姩鎬佽繘绋嬬鐞嗚櫄鎷熶富鏈烘柟妗圿
* [https://heiher.info/2069.html LNMP 澶氱敤鎴峰姩鎬佽繘绋嬬鐞嗚櫄鎷熶富鏈烘柟妗圿
* [http://sunny-play.com/2012/05/debian-awstats-static-statistics/ 鍚敤AWstats瀵筃ginx浣滈潤鎬佽闂粺璁
* [https://wangyan.org/blog/nginx-subdomain.html Nginx 浜岀骇瀛愬煙鍚嶅畬缇庢柟妗圿
* [https://wangyan.org/blog/nginx-subdomain.html Nginx 浜岀骇瀛愬煙鍚嶅畬缇庢柟妗圿
* [https://wangyan.org/blog/howto-setup-awstats-and-jawstats.html Nginx 鏃ュ織鍒嗘瀽AWStats+JAWStats瀹夎閰嶇疆]
* [https://wangyan.org/blog/howto-setup-awstats-and-jawstats.html Nginx 鏃ュ織鍒嗘瀽AWStats+JAWStats瀹夎閰嶇疆]

Revision as of 09:31, 30 May 2012


娆㈣繋璁块棶 Nginx 鐨勪腑鏂囩淮鍩

Nginx ("engine x") 鏄竴涓珮鎬ц兘鐨 HTTP 鍜 鍙嶅悜浠g悊 鏈嶅姟鍣紝涔熸槸涓涓 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 浠g悊鏈嶅姟鍣 銆 Nginx 鏄敱 Igor Sysoev 涓轰縿缃楁柉璁块棶閲忕浜岀殑Rambler.ru 绔欑偣寮鍙戠殑锛屽畠宸茬粡鍦ㄨ绔欑偣杩愯瓒呰繃鍥涘勾澶氫簡銆侷gor 灏嗘簮浠g爜浠ョ被BSD璁稿彲璇佺殑褰㈠紡鍙戝竷銆傝嚜Nginx 鍙戝竷鍥涘勾鏉ワ紝Nginx 宸茬粡鍥犱负瀹冪殑绋冲畾鎬с佷赴瀵岀殑鍔熻兘闆嗐 绀轰緥閰嶇疆鏂囦欢鍜屼綆绯荤粺璧勬簮鐨勬秷鑰楄岄椈鍚嶄簡銆傜洰鍓嶅浗鍐呭悇澶ч棬鎴风綉绔欏凡缁忛儴缃蹭簡Nginx锛屽鏂版氮銆佺綉鏄撱佽吘璁瓑锛涘浗鍐呭嚑涓噸瑕佺殑瑙嗛鍒嗕韩缃戠珯涔熼儴缃蹭簡Nginx锛屽鍏埧闂淬侀叿6绛夈 鏂拌繎鍙戠幇Nginx 鎶鏈湪鍥藉唴鏃ヨ秼鐏儹锛岃秺鏉ヨ秺澶氱殑缃戠珯寮濮嬮儴缃睳ginx銆

鍥犱负 Nginx 鐨勬枃妗eぇ閮ㄥ垎鏄縿鏂囩殑锛屾湰缁村熀鐨勭洰鐨勬槸甯姪浣跨敤涓枃涓栫晫鐨勭敤鎴峰畨瑁呫侀厤缃拰浜ゆ崲鏈夊叧 Nginx 鐨勪娇鐢ㄧ粡楠屻傚ぇ閮ㄥ垎鏂囨。婧愯嚜(al-nginx AT none.at,Aleksandar Lazic) 鐨勫伐浣滐紝鏈夊叧鏈淮鍩烘湰韬殑闂璇风洿鎺ヨ闂瓹liff Wells[1] 锛屽叾浠栫炕璇戣鐐瑰嚮

Nginx 鍙戝竷

Nginx 鏂伴椈








  1. IRC: #nginx on irc.freenode.net (log archives )
  2. Subscribe to the English Mailing List


  1. Nginx 瀹樻柟棣栭〉(English)
  2. Nginx涓枃缃
  3. Nginx涓枃鏂囨。
  4. Nginx妯″潡鍙傝冩墜鍐屼腑鏂囩増
  5. Nginx 鍚勭増鏈簮浠g爜鍜學in32 Binaries
  6. Nginx 0.8.x + PHP 5.2.13锛團astCGI锛夋惌寤鸿儨杩嘇pache鍗佸嶇殑Web鏈嶅姟鍣紙绗6鐗堬級
  7. Evan Miller's Guide to Nginx Module Development
  8. Nginx妯″潡寮鍙戝蹇
  9. Nginx/windows 0.7.59 涓嶱HP FastCGI 鍗忓悓宸ヤ綔閰嶇疆
  10. Nginx source code cross-reference
  11. Nginx (draft English docs by Aleksandar Lazic) is now integrated into this wiki ;-)
  12. Cherokee vs Nginx benchmark
  13. Nginx and TurboGears
  14. Lots of Nginx examples
  15. Nginx With PHP As FastCGI Howto (with fcgi-start script)
  16. Nginx, PHP and a PHP FastCGI daemon init script (with init script for PHP FastCGI)
  17. Nginx and Mongrel
  18. Short Nginx examples
  19. Init.d boot-up script for Linux
  20. Nginx & Mongrel Cluster (with a possible start-stop script)
  21. DokuWiki & nginx
  22. Rails caching with Nginx's X-Accel-Redirect
  23. Several Python::NginxChs blog entries
  24. nginx.vim (config syntax highlighting for Vim)
  25. Nginx, Fastcgi, PHP, rewrite config for Drupal
  26. Rails hosting simplified (Using Nginx)
  27. Django on Nginx
  28. Pylons on Nginx
  29. Godaddy Turbo SSL on Nginx
  30. 鍏充簬Nginx鐨勪竴浜涗紭鍖栵紙绐佺牬10W骞跺彂锛
  31. Linux涓婲ginx+PHP+MySQL閰嶇疆

鏀寔 Nginx锛


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