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[edit] ngx_cache_purge
鏈ā鍧楃敱绗笁鏂规彁渚涳紝涓嶅寘鍚湪 Nginx 鐨勬簮鐮佸彂甯冪増涓
[edit] 璇存槑
ngx_cache_purge is nginx module which adds ability to purge content from FastCGI, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches.
[edit] 瀹夎
(SHA1: d9468cf42432e81ea3a110ec63aae2eb273f5516)
./configure make && make install
[edit] 閰嶇疆鎸囦护
fastcgi_cache_purge zone_name key (context: location)
Sets area and key used for purging selected pages from FastCGI's cache.
proxy_cache_purge zone_name key (context: location)
Sets area and key used for purging selected pages from proxy's cache.
scgi_cache_purge zone_name key (context: location)
Sets area and key used for purging selected pages from SCGI's cache.
uwsgi_cache_purge zone_name key (context: location)
Sets area and key used for purging selected pages from uWSGI's cache.
[edit] 绀轰緥閰嶇疆
http { proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=tmpcache:10m; server { location / { proxy_pass; proxy_cache tmpcache; proxy_cache_key $uri$is_args$args; } location ~ /purge(/.*) { allow; deny all; proxy_cache_purge tmpcache $1$is_args$args; } } }