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Android APIs
public class


extends BaseObj
   ↳ android.renderscript.BaseObj
     ↳ android.renderscript.Sampler

Class Overview

Sampler object which defines how data is extracted from textures. Samplers are attached to Program objects (currently only ProgramFragment) when those objects need to access texture data.


Nested Classes
class Sampler.Builder Builder for creating non-standard samplers. 
enum Sampler.Value  
Public Methods
static Sampler CLAMP_LINEAR(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to linear and wrap modes set to clamp.
static Sampler CLAMP_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with ag set to linear, min linear mipmap linear, and to and wrap modes set to clamp.
static Sampler CLAMP_NEAREST(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to clamp.
static Sampler WRAP_LINEAR(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to wrap.
static Sampler WRAP_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with ag set to linear, min linear mipmap linear, and to and wrap modes set to wrap.
static Sampler WRAP_NEAREST(RenderScript rs)
Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to wrap.
float getAnisotropy()
Sampler.Value getMagnification()
Sampler.Value getMinification()
Sampler.Value getWrapS()
Sampler.Value getWrapT()
Inherited Methods
From class android.renderscript.BaseObj
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Sampler CLAMP_LINEAR (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to linear and wrap modes set to clamp.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public static Sampler CLAMP_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with ag set to linear, min linear mipmap linear, and to and wrap modes set to clamp.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public static Sampler CLAMP_NEAREST (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to clamp.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public static Sampler WRAP_LINEAR (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to wrap.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public static Sampler WRAP_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with ag set to linear, min linear mipmap linear, and to and wrap modes set to wrap.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public static Sampler WRAP_NEAREST (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Retrieve a sampler with min and mag set to nearest and wrap modes set to wrap.

rs Context to which the sampler will belong.
  • Sampler

public float getAnisotropy ()

Since: API Level 16

  • anisotropy setting for the sampler

public Sampler.Value getMagnification ()

Since: API Level 16

  • magnification setting for the sampler

public Sampler.Value getMinification ()

Since: API Level 16

  • minification setting for the sampler

public Sampler.Value getWrapS ()

Since: API Level 16

  • S wrapping mode for the sampler

public Sampler.Value getWrapT ()

Since: API Level 16

  • T wrapping mode for the sampler