Uses of Interface

Packages that use Session
org.apache.shiro.mgt Provides the master SecurityManager interface and a default implementation hierarchy for managing all aspects of Shiro's functionality in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.session Components related to managing sessions, the time-based data contexts in which a Subject interacts with an application. 
org.apache.shiro.session.mgt SessionManager components supporting enterprise session management. 
org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis EIS (Enterprise Information System)-tier components that can perform CRUD operations for sessions using any EIS API. 
org.apache.shiro.subject Components supporting the Subject interface, the most important concept in Shiro's API. Concrete support implementations of most of the org.apache.shiro.subject interfaces. 

Uses of Session in org.apache.shiro.mgt

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt that return Session
 Session SessionsSecurityManager.getSession(SessionKey key)
protected  Session DefaultSecurityManager.resolveContextSession(SubjectContext context)
 Session SessionsSecurityManager.start(SessionContext context)

Methods in org.apache.shiro.mgt with parameters of type Session
protected  Subject DefaultSubjectFactory.newSubjectInstance(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, SecurityManager securityManager)
          Deprecated. since 1.2 - override DefaultSubjectFactory.createSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) directly if you need to instantiate a custom Subject class.

Uses of Session in org.apache.shiro.session

Classes in org.apache.shiro.session that implement Session
 class ProxiedSession
          Simple Session implementation that immediately delegates all corresponding calls to an underlying proxied session instance.

Fields in org.apache.shiro.session declared as Session
protected  Session ProxiedSession.delegate
          The proxied instance

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session with parameters of type Session
 void SessionListenerAdapter.onExpiration(Session session)
          Adapter no-op implemenation - does nothing and returns immediately.
 void SessionListener.onExpiration(Session session)
          Notification callback that occurs when the corresponding Session has expired.
 void SessionListenerAdapter.onStart(Session session)
          Adapter no-op implemenation - does nothing and returns immediately.
 void SessionListener.onStart(Session session)
          Notification callback that occurs when the corresponding Session has started.
 void SessionListenerAdapter.onStop(Session session)
          Adapter no-op implemenation - does nothing and returns immediately.
 void SessionListener.onStop(Session session)
          Notification callback that occurs when the corresponding Session has stopped, either programmatically via stop() or automatically upon a subject logging out.

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.session with parameters of type Session
ProxiedSession(Session target)
          Constructs an instance that proxies the specified target.

Uses of Session in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt

Subinterfaces of Session in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt
 interface ValidatingSession
          A ValidatingSession is a Session that is capable of determining it is valid or not and is able to validate itself if necessary.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt that implement Session
 class DelegatingSession
          A DelegatingSession is a client-tier representation of a server side Session.
 class ImmutableProxiedSession
          Implementation of the Session interface that proxies another Session, but does not allow any 'write' operations to the underlying session.
 class SimpleSession
          Simple Session JavaBeans-compatible POJO implementation, intended to be used on the business/server tier.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt that return Session
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.beforeInvalidNotification(Session session)
          Returns the session instance to use to pass to registered SessionListeners for notification that the session has been invalidated (stopped or expired).
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.createExposedSession(Session session, SessionContext context)
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.createExposedSession(Session session, SessionKey key)
 Session SimpleSessionFactory.createSession(SessionContext initData)
          Creates a new SimpleSession instance retaining the context's host if one can be found.
 Session SessionFactory.createSession(SessionContext initData)
          Creates a new Session instance based on the specified contextual initialization data.
protected  Session AbstractValidatingSessionManager.createSession(SessionContext context)
protected abstract  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.createSession(SessionContext context)
          Creates a new Session Session instance based on the specified (possibly null) initialization data.
protected  Session DefaultSessionManager.doCreateSession(SessionContext context)
protected abstract  Session AbstractValidatingSessionManager.doCreateSession(SessionContext initData)
protected  Session AbstractValidatingSessionManager.doGetSession(SessionKey key)
protected abstract  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.doGetSession(SessionKey key)
 Session SessionManager.getSession(SessionKey key)
          Retrieves the session corresponding to the specified contextual data (such as a session ID if applicable), or null if no Session could be found.
 Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.getSession(SessionKey key)
protected  Session DefaultSessionManager.newSessionInstance(SessionContext context)
protected  Session DefaultSessionManager.retrieveSession(SessionKey sessionKey)
protected abstract  Session AbstractValidatingSessionManager.retrieveSession(SessionKey key)
          Looks up a session from the underlying data store based on the specified session key.
protected  Session DefaultSessionManager.retrieveSessionFromDataSource(Serializable sessionId)
 Session SessionManager.start(SessionContext context)
          Starts a new session based on the specified contextual initialization data, which can be used by the underlying implementation to determine how exactly to create the internal Session instance.
 Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.start(SessionContext context)

