Class CharGenTCPClient

  extended by
      extended by

public final class CharGenTCPClient
extends SocketClient

The CharGenTCPClient class is a TCP implementation of a client for the character generator protocol described in RFC 864. It can also be used for Systat (RFC 866), Quote of the Day (RFC 865), and netstat (port 15). All of these protocols involve connecting to the appropriate port, and reading data from an input stream. The chargen protocol actually sends data until the receiving end closes the connection. All of the others send only a fixed amount of data and then close the connection.

To use the CharGenTCPClient class, just establish a connection with connect and call getInputStream() to access the data. Don't close the input stream when you're done with it. Rather, call disconnect to clean up properly.

See Also:

Field Summary
static int CHARGEN_PORT
          The character generator port value of 19 according to RFC 864.
static int DEFAULT_PORT
          The default chargen port.
static int NETSTAT_PORT
          The netstat port value of 19.
static int QUOTE_OF_DAY_PORT
          The quote of the day port value of 17 according to RFC 865.
static int SYSTAT_PORT
          The systat port value of 11 according to RFC 866.
Fields inherited from class
_defaultPort_, _input_, _output_, _serverSocketFactory_, _socket_, _socketFactory_, _timeout_, connectTimeout, NETASCII_EOL
Constructor Summary
          The default constructor for CharGenTCPClient.
Method Summary
 InputStream getInputStream()
          Returns an InputStream from which the server generated data can be read.
Methods inherited from class
_connectAction_, addProtocolCommandListener, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, createCommandSupport, disconnect, fireCommandSent, fireReplyReceived, getCommandSupport, getConnectTimeout, getDefaultPort, getDefaultTimeout, getKeepAlive, getLocalAddress, getLocalPort, getProxy, getReceiveBufferSize, getRemoteAddress, getRemotePort, getSendBufferSize, getServerSocketFactory, getSoLinger, getSoTimeout, getTcpNoDelay, isAvailable, isConnected, removeProtocolCommandListener, setConnectTimeout, setDefaultPort, setDefaultTimeout, setKeepAlive, setProxy, setReceiveBufferSize, setSendBufferSize, setServerSocketFactory, setSocketFactory, setSoLinger, setSoTimeout, setTcpNoDelay, verifyRemote
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SYSTAT_PORT
The systat port value of 11 according to RFC 866.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NETSTAT_PORT
The netstat port value of 19.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int QUOTE_OF_DAY_PORT
The quote of the day port value of 17 according to RFC 865.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CHARGEN_PORT
The character generator port value of 19 according to RFC 864.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
The default chargen port. It is set to 19 according to RFC 864.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CharGenTCPClient()
The default constructor for CharGenTCPClient. It merely sets the default port to DEFAULT_PORT .

Method Detail


public InputStream getInputStream()
Returns an InputStream from which the server generated data can be read. You should NOT close the InputStream when you're finished reading from it. Rather, you should call disconnect to clean up properly.

An InputStream from which the server generated data can be read.

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