Class TFTPClient

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by

public class TFTPClient
extends TFTP

The TFTPClient class encapsulates all the aspects of the TFTP protocol necessary to receive and send files through TFTP. It is derived from the TFTP because it is more convenient than using aggregation, and as a result exposes the same set of methods to allow you to deal with the TFTP protocol directly. However, almost every user should only be concerend with the the open() , close() , sendFile() , and receiveFile() methods. Additionally, the setMaxTimeouts() and setDefaultTimeout() methods may be of importance for performance tuning.

Details regarding the TFTP protocol and the format of TFTP packets can be found in RFC 783. But the point of these classes is to keep you from having to worry about the internals.

See Also:
TFTP, TFTPPacket, TFTPPacketException

Field Summary
          The default number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
_isOpen_, _socket_, _socketFactory_, _timeout_
Constructor Summary
          Creates a TFTPClient instance with a default timeout of DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, maximum timeouts value of DEFAULT_MAX_TIMEOUTS, a null socket, and buffered operations disabled.
Method Summary
 int getMaxTimeouts()
          Returns the maximum number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing.
 int receiveFile(String filename, int mode, OutputStream output, InetAddress host)
          Same as calling receiveFile(filename, mode, output, host, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).
 int receiveFile(String filename, int mode, OutputStream output, InetAddress host, int port)
          Requests a named file from a remote host, writes the file to an OutputStream, closes the connection, and returns the number of bytes read.
 int receiveFile(String filename, int mode, OutputStream output, String hostname)
          Same as calling receiveFile(filename, mode, output, hostname, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).
 int receiveFile(String filename, int mode, OutputStream output, String hostname, int port)
          Requests a named file from a remote host, writes the file to an OutputStream, closes the connection, and returns the number of bytes read.
 void sendFile(String filename, int mode, InputStream input, InetAddress host)
          Same as calling sendFile(filename, mode, input, host, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).
 void sendFile(String filename, int mode, InputStream input, InetAddress host, int port)
          Requests to send a file to a remote host, reads the file from an InputStream, sends the file to the remote host, and closes the connection.
 void sendFile(String filename, int mode, InputStream input, String hostname)
          Same as calling sendFile(filename, mode, input, hostname, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).
 void sendFile(String filename, int mode, InputStream input, String hostname, int port)
          Requests to send a file to a remote host, reads the file from an InputStream, sends the file to the remote host, and closes the connection.
 void setMaxTimeouts(int numTimeouts)
          Sets the maximum number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout during a receiveFile() or sendFile() operation before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing.
Methods inherited from class
beginBufferedOps, bufferedReceive, bufferedSend, discardPackets, endBufferedOps, getModeName, receive, send
Methods inherited from class
close, getDefaultTimeout, getLocalAddress, getLocalPort, getSoTimeout, isOpen, open, open, open, setDatagramSocketFactory, setDefaultTimeout, setSoTimeout
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TIMEOUTS
The default number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing. The default is 5 timeouts.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TFTPClient()
Creates a TFTPClient instance with a default timeout of DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, maximum timeouts value of DEFAULT_MAX_TIMEOUTS, a null socket, and buffered operations disabled.

Method Detail


public void setMaxTimeouts(int numTimeouts)
Sets the maximum number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout during a receiveFile() or sendFile() operation before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing. The default is DEFAULT_MAX_TIMEOUTS.

numTimeouts - The maximum number of timeouts to allow. Values less than 1 should not be used, but if they are, they are treated as 1.


public int getMaxTimeouts()
Returns the maximum number of times a receive attempt is allowed to timeout before ending attempts to retry the receive and failing.

The maximum number of timeouts allowed.


public int receiveFile(String filename,
                       int mode,
                       OutputStream output,
                       InetAddress host,
                       int port)
                throws IOException
Requests a named file from a remote host, writes the file to an OutputStream, closes the connection, and returns the number of bytes read. A local UDP socket must first be created by open() before invoking this method. This method will not close the OutputStream containing the file; you must close it after the method invocation.

filename - The name of the file to receive.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
output - The OutputStream to which the file should be written.
host - The remote host serving the file.
port - The port number of the remote TFTP server.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.


public int receiveFile(String filename,
                       int mode,
                       OutputStream output,
                       String hostname,
                       int port)
                throws UnknownHostException,
Requests a named file from a remote host, writes the file to an OutputStream, closes the connection, and returns the number of bytes read. A local UDP socket must first be created by open() before invoking this method. This method will not close the OutputStream containing the file; you must close it after the method invocation.

filename - The name of the file to receive.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
output - The OutputStream to which the file should be written.
hostname - The name of the remote host serving the file.
port - The port number of the remote TFTP server.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.
UnknownHostException - If the hostname cannot be resolved.


public int receiveFile(String filename,
                       int mode,
                       OutputStream output,
                       InetAddress host)
                throws IOException
Same as calling receiveFile(filename, mode, output, host, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).

filename - The name of the file to receive.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
output - The OutputStream to which the file should be written.
host - The remote host serving the file.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.


public int receiveFile(String filename,
                       int mode,
                       OutputStream output,
                       String hostname)
                throws UnknownHostException,
Same as calling receiveFile(filename, mode, output, hostname, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).

filename - The name of the file to receive.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
output - The OutputStream to which the file should be written.
hostname - The name of the remote host serving the file.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.
UnknownHostException - If the hostname cannot be resolved.


public void sendFile(String filename,
                     int mode,
                     InputStream input,
                     InetAddress host,
                     int port)
              throws IOException
Requests to send a file to a remote host, reads the file from an InputStream, sends the file to the remote host, and closes the connection. A local UDP socket must first be created by open() before invoking this method. This method will not close the InputStream containing the file; you must close it after the method invocation.

filename - The name the remote server should use when creating the file on its file system.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
host - The remote host receiving the file.
port - The port number of the remote TFTP server.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.


public void sendFile(String filename,
                     int mode,
                     InputStream input,
                     String hostname,
                     int port)
              throws UnknownHostException,
Requests to send a file to a remote host, reads the file from an InputStream, sends the file to the remote host, and closes the connection. A local UDP socket must first be created by open() before invoking this method. This method will not close the InputStream containing the file; you must close it after the method invocation.

filename - The name the remote server should use when creating the file on its file system.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
hostname - The name of the remote host receiving the file.
port - The port number of the remote TFTP server.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.
UnknownHostException - If the hostname cannot be resolved.


public void sendFile(String filename,
                     int mode,
                     InputStream input,
                     InetAddress host)
              throws IOException
Same as calling sendFile(filename, mode, input, host, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).

filename - The name the remote server should use when creating the file on its file system.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
host - The name of the remote host receiving the file.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.
UnknownHostException - If the hostname cannot be resolved.


public void sendFile(String filename,
                     int mode,
                     InputStream input,
                     String hostname)
              throws UnknownHostException,
Same as calling sendFile(filename, mode, input, hostname, TFTP.DEFAULT_PORT).

filename - The name the remote server should use when creating the file on its file system.
mode - The TFTP mode of the transfer (one of the MODE constants).
hostname - The name of the remote host receiving the file.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs. The nature of the error will be reported in the message.
UnknownHostException - If the hostname cannot be resolved.

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