Class ProtocolCommandEvent

  extended by java.util.EventObject
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProtocolCommandEvent
extends EventObject

There exists a large class of IETF protocols that work by sending an ASCII text command and arguments to a server, and then receiving an ASCII text reply. For debugging and other purposes, it is extremely useful to log or keep track of the contents of the protocol messages. The ProtocolCommandEvent class coupled with the ProtocolCommandListener interface facilitate this process.

See Also:
ProtocolCommandListener, ProtocolCommandSupport, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject
Constructor Summary
ProtocolCommandEvent(Object source, int replyCode, String message)
          Creates a ProtocolCommandEvent signalling a reply to a command was received.
ProtocolCommandEvent(Object source, String command, String message)
          Creates a ProtocolCommandEvent signalling a command was sent to the server.
Method Summary
 String getCommand()
          Returns the string representation of the command type sent (e.g., "STAT" or "GET").
 String getMessage()
          Returns the entire message sent to or received from the server.
 int getReplyCode()
          Returns the reply code of the received server reply.
 boolean isCommand()
          Returns true if the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of sending a command.
 boolean isReply()
          Returns true if the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of receiving a reply.
Methods inherited from class java.util.EventObject
getSource, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProtocolCommandEvent(Object source,
                            String command,
                            String message)
Creates a ProtocolCommandEvent signalling a command was sent to the server. ProtocolCommandEvents created with this constructor should only be sent after a command has been sent, but before the reply has been received.

source - The source of the event.
command - The string representation of the command type sent, not including the arguments (e.g., "STAT" or "GET").
message - The entire command string verbatim as sent to the server, including all arguments.


public ProtocolCommandEvent(Object source,
                            int replyCode,
                            String message)
Creates a ProtocolCommandEvent signalling a reply to a command was received. ProtocolCommandEvents created with this constructor should only be sent after a complete command reply has been received fromt a server.

source - The source of the event.
replyCode - The integer code indicating the natureof the reply. This will be the protocol integer value for protocols that use integer reply codes, or the reply class constant corresponding to the reply for protocols like POP3 that use strings like OK rather than integer codes (i.e., POP3Repy.OK).
message - The entire reply as received from the server.
Method Detail


public String getCommand()
Returns the string representation of the command type sent (e.g., "STAT" or "GET"). If the ProtocolCommandEvent is a reply event, then null is returned.

The string representation of the command type sent, or null if this is a reply event.


public int getReplyCode()
Returns the reply code of the received server reply. Undefined if this is not a reply event.

The reply code of the received server reply. Undefined if not a reply event.


public boolean isCommand()
Returns true if the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of sending a command.

true If the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of sending a command. False otherwise.


public boolean isReply()
Returns true if the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of receiving a reply.

true If the ProtocolCommandEvent was generated as a result of receiving a reply. False otherwise.


public String getMessage()
Returns the entire message sent to or received from the server. Includes the line terminator.

The entire message sent to or received from the server.

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