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Android APIs
public class


extends NumberKeyListener
   ↳ android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener
     ↳ android.text.method.BaseKeyListener
       ↳ android.text.method.NumberKeyListener
         ↳ android.text.method.DateTimeKeyListener

Class Overview

For entering dates and times in the same text field.

As for all implementations of KeyListener, this class is only concerned with hardware keyboards. Software input methods have no obligation to trigger the methods in this class.


Inherited Constants
From class android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener
public static final char[] CHARACTERS The characters that are used.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
int getInputType()
static DateTimeKeyListener getInstance()
Protected Methods
char[] getAcceptedChars()
You can say which characters you can accept.
Inherited Methods
From class android.text.method.NumberKeyListener
From class android.text.method.BaseKeyListener
From class android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.text.InputFilter
From interface android.text.method.KeyListener


public static final char[] CHARACTERS

Since: API Level 1

The characters that are used.

Public Constructors

public DateTimeKeyListener ()

Since: API Level 1

Public Methods

public int getInputType ()

Since: API Level 3

public static DateTimeKeyListener getInstance ()

Since: API Level 1

Protected Methods

protected char[] getAcceptedChars ()

Since: API Level 1

You can say which characters you can accept.