Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator Class Reference

Shader generator system main interface. More...

#include <OgreShaderGenerator.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


struct  MatGroupPair_less
class  SGMaterial
 Shader generator material wrapper class. More...
class  SGPass
 Shader generator pass wrapper class. More...
class  SGRenderObjectListener
 Shader generator RenderObjectListener sub class. More...
class  SGSceneManagerListener
 Shader generator scene manager sub class. More...
class  SGScheme
 Shader generator scheme class. More...
class  SGScriptTranslatorManager
 Shader generator ScriptTranslatorManager sub class. More...
class  SGTechnique
 Shader generator technique wrapper class. More...

Public Types

typedef std::pair< RenderState
*, bool > 

Public Member Functions

void addSceneManager (SceneManager *sceneMgr)
 Add a scene manager to the shader generator scene managers list.
void removeSceneManager (SceneManager *sceneMgr)
 Remove a scene manager from the shader generator scene managers list.
SceneManagergetActiveSceneManager ()
 Get the active scene manager that is doint the actual scene rendering.
void setTargetLanguage (const String &shaderLanguage)
 Set the target shader language.
const StringgetTargetLanguage () const
 Return the target shader language currently in use.
void setVertexShaderProfiles (const String &vertexShaderProfiles)
 Set the output vertex shader target profiles.
const StringgetVertexShaderProfiles () const
 Get the output vertex shader target profiles.
const StringVectorgetVertexShaderProfilesList () const
 Get the output vertex shader target profiles as list of strings.
void setFragmentShaderProfiles (const String &fragmentShaderProfiles)
 Set the output fragment shader target profiles.
const StringgetFragmentShaderProfiles () const
 Get the output fragment shader target profiles.
const StringVectorgetFragmentShaderProfilesList () const
 Get the output fragment shader target profiles as list of strings.
void setShaderCachePath (const String &cachePath)
 Set the output shader cache path.
const StringgetShaderCachePath () const
 Get the output shader cache path.
void flushShaderCache ()
 Flush the shader cache.
RenderStategetRenderState (const String &schemeName)
 Return a global render state associated with the given scheme name.
RenderStateCreateOrRetrieveResult createOrRetrieveRenderState (const String &schemeName)
 Returns a requested render state.
bool hasRenderState (const String &schemeName) const
 Tells if a given render state exists.
RenderStategetRenderState (const String &schemeName, const String &materialName, unsigned short passIndex)
 Get render state of specific pass.
RenderStategetRenderState (const String &schemeName, const String &materialName, const String &groupName, unsigned short passIndex)
void addSubRenderStateFactory (SubRenderStateFactory *factory)
 Add sub render state factory.
size_t getNumSubRenderStateFactories () const
 Returns the number of existing factories.
SubRenderStateFactorygetSubRenderStateFactory (size_t index)
 Returns a sub render state factory by index.
SubRenderStateFactorygetSubRenderStateFactory (const String &type)
 Returns a sub render state factory by name.
void removeSubRenderStateFactory (SubRenderStateFactory *factory)
 Remove sub render state factory.
SubRenderStatecreateSubRenderState (const String &type)
 Create an instance of sub render state from a given type.
void destroySubRenderState (SubRenderState *subRenderState)
 Destroy an instance of sub render state.
bool hasShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName) const
 Checks if a shader based technique has been created for a given technique.
bool hasShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &groupName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName) const
bool createShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName, bool overProgrammable=false)
 Create shader based technique from a given technique.
bool createShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &groupName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName, bool overProgrammable=false)
bool removeShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName)
 Remove shader based technique from a given technique.
bool removeShaderBasedTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &groupName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName, const String &dstTechniqueSchemeName)
bool removeAllShaderBasedTechniques (const String &materialName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Remove all shader based techniques of the given material.
bool cloneShaderBasedTechniques (const String &srcMaterialName, const String &srcGroupName, const String &dstMaterialName, const String &dstGroupName)
 Clone all shader based techniques from one material to another.
void removeAllShaderBasedTechniques ()
 Remove all shader based techniques that created by this shader generator.
void createScheme (const String &schemeName)
 Create a scheme.
void invalidateScheme (const String &schemeName)
 Invalidate a given scheme.
bool validateScheme (const String &schemeName)
 Validate a given scheme.
void invalidateMaterial (const String &schemeName, const String &materialName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Invalidate specific material scheme.
bool validateMaterial (const String &schemeName, const String &materialName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Validate specific material scheme.
SGMaterialSerializerListenergetMaterialSerializerListener ()
 Return custom material Serializer of the shader generator.
size_t getVertexShaderCount () const
 Return the current number of generated vertex shaders.
size_t getFragmentShaderCount () const
 Return the current number of generated fragment shaders.
void setVertexShaderOutputsCompactPolicy (VSOutputCompactPolicy policy)
 Set the vertex shader outputs compaction policy.
VSOutputCompactPolicy getVertexShaderOutputsCompactPolicy () const
 Get the vertex shader outputs compaction policy.
void setCreateShaderOverProgrammablePass (bool value)
 Sets whether shaders are created for passes with shaders.
bool getCreateShaderOverProgrammablePass () const
 Returns whether shaders are created for passes with shaders.
size_t getRTShaderSchemeCount () const
 Returns the amount of schemes used in the for RT shader generation.
const StringgetRTShaderScheme (size_t index) const
 Returns the scheme name used in the for RT shader generation by index.
void * operator new (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 operator new, with debug line info
void * operator new (size_t sz)
void * operator new (size_t sz, void *ptr)
 placement operator new
void * operator new[] (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 array operator new, with debug line info
void * operator new[] (size_t sz)
void operator delete (void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *ptr, void *)
void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool initialize ()
 Initialize the Shader Generator System.
static void finalize ()
 Finalize the Shader Generator instance.
static ShaderGeneratorgetSingleton ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval.
static ShaderGeneratorgetSingletonPtr ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Static Public Attributes

