objects represent names and some strings inside the
Ruby interpreter. They are generated using the :name
literals syntax, and by the various
methods. The same Symbol
object will be
created for a given name or string for the duration of a program's
execution, regardless of the context or meaning of that name. Thus if
is a constant in one context, a method in another, and a
class in a third, the Symbol
will be the
same object in all three contexts.
module One class Fred end $f1 = :Fred end module Two Fred = 1 $f2 = :Fred end def Fred() end $f3 = :Fred $f1.object_id #=> 2514190 $f2.object_id #=> 2514190 $f3.object_id #=> 2514190
Returns an array of all the symbols currently in Ruby’s symbol table.
Symbol.all_symbols.size #=> 903 Symbol.all_symbols[1,20] #=> [:floor, :ARGV, :Binding, :symlink, :chown, :EOFError, :$;, :String, :LOCK_SH, :"setuid?", :$<, :default_proc, :compact, :extend, :Tms, :getwd, :$=, :ThreadGroup, :wait2, :$>]
VALUE rb_sym_all_symbols(void) { VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(global_symbols.sym_id->num_entries); st_foreach(global_symbols.sym_id, symbols_i, ary); return ary; }
Compares sym with other in string form.
static VALUE sym_cmp(VALUE sym, VALUE other) { if (!SYMBOL_P(other)) { return Qnil; } return rb_str_cmp_m(rb_sym_to_s(sym), rb_sym_to_s(other)); }
Equality—If sym and obj are exactly the same symbol,
returns true
static VALUE sym_equal(VALUE sym1, VALUE sym2) { if (sym1 == sym2) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; }
Equality—If sym and obj are exactly the same symbol,
returns true
static VALUE sym_equal(VALUE sym1, VALUE sym2) { if (sym1 == sym2) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; }
Returns sym.to_s =~ obj
static VALUE sym_match(VALUE sym, VALUE other) { return rb_str_match(rb_sym_to_s(sym), other); }
Returns sym.to_s[]
static VALUE sym_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym) { return rb_str_aref_m(argc, argv, rb_sym_to_s(sym)); }
Same as sym.to_s.capitalize.intern
static VALUE sym_capitalize(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_intern(rb_str_capitalize(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym)))); }
Case-insensitive version of Symbol#<=>
static VALUE sym_casecmp(VALUE sym, VALUE other) { if (!SYMBOL_P(other)) { return Qnil; } return rb_str_casecmp(rb_sym_to_s(sym), rb_sym_to_s(other)); }
Same as sym.to_s.downcase.intern
static VALUE sym_downcase(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_intern(rb_str_downcase(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym)))); }
Returns that sym is :“” or not.
static VALUE sym_empty(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_empty(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))); }
Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of sym.
static VALUE sym_encoding(VALUE sym) { return rb_obj_encoding(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))); }
Returns the name or string corresponding to sym.
:fred.id2name #=> "fred"
VALUE rb_sym_to_s(VALUE sym) { ID id = SYM2ID(sym); return str_new3(rb_cString, rb_id2str(id)); }
Returns the representation of sym as a symbol literal.
:fred.inspect #=> ":fred"
static VALUE sym_inspect(VALUE sym) { VALUE str; ID id = SYM2ID(sym); rb_encoding *enc; const char *ptr; long len; char *dest; rb_encoding *resenc = rb_default_internal_encoding(); if (resenc == NULL) resenc = rb_default_external_encoding(); sym = rb_id2str(id); enc = STR_ENC_GET(sym); ptr = RSTRING_PTR(sym); len = RSTRING_LEN(sym); if ((resenc != enc && !rb_str_is_ascii_only_p(sym)) || len != (long)strlen(ptr) || !rb_enc_symname_p(ptr, enc) || !sym_printable(ptr, ptr + len, enc)) { str = rb_str_inspect(sym); len = RSTRING_LEN(str); rb_str_resize(str, len + 1); dest = RSTRING_PTR(str); memmove(dest + 1, dest, len); dest[0] = ':'; } else { char *dest; str = rb_enc_str_new(0, len + 1, enc); dest = RSTRING_PTR(str); dest[0] = ':'; memcpy(dest + 1, ptr, len); } return str; }
In general, to_sym
returns the Symbol
corresponding to an object. As sym is already a symbol,
is returned in this case.
static VALUE sym_to_sym(VALUE sym) { return sym; }
Same as sym.to_s.length
static VALUE sym_length(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_length(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))); }
Returns sym.to_s =~ obj
static VALUE sym_match(VALUE sym, VALUE other) { return rb_str_match(rb_sym_to_s(sym), other); }
Same as sym.to_s.succ.intern
static VALUE sym_succ(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_intern(rb_str_succ(rb_sym_to_s(sym))); }
Same as sym.to_s.length
static VALUE sym_length(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_length(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))); }
Returns sym.to_s[]
static VALUE sym_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym) { return rb_str_aref_m(argc, argv, rb_sym_to_s(sym)); }
Same as sym.to_s.succ.intern
static VALUE sym_succ(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_intern(rb_str_succ(rb_sym_to_s(sym))); }
Same as sym.to_s.swapcase.intern
static VALUE sym_swapcase(VALUE sym) { return rb_str_intern(rb_str_swapcase(rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym)))); }
Returns a Proc object which respond to the given method by sym.
(1..3).collect(&:to_s) #=> ["1", "2", "3"]
static VALUE sym_to_proc(VALUE sym) { static VALUE sym_proc_cache = Qfalse; enum {SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE = 67}; VALUE proc; long id, index; VALUE *aryp; if (!sym_proc_cache) { sym_proc_cache = rb_ary_tmp_new(SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE * 2); rb_gc_register_mark_object(sym_proc_cache); rb_ary_store(sym_proc_cache, SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE*2 - 1, Qnil); } id = SYM2ID(sym); index = (id % SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE) << 1; aryp = RARRAY_PTR(sym_proc_cache); if (aryp[index] == sym) { return aryp[index + 1]; } else { proc = rb_proc_new(sym_call, (VALUE)id); aryp[index] = sym; aryp[index + 1] = proc; return proc; } }
Returns the name or string corresponding to sym.
:fred.id2name #=> "fred"
VALUE rb_sym_to_s(VALUE sym) { ID id = SYM2ID(sym); return str_new3(rb_cString, rb_id2str(id)); }
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