Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.shiro.authz
org.apache.shiro.authc Core interfaces and exceptions concerning Authentication (the act of logging-in). 
org.apache.shiro.authz Core interfaces and exceptions supporting Authorization (access control). 
org.apache.shiro.authz.aop Contains AOP implementation support classes specifically used for authorization operations, particularly supporting AOP Method Interceptors and JSR-175 metadata Annotations. 
org.apache.shiro.authz.permission Support and default implementations for Shiro's Permission interface. 
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.realm Components and sub-packages used in supporting the core Realm interface. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.activedirectory Realms that acquire security data from a Microsoft Active Directory. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc Realms that acquire security data from an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) using the JDBC API. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap Realms that acquire security data from an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server utilizing LDAP/Naming APIs. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.text Realms that acquire security data from text-based data sources such as Files or text streams. 
org.apache.shiro.session.mgt SessionManager components supporting enterprise session management. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 
org.apache.shiro.util Your run-of-the-mill 'util' pacakge for components and logic widely used across the framework that can't find their home into a proper OO hierarchy (or, most likely for things used across many hierarchies). 

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.authc
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.authz
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.
          Thrown to indicate a requested operation or access to a requested resource is not allowed.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.authz.aop
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          Exception thrown when attempting to execute an authorization action when a successful authentication hasn't yet occurred.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.authz.permission
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.mgt
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.realm
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.
          A simple representation of a security role that has a name and a collection of permissions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.realm.activedirectory
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap
          AuthorizationInfo represents a single Subject's stored authorization data (roles, permissions, etc) used during authorization (access control) checks only.
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.realm.text
          An Authorizer performs authorization (access control) operations for any given Subject (aka 'application user').

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.session.mgt
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.subject
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by
          Exception thrown if there is a problem during authorization (access control check).
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.authz used by org.apache.shiro.util
          A Permission represents the ability to perform an action or access a resource.

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