 Default material scheme of the shader generator.

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< String, StringMatGroupPair
typedef vector< SGPass * >::type SGPassList
typedef SGPassList::iterator SGPassIterator
typedef SGPassList::const_iterator SGPassConstIterator
typedef vector< SGTechnique * >
typedef SGTechniqueList::iterator SGTechniqueIterator
typedef map< SGTechnique
*, SGTechnique * >::type 
typedef SGTechniqueMap::iterator SGTechniqueMapIterator
typedef map< MatGroupPair,
*, MatGroupPair_less >::type 
typedef SGMaterialMap::iterator SGMaterialIterator
typedef map< String, SGScheme * >
typedef SGSchemeMap::iterator SGSchemeIterator
typedef SGSchemeMap::const_iterator SGSchemeConstIterator
typedef map< String,
ScriptTranslator * >::type 
typedef map< String,
SubRenderStateFactory * >
typedef map< String,
SceneManager * >::type 
typedef SceneManagerMap::iterator SceneManagerIterator
typedef std::pair< SGScheme
*, bool > 

Protected Member Functions

 ShaderGenerator ()
 Class default constructor.
 ~ShaderGenerator ()
 Class destructor.
bool _initialize ()
 Initialize the shader generator instance.
void _finalize ()
 Finalize the shader generator instance.
TechniquefindSourceTechnique (const String &materialName, const String &groupName, const String &srcTechniqueSchemeName)
 Find source technique to generate shader based technique based on it.
bool isProgrammable (Technique *tech) const
 Checks if a given technique has passes with shaders.
void notifyRenderSingleObject (Renderable *rend, const Pass *pass, const AutoParamDataSource *source, const LightList *pLightList, bool suppressRenderStateChanges)
 Called from the sub class of the RenderObjectLister when single object is rendered.
void preFindVisibleObjects (SceneManager *source, SceneManager::IlluminationRenderStage irs, Viewport *v)
 Called from the sub class of the SceneManager::Listener when finding visible object process starts.
void createSubRenderStateExFactories ()
 Create sub render state core extensions factories.
void destroySubRenderStateExFactories ()
 Destroy sub render state core extensions factories.
SubRenderStatecreateSubRenderState (ScriptCompiler *compiler, PropertyAbstractNode *prop, Pass *pass, SGScriptTranslator *translator)
 Create an instance of the SubRenderState based on script properties using the current sub render state factories.
SubRenderStatecreateSubRenderState (ScriptCompiler *compiler, PropertyAbstractNode *prop, TextureUnitState *texState, SGScriptTranslator *translator)
 Create an instance of the SubRenderState based on script properties using the current sub render state factories.
bool addCustomScriptTranslator (const String &key, ScriptTranslator *translator)
 Add custom script translator.
bool removeCustomScriptTranslator (const String &key)
 Remove custom script translator.
size_t getNumTranslators () const
 Return number of script translators.
ScriptTranslatorgetTranslator (const AbstractNodePtr &node)
 Return a matching script translator.
void serializePassAttributes (MaterialSerializer *ser, SGPass *passEntry)
 This method called by instance of SGMaterialSerializerListener and serialize a given pass entry attributes.
void serializeTextureUnitStateAttributes (MaterialSerializer *ser, SGPass *passEntry, const TextureUnitState *srcTextureUnit)
 This method called by instance of SGMaterialSerializerListener and serialize a given textureUnitState entry attributes.
SGMaterialIterator findMaterialEntryIt (const String &materialName, const String &groupName)
 Finds an entry iterator in the mMaterialEntriesMap map.
SGMaterialConstIterator findMaterialEntryIt (const String &materialName, const String &groupName) const
SchemeCreateOrRetrieveResult createOrRetrieveScheme (const String &schemeName)
 Returns a requested scheme.
bool getIsFinalizing () const
 Used to check if finalizing.

