Uses of Interface

Packages that use ByteSource
org.apache.shiro.authc Core interfaces and exceptions concerning Authentication (the act of logging-in). 
org.apache.shiro.authc.credential Support for validating credentials (such as passwords or X509 certificates) during authentication via the CredentialsMatcher interface and its supporting implementations. 
org.apache.shiro.crypto Cryptography Cipher and Hashing components that greatly simplify the JDK's cryptography concepts and add additional convenient behavior. 
org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash Cryptographic Hashing components that greatly simplify one-way data hashing in an application. 
org.apache.shiro.util Your run-of-the-mill 'util' pacakge for components and logic widely used across the framework that can't find their home into a proper OO hierarchy (or, most likely for things used across many hierarchies). 

Uses of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.authc

Fields in org.apache.shiro.authc declared as ByteSource
protected  ByteSource SimpleAuthenticationInfo.credentialsSalt
          Any salt used in hashing the credentials.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.authc that return ByteSource
 ByteSource SimpleAuthenticationInfo.getCredentialsSalt()
          Returns the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
 ByteSource SimpleAccount.getCredentialsSalt()
          Returns the salt used to hash this Account's credentials (eg for password hashing), or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
 ByteSource SaltedAuthenticationInfo.getCredentialsSalt()
          Returns the salt used to salt the account's credentials or null if no salt was used.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.authc with parameters of type ByteSource
 void SimpleAuthenticationInfo.setCredentialsSalt(ByteSource salt)
          Sets the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
 void SimpleAccount.setCredentialsSalt(ByteSource salt)
          Sets the salt to use to hash this Account's credentials (eg for password hashing), or null if no salt is used or credentials are not hashed at all.

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.authc with parameters of type ByteSource
SimpleAccount(Object principal, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt, String realmName)
          Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principals, hashedCredentials and credentials salt used when hashing the credentials.
SimpleAccount(PrincipalCollection principals, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt)
          Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified principals and credentials.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(Object principal, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt, String realmName)
          Constructor that takes in a single 'primary' principal of the account, its corresponding hashed credentials, the salt used to hash the credentials, and the name of the realm to associate with the principals.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt)
          Constructor that takes in an account's identifying principal(s), hashed credentials used to verify the principals, and the salt used when hashing the credentials.

Uses of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.authc.credential

Methods in org.apache.shiro.authc.credential that return ByteSource
protected  ByteSource DefaultPasswordService.createByteSource(Object o)

Methods in org.apache.shiro.authc.credential with parameters of type ByteSource
protected  HashRequest DefaultPasswordService.buildHashRequest(ByteSource plaintext, Hash saved)
protected  HashRequest DefaultPasswordService.createHashRequest(ByteSource plaintext)

Uses of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.crypto

Methods in org.apache.shiro.crypto that return ByteSource
 ByteSource JcaCipherService.decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key)
 ByteSource CipherService.decrypt(byte[] encrypted, byte[] decryptionKey)
          Decrypts encrypted data via the specified cipher key and returns the original (pre-encrypted) data.
 ByteSource JcaCipherService.encrypt(byte[] plaintext, byte[] key)
 ByteSource CipherService.encrypt(byte[] raw, byte[] encryptionKey)
          Encrypts data via the specified cipher key.
 ByteSource SecureRandomNumberGenerator.nextBytes()
 ByteSource RandomNumberGenerator.nextBytes()
          Generates a byte array of fixed length filled with random data, often useful for generating salts, initialization vectors or other seed data.
 ByteSource SecureRandomNumberGenerator.nextBytes(int numBytes)
 ByteSource RandomNumberGenerator.nextBytes(int numBytes)
          Generates a byte array of the specified length filled with random data.

Uses of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash

Subinterfaces of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash
 interface Hash
          A Cryptographic Hash represents a one-way conversion algorithm that transforms an input source to an underlying byte array.

