Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Ogre::_ConfigOptionPackages the details of a configuration option
Ogre::AlignedMemoryClass to provide aligned memory allocate functionality
Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >Superclass for all objects that wish to use custom memory allocators when their new / delete operators are called
Ogre::AngleWrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAngleUnit
Ogre::AnimableObjectDefines an interface to classes which have one or more AnimableValue instances to expose
Ogre::AnimableValueDefines an object property which is animable, i.e
Ogre::AnimationAn animation sequence
Ogre::AnimationContainerAn animation container interface, which allows generic access to sibling animations
Ogre::AnimationControllerFunctionPredefined controller function for dealing with animation
Ogre::AnimationStateRepresents the state of an animation and the weight of its influence
Ogre::AnimationStateControllerValueControllerValue wrapper class for AnimationState
Ogre::AnimationStateSetClass encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects
Ogre::AnimationTrackA 'track' in an animation sequence, i.e
Ogre::AnyVariant type that can hold Any other type
Ogre::AnyNumericSpecialised Any class which has built in arithmetic operators, but can hold only types which support operator +,-,* and /
Ogre::ArchiveArchive-handling class
Ogre::ArchiveFactoryAbstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this
Ogre::ArchiveManagerThis class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins
Ogre::AtomAbstractNodeThis is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further
Ogre::AtomicObject< T >
Ogre::AtomicScalar< T >
Ogre::UserObjectBindings::AttributesInternal class that uses as data storage container
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantDefinitionStructure defining an auto constant that's available for use in a parameters object
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntryStructure recording the use of an automatic parameter
Ogre::AutoParamDataSourceThis utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters
Ogre::AxisAlignedBoxA 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes
Ogre::AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuerySpecialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box
Ogre::BackgroundProcessResultEncapsulates the result of a background queue request
Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTFInstancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) This implementation has the following advantages: Supports huge amount of instances per batch Supports skinning even with huge ammounts of instances per batch Doesn't need shader constants registers
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::BatchInstanceThe details of a topological BatchInstance which is the highest level of partitioning for this class
Ogre::BillboardA billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame
Ogre::BillboardChainAllows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards
Ogre::BillboardChainFactoryFactory object for creating BillboardChain instances
Ogre::BillboardParticleRendererSpecialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet
Ogre::BillboardParticleRendererFactoryFactory class for BillboardParticleRenderer
Ogre::BillboardSetA collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other
Ogre::BillboardSetFactoryFactory object for creating BillboardSet instances
Ogre::BitwiseClass for manipulating bit patterns
Ogre::BoneA bone in a skeleton
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElementA specialisation of the PanelOverlayElement to provide a panel with a border
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElementFactoryFactory for creating BorderPanelOverlayElement instances
Ogre::BorderRenderableClass for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement
Ogre::BoxStructure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space
Ogre::BuiltinScriptTranslatorManagerThis class manages the builtin translators
Ogre::CameraA viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered
Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy< Cat, align >
Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy< Cat >
Ogre::RTShader::CGProgramProcessorCG Language program processor class
Ogre::RTShader::CGProgramWriterCG target language writer implementation
Ogre::BillboardChain::ChainSegmentSimple struct defining a chain segment by referencing a subset of the preallocated buffer (which will be mMaxElementsPerChain * mChainCount long), by it's chain index, and a head and tail value which describe the current chain
Ogre::StreamSerialiser::ChunkDefinition of a chunk of data in a file
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdAccurateFacingCommand object for accurate facing(see ParamCommand)
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdAlignmentCommand object for setting the alignment
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdAngleCommand object for ParticleEmitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardOriginCommand object for billboard origin (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardRotationTypeCommand object for billboard rotation type (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardTypeCommand object for billboard type (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomLeftUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomRightUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderLeftUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderMaterialCommand object for specifying the Material for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderRightUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderSizeCommand object for specifying border sizes (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopLeftUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopRightUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopUVCommand object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdCaptionCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCaptionCommand object for setting the caption
