Class SimpleSMTPHeader

  extended by

public class SimpleSMTPHeader
extends Object

This class is used to construct a bare minimum acceptable header for an email message. To construct more complicated headers you should refer to RFC 822. When the Java Mail API is finalized, you will be able to use it to compose fully compliant Internet text messages.

The main purpose of the class is to faciliatate the mail sending process, by relieving the programmer from having to explicitly format a simple message header. For example:

 writer = client.sendMessageData();
 if(writer == null) // failure
   return false;
 header =
    new SimpleSMTPHeader("", "" "Just testing");
 header.addHeaderField("Organization", "Foobar, Inc.");
 writer.write("This is just a test");
 if(!client.completePendingCommand()) // failure
   return false;

See Also:

Constructor Summary
SimpleSMTPHeader(String from, String to, String subject)
          Creates a new SimpleSMTPHeader instance initialized with the given from, to, and subject header field values.
Method Summary
 void addCC(String address)
          Add an email address to the CC (carbon copy or courtesy copy) list.
 void addHeaderField(String headerField, String value)
          Adds an arbitrary header field with the given value to the article header.
 String toString()
          Converts the SimpleSMTPHeader to a properly formatted header in the form of a String, including the blank line used to separate the header from the article body.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleSMTPHeader(String from,
                        String to,
                        String subject)
Creates a new SimpleSMTPHeader instance initialized with the given from, to, and subject header field values.

from - The value of the From: header field. This should be the sender's email address.
to - The value of the To: header field. This should be the recipient's email address.
subject - The value of the Subject: header field. This should be the subject of the message.
Method Detail


public void addHeaderField(String headerField,
                           String value)
Adds an arbitrary header field with the given value to the article header. These headers will be written before the From, To, Subject, and Cc fields when the SimpleSMTPHeader is convertered to a string. An example use would be:
 header.addHeaderField("Organization", "Foobar, Inc.");

headerField - The header field to add, not including the colon.
value - The value of the added header field.


public void addCC(String address)
Add an email address to the CC (carbon copy or courtesy copy) list.

address - The email address to add to the CC list.


public String toString()
Converts the SimpleSMTPHeader to a properly formatted header in the form of a String, including the blank line used to separate the header from the article body. The header fields CC and Subject are only included when they are non-null.

toString in class Object
The message header in the form of a String.

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