Protected Attributes

OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX SceneManagermActiveSceneMgr
SceneManagerMap mSceneManagerMap
SGScriptTranslatorMap mScriptTranslatorsMap
SGScriptTranslator mCoreScriptTranslator
String mShaderLanguage
String mVertexShaderProfiles
StringVector mVertexShaderProfilesList
String mFragmentShaderProfiles
StringVector mFragmentShaderProfilesList
String mShaderCachePath
FFPRenderStateBuilder * mFFPRenderStateBuilder
SGMaterialMap mMaterialEntriesMap
SGSchemeMap mSchemeEntriesMap
SGTechniqueMap mTechniqueEntriesMap
SubRenderStateFactoryMap mSubRenderStateFactories
SubRenderStateFactoryMap mSubRenderStateExFactories
bool mActiveViewportValid
int mLightCount [3]
VSOutputCompactPolicy mVSOutputCompactPolicy
bool mCreateShaderOverProgrammablePass
bool mIsFinalizing

Static Protected Attributes

static ShaderGeneratormsSingleton


class SGPass
class FFPRenderStateBuilder
class SGScriptTranslatorManager
class SGScriptTranslator
class SGMaterialSerializerListener

Detailed Description

Shader generator system main interface.

This singleton based class enables automatic generation of shader code based on existing material techniques.

Definition at line 52 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 435 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 198 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SceneManagerMap::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SceneManagerConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 784 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SceneManagerMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SceneManagerIterator [protected]

Definition at line 783 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 782 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 882 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGMaterialMap::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGMaterialConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 461 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGMaterialMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGMaterialIterator [protected]

Definition at line 460 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 459 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGPassList::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGPassConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 450 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGPassList::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGPassIterator [protected]

Definition at line 449 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 448 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGSchemeMap::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGSchemeConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 465 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGSchemeMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGSchemeIterator [protected]

Definition at line 464 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 463 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGScriptTranslatorMap::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGScriptTranslatorConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 469 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGScriptTranslatorMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGScriptTranslatorIterator [protected]

Definition at line 468 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 467 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGTechniqueList::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGTechniqueConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 454 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGTechniqueList::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGTechniqueIterator [protected]

Definition at line 453 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 452 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 456 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SGTechniqueMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGTechniqueMapIterator [protected]

Definition at line 457 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SubRenderStateFactoryMap::const_iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SubRenderStateFactoryConstIterator [protected]

Definition at line 779 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

typedef SubRenderStateFactoryMap::iterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SubRenderStateFactoryIterator [protected]

Definition at line 778 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 777 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::ShaderGenerator (  )  [protected]

Class default constructor.

Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::~ShaderGenerator (  )  [protected]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::_finalize (  )  [protected]

Finalize the shader generator instance.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::_initialize (  )  [protected]

Initialize the shader generator instance.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::addCustomScriptTranslator ( const String key,
ScriptTranslator translator 
) [protected]

Add custom script translator.

Return true upon success.

key The key name of the given translator.
translator The translator to associate with the given key.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::addSceneManager ( SceneManager sceneMgr  ) 

Add a scene manager to the shader generator scene managers list.

sceneMgr The scene manager to add to the list.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::addSubRenderStateFactory ( SubRenderStateFactory factory  ) 

Add sub render state factory.

Plugins or 3d party applications may implement sub classes of SubRenderState interface. Add the matching factory will allow the application to create instances of these sub classes.

factory The factory to add.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::cloneShaderBasedTechniques ( const String srcMaterialName,
const String srcGroupName,
const String dstMaterialName,
const String dstGroupName 

Clone all shader based techniques from one material to another.