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCharHeightCommand object for setting the char height
Ogre::Font::CmdCodePointsCommand object for Font - see ParamCommand
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourCommand object for setting the constant colour
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourBottomCommand object for setting the bottom colour
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeEndCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeStartCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourTopCommand object for setting the top colour
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonDirectionCommand object for common direction (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonUpVectorCommand object for common up-vector (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdCullCommand object for cull_each (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram::CmdDelegateCommand object for setting delegate (can set more than once)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdDirectionCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdDurationCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdEmissionRateCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdEmittedEmitterCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdEmittedEmitterQuotaCommand object for emittedEmitterQuota (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdFontNameCommand object for setting the caption
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHeightCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdHeightCommand object for particle_height (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHorizontalAlignCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdIterationIntervalCommand object for iteration interval(see ParamCommand)
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdLeftCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdLocalSpaceCommand object for local space (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMaterialCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdMaterialCommand object for material (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxDurationCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxRepeatDelayCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxTTLCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxVelocityCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMetricsModeCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinDurationCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinRepeatDelayCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinTTLCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinVelocityCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdNameCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdNonvisibleTimeoutCommand object for nonvisible timeout (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdPointRenderingCommand object for point rendering (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdPositionCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdQuotaCommand object for quota (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdRendererCommand object for renderer (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdRepeatDelayCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::Font::CmdResolutionCommand object for Font - see ParamCommand
Ogre::Font::CmdSizeCommand object for Font - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdSortedCommand object for sorting (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::Font::CmdSourceCommand object for Font - see ParamCommand
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdSpaceWidthCommand object for setting the width of a space
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTilingCommand object for specifying tiling (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdTopCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTransparentCommand object for specifying transparency (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdTTLCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::Font::CmdTypeCommand object for Font - see ParamCommand
Ogre::GpuProgram::CmdTypeCommand object - see ParamCommand
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdUpCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdUVCoordsCommand object for specifying UV coordinates (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdVelocityCommand object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVerticalAlignCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVisibleCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdWidthCommand object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdWidthCommand object for particle_width (see ParamCommand)
Ogre::CodecAbstract class that defines a 'codec'
Col3bType for PF_R8G8B8/PF_B8G8R8
Col3btoUint32swizzler< id, xshift, yshift, zshift, ashift >
Col3fType for PF_FLOAT32_RGB
Col4fType for PF_FLOAT32_RGBA
Ogre::ColourValueClass representing colour
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::CommonVertexA vertex can actually represent several vertices in the final model, because vertices along texture seams etc will have been duplicated
Ogre::CompositionPassObject representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence
Ogre::CompositionTargetPassObject representing one render to a RenderTarget or Viewport in the Ogre Composition framework
Ogre::CompositionTechniqueBase composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins
Ogre::CompositorClass representing a Compositor object
Ogre::CompositorChainChain of compositor effects applying to one viewport