Classes in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash that implement ByteSource
 class AbstractHash
          Deprecated. in Shiro 1.1 in favor of using the concrete SimpleHash implementation directly.
 class Md2Hash
          Generates an MD2 Hash (RFC 1319) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class Md5Hash
          Generates an MD5 Hash (RFC 1321) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class Sha1Hash
          Generates an SHA-1 Hash (Secure Hash Standard, NIST FIPS 180-1) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class Sha256Hash
          Generates an SHA-256 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class Sha384Hash
          Generates an SHA-384 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class Sha512Hash
          Generates an SHA-512 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
 class SimpleHash
          A Hash implementation that allows any MessageDigest algorithm name to be used.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash that return ByteSource
protected  ByteSource DefaultHashService.combine(ByteSource privateSalt, ByteSource publicSalt)
          Combines the specified 'private' salt bytes with the specified additional extra bytes to use as the total salt during hash computation.
protected  ByteSource SimpleHash.convertSaltToBytes(Object salt)
          Acquires the specified salt argument's bytes and returns them in the form of a ByteSource instance.
protected  ByteSource SimpleHash.convertSourceToBytes(Object source)
          Acquires the specified source argument's bytes and returns them in the form of a ByteSource instance.
 ByteSource DefaultHashService.getPrivateSalt()
protected  ByteSource DefaultHashService.getPublicSalt(HashRequest request)
          Returns the public salt that should be used to compute a hash based on the specified request or null if no public salt should be used.
 ByteSource SimpleHashRequest.getSalt()
 ByteSource SimpleHash.getSalt()
 ByteSource HashRequest.getSalt()
          Returns a salt to be used by the HashService during hash computation, or null if no salt is provided as part of the request.
 ByteSource Hash.getSalt()
          Returns a salt used to compute the hash or null if no salt was used.
 ByteSource SimpleHashRequest.getSource()
 ByteSource HashRequest.getSource()
          Returns the source data that will be hashed by a HashService.
protected  ByteSource SimpleHash.toByteSource(Object o)
          Converts a given object into a ByteSource instance.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash with parameters of type ByteSource
protected  ByteSource DefaultHashService.combine(ByteSource privateSalt, ByteSource publicSalt)
          Combines the specified 'private' salt bytes with the specified additional extra bytes to use as the total salt during hash computation.
 void DefaultHashService.setPrivateSalt(ByteSource privateSalt)
 void ConfigurableHashService.setPrivateSalt(ByteSource privateSalt)
          Sets the 'private' (internal) salt to be paired with a 'public' (random or supplied) salt during hash computation.
 void SimpleHash.setSalt(ByteSource salt)
          Sets the salt used to previously compute AN ALREADY GENERATED HASH.
 HashRequest.Builder HashRequest.Builder.setSalt(ByteSource salt)
          Sets a salt to be used by the HashService during hash computation.
 HashRequest.Builder HashRequest.Builder.setSource(ByteSource source)
          Sets the source data that will be hashed by a HashService.

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash with parameters of type ByteSource
SimpleHashRequest(String algorithmName, ByteSource source, ByteSource salt, int iterations)
          Creates a new SimpleHashRequest instance.

Uses of ByteSource in org.apache.shiro.util

Classes in org.apache.shiro.util that implement ByteSource
 class SimpleByteSource
          Very simple ByteSource implementation that maintains an internal byte[] array and uses the Hex and Base64 codec classes to support the toHex() and toBase64() implementations.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.util that return ByteSource
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(byte[] bytes)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified byte array.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(ByteSource source)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified ByteSource.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(char[] chars)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified character array's bytes.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(File file)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified File's bytes.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(InputStream stream)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified InputStream's bytes.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(Object source)
          Returns a ByteSource instance representing the specified byte source argument.
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(String string)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified string's bytes.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.util with parameters of type ByteSource
static ByteSource ByteSource.Util.bytes(ByteSource source)
          Returns a new ByteSource instance representing the specified ByteSource.

Constructors in org.apache.shiro.util with parameters of type ByteSource
SimpleByteSource(ByteSource source)
          Creates an instance using the sources bytes directly - it does not create a copy of the argument's byte array.

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