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt that return types with arguments of type Session
protected  Collection<Session> DefaultSessionManager.getActiveSessions()
protected abstract  Collection<Session> AbstractValidatingSessionManager.getActiveSessions()

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt with parameters of type Session
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.afterExpired(Session session)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.afterExpired(Session session)
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.afterStopped(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.afterStopped(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.applyGlobalSessionTimeout(Session session)
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.beforeInvalidNotification(Session session)
          Returns the session instance to use to pass to registered SessionListeners for notification that the session has been invalidated (stopped or expired).
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.create(Session session)
          Persists the given session instance to an underlying EIS (Enterprise Information System).
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.createExposedSession(Session session, SessionContext context)
protected  Session AbstractNativeSessionManager.createExposedSession(Session session, SessionKey key)
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.delete(Session session)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.doValidate(Session session)
protected  long AbstractValidatingSessionManager.getTimeout(Session session)
          Subclass template hook in case per-session timeout is not based on getTimeout().
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.notifyExpiration(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.notifyStart(Session session)
          Notifies any interested SessionListeners that a Session has started.
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.notifyStop(Session session)
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.onChange(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.onChange(Session s)
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.onExpiration(Session session)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.onExpiration(Session session)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.onExpiration(Session s, ExpiredSessionException ese, SessionKey key)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.onInvalidation(Session s, InvalidSessionException ise, SessionKey key)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.onStart(Session session, SessionContext context)
          Template method that allows subclasses to react to a new session being created.
protected  void DefaultSessionManager.onStop(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.onStop(Session session)
protected  void AbstractNativeSessionManager.onStop(Session session, SessionKey key)
protected  void AbstractValidatingSessionManager.validate(Session session, SessionKey key)

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt with parameters of type Session
ImmutableProxiedSession(Session target)
          Constructs a new instance of this class proxying the specified Session.

Uses of Session in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis that return Session
protected  Session MemorySessionDAO.doReadSession(Serializable sessionId)
protected  Session EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO.doReadSession(Serializable sessionId)
protected abstract  Session AbstractSessionDAO.doReadSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Subclass implementation hook that retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS or null if a session with that ID could not be found.
protected  Session CachingSessionDAO.getCachedSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Returns the cached session with the corresponding sessionId or null if there is no session cached under that id (or if there is no Cache).
protected  Session CachingSessionDAO.getCachedSession(Serializable sessionId, Cache<Serializable,Session> cache)
          Returns the Session with the specified id from the specified cache.
 Session SessionDAO.readSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Retrieves the session from the EIS uniquely identified by the specified sessionId.
 Session CachingSessionDAO.readSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Attempts to acquire the Session from the cache first using the session ID as the cache key.
 Session AbstractSessionDAO.readSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS identified by sessionId by delegating to the AbstractSessionDAO.doReadSession( method.
protected  Session MemorySessionDAO.storeSession(Serializable id, Session session)