Ogre::CompositorInstanceAn instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport
Ogre::CompositorLogicInterface for compositor logics, which can be automatically binded to compositors, allowing per-compositor logic (such as attaching a relevant listener) to happen automatically
Ogre::CompositorManagerClass for managing Compositor settings for Ogre
Ogre::CompositorPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to CompositorPtr
Ogre::ConfigDialogDefines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog
Ogre::ConfigFileClass for quickly loading settings from a text file
Ogre::ConstMapIterator< T >Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying key-value container
Ogre::ConstMapRange< T >Predefined type
Ogre::RTShader::ConstParameter< valueType >Helper template which is the base for our ConstParameters
Ogre::ConstVectorIterator< T >Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying container
Ogre::ConstVectorRange< T >Predefined type
Ogre::Controller< T >Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system
Ogre::ControllerFunction< T >Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller
Ogre::ControllerManagerClass for managing Controller instances
Ogre::ControllerValue< T >Can either be used as an input or output value
Ogre::ConvexBodyHolds a solid representation of a convex body
Ogre::CustomCompositionPassInterface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad, scene and clear operations) in composition passes
Ogre::DataStreamGeneral purpose class used for encapsulating the reading and writing of data
Ogre::DDSCodecCodec specialized in loading DDS (Direct Draw Surface) images
Ogre::Node::DebugRenderableInner class for displaying debug renderable for Node
Ogre::DefaultAxisAlignedBoxSceneQueryDefault implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery
Ogre::Terrain::DefaultGpuBufferAllocatorStandard implementation of a buffer allocator which re-uses buffers
Ogre::DefaultHardwareBufferManagerDefaultHardwareBufferManager as a Singleton
Ogre::DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBaseSpecialisation of HardwareBufferManagerBase to emulate hardware buffers
Ogre::DefaultHardwareIndexBufferSpecialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation
Ogre::DefaultHardwareVertexBufferSpecialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation
Ogre::DefaultIntersectionSceneQueryDefault implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery
Ogre::DefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQueryDefault implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery
Ogre::DefaultRaySceneQueryDefault implementation of RaySceneQuery
Ogre::DefaultSceneManagerDefault scene manager
Ogre::DefaultSceneManagerFactoryFactory for default scene manager
Ogre::DefaultShadowCameraSetupImplements default shadow camera setup
Ogre::DefaultSphereSceneQueryDefault implementation of SphereSceneQuery
Ogre::DefaultWorkQueueImplementation of a general purpose request / response style background work queue
Ogre::DefaultWorkQueueBaseBase for a general purpose request / response style background work queue
Ogre::DeflateStreamStream which compresses / uncompresses data using the 'deflate' compression algorithm
Ogre::DegreeWrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees
Ogre::DepthBufferAn abstract class that contains a depth/stencil buffer
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::DepthSortDescendingLessComparator to order objects by descending camera distance
Ogre::deque< T, A >
Ogre::Terrain::DerivedDataRequestA data holder for communicating with the background derived data update
Ogre::Terrain::DerivedDataResponseA data holder for communicating with the background derived data update
Ogre::DistanceLodStrategyLevel of detail strategy based on distance from camera
Ogre::DriverVersionDriverVersion is used by RenderSystemCapabilities and both GL and D3D9 to store the version of the current GPU driver
Ogre::DualQuaternionImplementation of a dual quaternion, i.e
Ogre::DynLibResource holding data about a dynamic library
Ogre::DynLibManagerManager for Dynamic-loading Libraries
Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeEdge data
Ogre::EdgeDataThis class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes
Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeGroupA group of edges sharing the same vertex data
Ogre::EdgeListBuilderGeneral utility class for building edge lists for geometry
Ogre::BillboardChain::ElementContains the data of an element of the BillboardChain
Ogre::EmbeddedZipArchiveFactorySpecialisation of ZipArchiveFactory for embedded Zip files
Ogre::EntityDefines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh
Ogre::EntityFactoryFactory object for creating Entity instances
Ogre::EntityMaterialLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a material lod change event for entities
Ogre::EntityMeshLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a mesh lod change event for entities
Ogre::Entity::EntityShadowRenderableNested class to allow entity shadows
Ogre::ErrorDialogClass for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly
Ogre::ExceptionWhen thrown, provides information about an error that has occurred inside the engine
Ogre::ExceptionCodeType< num >Template struct which creates a distinct type for each exception code
Ogre::ExceptionFactoryClass implementing dispatch methods in order to construct by-value exceptions of a derived type based just on an exception code
Ogre::ExternalTextureSourceIMPORTANT: **Plugins must override default dictionary name!** Base class that texture plugins derive from
Ogre::ExternalTextureSourceManagerSingleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins
Ogre::FactoryObj< T >Abstract factory class
Ogre::FileHandleDataStreamCommon subclass of DataStream for handling data from C-style file handles
Ogre::FileInfoInformation about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct
