Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogoutAware
org.apache.shiro.authc Core interfaces and exceptions concerning Authentication (the act of logging-in). 
org.apache.shiro.authc.pam Support for PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, which is the capability to authenticate a user against multiple configurable (pluggable) modules (Shiro calls these Realms). 
org.apache.shiro.realm Components and sub-packages used in supporting the core Realm interface. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.activedirectory Realms that acquire security data from a Microsoft Active Directory. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc Realms that acquire security data from an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) using the JDBC API. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap Realms that acquire security data from an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server utilizing LDAP/Naming APIs. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.text Realms that acquire security data from text-based data sources such as Files or text streams. 

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.authc

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authc that implement LogoutAware
 class AbstractAuthenticator
          Superclass for almost all Authenticator implementations that performs the common work around authentication attempts.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.authc.pam

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authc.pam that implement LogoutAware
 class ModularRealmAuthenticator
          A ModularRealmAuthenticator delgates account lookups to a pluggable (modular) collection of Realms.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.realm

Classes in org.apache.shiro.realm that implement LogoutAware
 class AuthenticatingRealm
          A top-level abstract implementation of the Realm interface that only implements authentication support (log-in) operations and leaves authorization (access control) behavior to subclasses.
 class AuthorizingRealm
          An AuthorizingRealm extends the AuthenticatingRealm's capabilities by adding Authorization (access control) support.
 class CachingRealm
          A very basic abstract extension point for the Realm interface that provides caching support for subclasses.
 class SimpleAccountRealm
          A simple implementation of the Realm interface that uses a set of configured user accounts and roles to support authentication and authorization.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.realm.activedirectory

Classes in org.apache.shiro.realm.activedirectory that implement LogoutAware
 class ActiveDirectoryRealm
          A Realm that authenticates with an active directory LDAP server to determine the roles for a particular user.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc

Classes in org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc that implement LogoutAware
 class JdbcRealm
          Realm that allows authentication and authorization via JDBC calls.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap

Classes in org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap that implement LogoutAware
 class AbstractLdapRealm
          A Realm that authenticates with an LDAP server to build the Subject for a user.
 class JndiLdapRealm
          An LDAP Realm implementation utilizing Sun's/Oracle's JNDI API as an LDAP API.

Uses of LogoutAware in org.apache.shiro.realm.text

Classes in org.apache.shiro.realm.text that implement LogoutAware
 class IniRealm
          A Realm implementation that creates SimpleAccount instances based on Ini configuration.
 class PropertiesRealm
          A TextConfigurationRealm that defers all logic to the parent class, but just enables Properties based configuration in addition to the parent class's String configuration.
 class TextConfigurationRealm
          A SimpleAccountRealm that enables text-based configuration of the initial User, Role, and Permission objects created at startup.

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