This function can be used in conjunction with the Material::clone() function to copy both material properties and RTSS state from one material to another.

srcMaterialName The source material name.
srcGroupName The source group name.
dstMaterialName The destination material name.
dstGroupName The destination group name.
True if successful
RenderStateCreateOrRetrieveResult Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createOrRetrieveRenderState ( const String schemeName  ) 

Returns a requested render state.

If the render state does not exist this function creates it.

schemeName The scheme name to retrieve.
SchemeCreateOrRetrieveResult Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createOrRetrieveScheme ( const String schemeName  )  [protected]

Returns a requested scheme.

If the scheme does not exist this function creates it.

schemeName The scheme name to retrieve.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createScheme ( const String schemeName  ) 

Create a scheme.

schemeName The scheme name to create.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String groupName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName,
bool  overProgrammable = false 
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName,
bool  overProgrammable = false 

Create shader based technique from a given technique.

Return true upon success. Failure may occur if the source technique is not FFP pure, or different source technique is mapped to the requested destination scheme.

materialName The source material name.
groupName The source group name.
srcTechniqueSchemeName The source technique scheme name.
dstTechniqueSchemeName The destination shader based technique scheme name.
overProgrammable If true a shader will be created even if the material has shaders
SubRenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createSubRenderState ( ScriptCompiler compiler,
PropertyAbstractNode prop,
TextureUnitState texState,
SGScriptTranslator translator 
) [protected]

Create an instance of the SubRenderState based on script properties using the current sub render state factories.

See also:
compiler The compiler instance.
prop The abstract property node.
texState The texture unit state that is the parent context of this node.
the translator for the specific SubRenderState
SubRenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createSubRenderState ( ScriptCompiler compiler,
PropertyAbstractNode prop,
Pass pass,
SGScriptTranslator translator 
) [protected]

Create an instance of the SubRenderState based on script properties using the current sub render state factories.

See also:
compiler The compiler instance.
prop The abstract property node.
pass The pass that is the parent context of this node.
the translator for the specific SubRenderState
SubRenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createSubRenderState ( const String type  ) 

Create an instance of sub render state from a given type.

type The type of sub render state to create.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::createSubRenderStateExFactories (  )  [protected]

Create sub render state core extensions factories.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::destroySubRenderState ( SubRenderState subRenderState  ) 

Destroy an instance of sub render state.

subRenderState The instance to destroy.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::destroySubRenderStateExFactories (  )  [protected]

Destroy sub render state core extensions factories.

static void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::finalize (  )  [static]

Finalize the Shader Generator instance.

SGMaterialConstIterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::findMaterialEntryIt ( const String materialName,
const String groupName 
) const [protected]
SGMaterialIterator Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::findMaterialEntryIt ( const String materialName,
const String groupName 
) [protected]

Finds an entry iterator in the mMaterialEntriesMap map.

This function is able to find materials with group specified as AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

Technique* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::findSourceTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String groupName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName 
) [protected]

Find source technique to generate shader based technique based on it.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::flushShaderCache (  ) 

Flush the shader cache.

This operation will cause all active sachems to be invalidated and will destroy any CPU/GPU program that created by this shader generator.

SceneManager* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getActiveSceneManager (  ) 

Get the active scene manager that is doint the actual scene rendering.

This attribute will be update on the call to preFindVisibleObjects.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getCreateShaderOverProgrammablePass (  )  const

Returns whether shaders are created for passes with shaders.

See also:

Definition at line 416 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

size_t Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getFragmentShaderCount (  )  const

Return the current number of generated fragment shaders.

const String& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getFragmentShaderProfiles (  )  const

Get the output fragment shader target profiles.

Definition at line 161 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

const StringVector& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getFragmentShaderProfilesList (  )  const

Get the output fragment shader target profiles as list of strings.

Definition at line 166 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getIsFinalizing (  )  const [protected]

Used to check if finalizing.

SGMaterialSerializerListener* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getMaterialSerializerListener (  ) 

Return custom material Serializer of the shader generator.

This is useful when you'd like to export certain material that contains shader generator effects. I.E - when writing an exporter you may want mark your material as shader generated material so in the next time you will load it by your application it will automatically generate shaders with custom attributes you wanted. To do it you'll have to do the following steps: 1. Create shader based technique for you material via the createShaderBasedTechnique() method. 2. Create MaterialSerializer instance. 3. Add the return instance of serializer listener to the MaterialSerializer. 4. Call one of the export methods of MaterialSerializer.

size_t Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getNumSubRenderStateFactories (  )  const

Returns the number of existing factories.

size_t Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getNumTranslators (  )  const [protected]

Return number of script translators.

