Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.shiro
org.apache.shiro This package primarily exists as a root classpath distinction, but it does contain two core classes widely used by applications, SecurityUtils and ShiroException
org.apache.shiro.authc Core interfaces and exceptions concerning Authentication (the act of logging-in). 
org.apache.shiro.authc.pam Support for PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, which is the capability to authenticate a user against multiple configurable (pluggable) modules (Shiro calls these Realms). 
org.apache.shiro.authz Core interfaces and exceptions supporting Authorization (access control). 
org.apache.shiro.authz.permission Support and default implementations for Shiro's Permission interface. 
org.apache.shiro.cache Caching support used to enhance performance for any security operation. 
org.apache.shiro.codec Components for encoding and decoding of data across multiple formats, especially useful in Shiro's cryptography and web functionality. 
org.apache.shiro.config Components that support configuring Shiro in any application. 
org.apache.shiro.crypto Cryptography Cipher and Hashing components that greatly simplify the JDK's cryptography concepts and add additional convenient behavior. 
org.apache.shiro.dao Package containing various components useful when building Data Access Objects (DAOs), including a generic Data Access Exception hierarchy. 
org.apache.shiro.env Concepts used to represent Shiro's aggregate state in an application. Support for reading and writing (input/output) raw data from multiple resource locations. 
org.apache.shiro.session Components related to managing sessions, the time-based data contexts in which a Subject interacts with an application. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 
org.apache.shiro.util Your run-of-the-mill 'util' pacakge for components and logic widely used across the framework that can't find their home into a proper OO hierarchy (or, most likely for things used across many hierarchies). 

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.
          Exception thrown when attempting to acquire the application's SecurityManager instance, but Shiro's lookup heuristics cannot find one.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.authc
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.authc.pam
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.authz
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.authz.permission
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.cache
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.codec
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.config
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.crypto
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.dao
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.env
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.ldap
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.session
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.subject
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

Classes in org.apache.shiro used by org.apache.shiro.util
          Root exception for all Shiro runtime exceptions.

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