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis that return types with arguments of type Session
protected  Cache<Serializable,Session> CachingSessionDAO.createActiveSessionsCache()
          Creates a cache instance used to store active sessions.
 Collection<Session> SessionDAO.getActiveSessions()
          Returns all sessions in the EIS that are considered active, meaning all sessions that haven't been stopped/expired.
 Collection<Session> MemorySessionDAO.getActiveSessions()
 Collection<Session> CachingSessionDAO.getActiveSessions()
          Returns all active sessions in the system.
 Cache<Serializable,Session> CachingSessionDAO.getActiveSessionsCache()
          Returns the cache instance to use for storing active sessions.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis with parameters of type Session
protected  void AbstractSessionDAO.assignSessionId(Session session, Serializable sessionId)
          Utility method available to subclasses that wish to assign a generated session ID to the session instance directly.
protected  void CachingSessionDAO.cache(Session session, Serializable sessionId)
          Caches the specified session under the cache entry key of sessionId.
protected  void CachingSessionDAO.cache(Session session, Serializable sessionId, Cache<Serializable,Session> cache)
          Caches the specified session in the given cache under the key of sessionId.
 Serializable SessionDAO.create(Session session)
          Inserts a new Session record into the underling EIS (e.g.
 Serializable CachingSessionDAO.create(Session session)
          Calls super.create(session), then caches the session keyed by the returned sessionId, and then returns this sessionId.
 Serializable AbstractSessionDAO.create(Session session)
          Creates the session by delegating EIS creation to subclasses via the AbstractSessionDAO.doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method, and then asserting that the returned sessionId is not null.
 void SessionDAO.delete(Session session)
          Deletes the associated EIS record of the specified session.
 void MemorySessionDAO.delete(Session session)
 void CachingSessionDAO.delete(Session session)
          Removes the specified session from any cache and then permanently deletes the session from the EIS by delegating to CachingSessionDAO.doDelete(org.apache.shiro.session.Session).
protected  Serializable MemorySessionDAO.doCreate(Session session)
protected  Serializable EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO.doCreate(Session session)
protected abstract  Serializable AbstractSessionDAO.doCreate(Session session)
          Subclass hook to actually persist the given Session instance to the underlying EIS.
protected  void EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO.doDelete(Session session)
protected abstract  void CachingSessionDAO.doDelete(Session session)
          Subclass implementation hook to permanently delete the given Session from the underlying EIS.
protected  void EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO.doUpdate(Session session)
protected abstract  void CachingSessionDAO.doUpdate(Session session)
          Subclass implementation hook to actually persist the Session's state to the underlying EIS.
 Serializable SessionIdGenerator.generateId(Session session)
          Generates a new ID to be applied to the specified Session instance.
 Serializable RandomSessionIdGenerator.generateId(Session session)
          Returns the String value of the configured Random's nextLong() invocation.
 Serializable JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator.generateId(Session session)
          Ignores the method argument and simply returns UUID.randomUUID().toString().
protected  Serializable AbstractSessionDAO.generateSessionId(Session session)
          Generates a new ID to be applied to the specified session instance.
protected  Session MemorySessionDAO.storeSession(Serializable id, Session session)
protected  void CachingSessionDAO.uncache(Session session)
          Removes the specified Session from the cache.
 void SessionDAO.update(Session session)
          Updates (persists) data from a previously created Session instance in the EIS identified by {@link Session#getId() session.getId()}.
 void MemorySessionDAO.update(Session session)
 void CachingSessionDAO.update(Session session)
          Updates the state of the given session to the EIS by first delegating to CachingSessionDAO.doUpdate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session).

Method parameters in org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis with type arguments of type Session
protected  void CachingSessionDAO.cache(Session session, Serializable sessionId, Cache<Serializable,Session> cache)
          Caches the specified session in the given cache under the key of sessionId.
protected  Session CachingSessionDAO.getCachedSession(Serializable sessionId, Cache<Serializable,Session> cache)
          Returns the Session with the specified id from the specified cache.
 void CachingSessionDAO.setActiveSessionsCache(Cache<Serializable,Session> cache)
          Sets the cache instance to use for storing active sessions.

Uses of Session in org.apache.shiro.subject

Methods in org.apache.shiro.subject that return Session
 Session SubjectContext.getSession()
          Returns the Session to use when building the Subject instance.
 Session Subject.getSession()
          Returns the application Session associated with this Subject.
 Session Subject.getSession(boolean create)
          Returns the application Session associated with this Subject.
 Session SubjectContext.resolveSession()

Methods in org.apache.shiro.subject with parameters of type Session
 Subject.Builder Subject.Builder.session(Session session)
          Ensures the Subject being built will use the specified Session instance.
 void SubjectContext.setSession(Session session)
          Sets the Session to use when building the Subject instance.

Uses of Session in

Fields in declared as Session
protected  Session DelegatingSubject.session

Methods in that return Session
protected  Session DelegatingSubject.decorate(Session session)
 Session DelegatingSubject.getSession()
 Session DefaultSubjectContext.getSession()
 Session DelegatingSubject.getSession(boolean create)
 Session DefaultSubjectContext.resolveSession()

Methods in with parameters of type Session
protected  Session DelegatingSubject.decorate(Session session)
 void DefaultSubjectContext.setSession(Session session)

Constructors in with parameters of type Session
DelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, boolean sessionCreationEnabled, SecurityManager securityManager)
DelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, SecurityManager securityManager)

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