Referenced by Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGScriptTranslatorManager::getNumTranslators().

RenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getRenderState ( const String schemeName,
const String materialName,
const String groupName,
unsigned short  passIndex 
RenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getRenderState ( const String schemeName,
const String materialName,
unsigned short  passIndex 

Get render state of specific pass.

Using this method allows the user to customize the behavior of a specific pass.

schemeName The destination scheme name.
materialName The specific material name.
groupName The specific material name.
passIndex The pass index.
RenderState* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getRenderState ( const String schemeName  ) 

Return a global render state associated with the given scheme name.

Modifying this render state will affect all techniques that belongs to that scheme. This is the best way to apply global changes to all techniques. After altering the render state one should call invalidateScheme method in order to regenerate shaders.

schemeName The destination scheme name.
const String& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getRTShaderScheme ( size_t  index  )  const

Returns the scheme name used in the for RT shader generation by index.

size_t Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getRTShaderSchemeCount (  )  const

Returns the amount of schemes used in the for RT shader generation.

const String& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getShaderCachePath (  )  const

Get the output shader cache path.

Definition at line 179 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

static ShaderGenerator& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingleton (  )  [static]

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< ShaderGenerator >.

static ShaderGenerator* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingletonPtr (  )  [static]

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< ShaderGenerator >.

SubRenderStateFactory* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSubRenderStateFactory ( const String type  ) 

Returns a sub render state factory by name.

SubRenderStateFactory* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSubRenderStateFactory ( size_t  index  ) 

Returns a sub render state factory by index.

index must be lower than the value returned by getNumSubRenderStateFactories()
const String& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getTargetLanguage ( void   )  const

Return the target shader language currently in use.

Definition at line 133 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

ScriptTranslator* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getTranslator ( const AbstractNodePtr node  )  [protected]

Return a matching script translator.

size_t Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getVertexShaderCount (  )  const

Return the current number of generated vertex shaders.

VSOutputCompactPolicy Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getVertexShaderOutputsCompactPolicy (  )  const

Get the vertex shader outputs compaction policy.

See also:

Definition at line 403 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

const String& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getVertexShaderProfiles (  )  const

Get the output vertex shader target profiles.

Definition at line 144 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

const StringVector& Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getVertexShaderProfilesList (  )  const

Get the output vertex shader target profiles as list of strings.

Definition at line 149 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::hasRenderState ( const String schemeName  )  const

Tells if a given render state exists.

schemeName The scheme name to check.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::hasShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String groupName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName 
) const
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::hasShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName 
) const

Checks if a shader based technique has been created for a given technique.

Return true if exist. False if not.

materialName The source material name.
groupName The source group name.
srcTechniqueSchemeName The source technique scheme name.
dstTechniqueSchemeName The destination shader based technique scheme name.
static bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::initialize (  )  [static]

Initialize the Shader Generator System.

Return true upon success.

sceneMgr The scene manager that the shader generator will be bound to.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::invalidateMaterial ( const String schemeName,
const String materialName,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Invalidate specific material scheme.

This action will lead to shader regeneration of the technique belongs to the given scheme name.

schemeName The scheme to invalidate.
materialName The material to invalidate.
groupName The source group name.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::invalidateScheme ( const String schemeName  ) 

Invalidate a given scheme.

This action will lead to shader regeneration of all techniques belongs to the given scheme name.

schemeName The scheme to invalidate.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::isProgrammable ( Technique tech  )  const [protected]

Checks if a given technique has passes with shaders.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::notifyRenderSingleObject ( Renderable rend,
const Pass pass,
const AutoParamDataSource source,
const LightList pLightList,
bool  suppressRenderStateChanges 
) [protected]

Called from the sub class of the RenderObjectLister when single object is rendered.

Referenced by Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGRenderObjectListener::notifyRenderSingleObject().

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   
) [inherited]

Definition at line 107 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
void *   
) [inherited]

Definition at line 101 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 95 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   
) [inherited]

Definition at line 118 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 112 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
void *  ptr 
) [inherited]

placement operator new

Definition at line 78 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 72 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 
) [inherited]

operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 67 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 90 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 
) [inherited]

array operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 85 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::preFindVisibleObjects ( SceneManager source,
SceneManager::IlluminationRenderStage  irs,
Viewport v 
) [protected]

Called from the sub class of the SceneManager::Listener when finding visible object process starts.

Referenced by Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGSceneManagerListener::preFindVisibleObjects().

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeAllShaderBasedTechniques (  ) 

Remove all shader based techniques that created by this shader generator.

bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeAllShaderBasedTechniques ( const String materialName,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Remove all shader based techniques of the given material.

Return true upon success.

materialName The source material name.
groupName The source group name.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeCustomScriptTranslator ( const String key  )  [protected]

Remove custom script translator.

Return true upon success.

key The key name of the translator to remove.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeSceneManager ( SceneManager sceneMgr  ) 

Remove a scene manager from the shader generator scene managers list.

sceneMgr The scene manager to remove from the list.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String groupName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName 
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeShaderBasedTechnique ( const String materialName,
const String srcTechniqueSchemeName,
const String dstTechniqueSchemeName 

Remove shader based technique from a given technique.

Return true upon success. Failure may occur if the given source technique was not previously registered successfully using the createShaderBasedTechnique method.

materialName The source material name.
groupName The source group name.
srcTechniqueSchemeName The source technique scheme name.
dstTechniqueSchemeName The destination shader based technique scheme name.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::removeSubRenderStateFactory ( SubRenderStateFactory factory  ) 

Remove sub render state factory.

factory The factory to remove.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::serializePassAttributes ( MaterialSerializer ser,
SGPass passEntry 
) [protected]

This method called by instance of SGMaterialSerializerListener and serialize a given pass entry attributes.

ser The material serializer.
passEntry The SGPass instance.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::serializeTextureUnitStateAttributes ( MaterialSerializer ser,
SGPass passEntry,
const TextureUnitState srcTextureUnit 
) [protected]

This method called by instance of SGMaterialSerializerListener and serialize a given textureUnitState entry attributes.

ser The material serializer.
passEntry The SGPass instance.
srcTextureUnit The TextureUnitState being serialized.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setCreateShaderOverProgrammablePass ( bool  value  ) 

Sets whether shaders are created for passes with shaders.

Note that this only refers to when the system parses the materials itself. Not for when calling the createShaderBasedTechnique() function directly

value The value to set this attribute pass.

Definition at line 411 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setFragmentShaderProfiles ( const String fragmentShaderProfiles  ) 

Set the output fragment shader target profiles.

fragmentShaderProfile The target profiles for the fragment shader.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setShaderCachePath ( const String cachePath  ) 

Set the output shader cache path.

Generated shader code will be written to this path. In case of empty cache path shaders will be generated directly from system memory.

cachePath The cache path of the shader. The default is empty cache path.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setTargetLanguage ( const String shaderLanguage  ) 

Set the target shader language.

shaderLanguage The output shader language to use.
The default shader language is cg.
void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setVertexShaderOutputsCompactPolicy ( VSOutputCompactPolicy  policy  ) 

Set the vertex shader outputs compaction policy.

See also:
policy The policy to set.

Definition at line 398 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

void Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::setVertexShaderProfiles ( const String vertexShaderProfiles  ) 

Set the output vertex shader target profiles.

vertexShaderProfile The target profiles for the vertex shader.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::validateMaterial ( const String schemeName,
const String materialName,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Validate specific material scheme.

This action will generate shader programs for the technique of the given scheme name.

schemeName The scheme to validate.
materialName The material to validate.
groupName The source group name.
bool Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::validateScheme ( const String schemeName  ) 

Validate a given scheme.

This action will generate shader programs for all techniques of the given scheme name.

schemeName The scheme to validate.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class FFPRenderStateBuilder [friend]

Definition at line 922 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

friend class SGMaterialSerializerListener [friend]

Definition at line 925 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

friend class SGPass [friend]

Definition at line 921 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

friend class SGScriptTranslator [friend]

Definition at line 924 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

friend class SGScriptTranslatorManager [friend]

Definition at line 923 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Member Data Documentation

Default material scheme of the shader generator.

Definition at line 428 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 893 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 915 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 900 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 918 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

FFPRenderStateBuilder* Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::mFFPRenderStateBuilder [protected]

Definition at line 909 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 904 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 905 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 919 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 916 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 910 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 898 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 907 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 908 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 895 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 896 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 894 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 911 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 897 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 899 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 906 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 901 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

ShaderGenerator * Ogre::Singleton< ShaderGenerator >::msSingleton [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 75 of file OgreSingleton.h.

Definition at line 914 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 913 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 912 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 902 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 903 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

Definition at line 917 of file OgreShaderGenerator.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2012 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last modified Fri May 25 23:42:38 2012