Ogre::FileStreamDataStreamCommon subclass of DataStream for handling data from std::basic_istream
Ogre::FileSystemArchiveSpecialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from filesystem folders / directories
Ogre::FileSystemArchiveFactorySpecialisation of ArchiveFactory for FileSystem files
Ogre::FloatGpuParameterControllerValuePredefined controller value for setting a single floating- point value in a constant parameter of a vertex or fragment program
Ogre::Log::Stream::FlushSimple type to indicate a flush of the stream to the log
Ogre::FocusedShadowCameraSetupImplements the uniform shadow mapping algorithm in focused mode
Ogre::FontClass representing a font in the system
Ogre::FontManagerManages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them
Ogre::FontPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to FontPtr
Ogre::FrameEventStruct containing information about a frame event
Ogre::FrameListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events
Ogre::FrameTimeControllerValuePredefined controller value for getting the latest frame time
Ogre::FreeImageCodecCodec specialized in images loaded using FreeImage
Ogre::FrustumA frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area
Ogre::RTShader::FunctionA class that represents a shader based program function
Ogre::RTShader::FunctionAtomA class that represents an atomic code section of shader based program function
Ogre::RTShader::FunctionInvocationA class that represents function invocation code from shader based program function
Ogre::RTShader::FunctionInvocation::FunctionInvocationCompareComparator function to be used for comparisons
Ogre::RTShader::FunctionInvocation::FunctionInvocationLessThanComparator function to be used for sorting
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::GeometryA set of indexed geometry data
Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucketA GeometryBucket is a the lowest level bucket where geometry with the same vertex & index format is stored
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::GeometryBucketA GeometryBucket is a the lowest level bucket where geometry with the same vertex & index format is stored
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::geometryLessComparator for sorting geometries by vertex set
Ogre::RTShader::GLSLESProgramProcessorGLSL ES Language program processor class
Ogre::RTShader::GLSLESProgramWriterGLSL ES target language writer implementation
Ogre::RTShader::GLSLProgramProcessorGLSL Language program processor class
Ogre::RTShader::GLSLProgramWriterGLSL target language writer implementation
Ogre::Font::GlyphInfoInformation about the position and size of a glyph in a texture
Ogre::Terrain::GpuBufferAllocatorInterface used to by the Terrain instance to allocate GPU buffers
Ogre::GpuConstantDefinitionInformation about predefined program constants
Ogre::Technique::GPUDeviceNameRuleRule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU device name
Ogre::GpuLogicalBufferStructContainer struct to allow params to safely & update shared list of logical buffer assignments
Ogre::GpuLogicalIndexUseStructure recording the use of a physical buffer by a logical parameter index
Ogre::GpuNamedConstantsStruct collecting together the information for named constants
Ogre::GpuNamedConstantsSerializerSimple class for loading / saving GpuNamedConstants
Ogre::GpuProgramDefines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program
Ogre::GpuProgramParametersCollects together the program parameters used for a GpuProgram
Ogre::GpuProgramPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to GpuProgramPtr
Ogre::GpuProgramUsageThis class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit
Ogre::GpuSharedParametersA group of manually updated parameters that are shared between many parameter sets
Ogre::GpuSharedParametersUsageThis class records the usage of a set of shared parameters in a concrete set of GpuProgramParameters
Ogre::Technique::GPUVendorRuleRule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU vendor
Ogre::Grid2DPageStrategyPage strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 2D grid
Ogre::Grid2DPageStrategyDataSpecialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid2DPageStrategy
Ogre::Grid3DPageStrategyPage strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 3D grid
Ogre::Grid3DPageStrategyDataSpecialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid3DPageStrategy
Ogre::VertexData::HardwareAnimationDataStruct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information
Ogre::HardwareBufferAbstract class defining common features of hardware buffers
Ogre::HardwareBufferLicenseeAbstract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy
Ogre::HardwareBufferLockGuard< T >
Ogre::HardwareBufferManagerSingleton wrapper for hardware buffer manager
Ogre::HardwareBufferManagerBaseBase definition of a hardware buffer manager
Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSpecialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract
Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtrShared pointer implementation used to share index buffers
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQueryThis is a abstract class that that provides the interface for the query class for hardware occlusion
Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSpecialisation of HardwareBuffer for a pixel buffer
Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtrShared pointer implementation used to share pixel buffers
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSpecialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtrShared pointer implementation used to share index buffers
Ogre::HashedVector< T >A hashed vector
Ogre::Pass::HashFuncDefinition of a functor for calculating the hashcode of a Pass
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramAbstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program)
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramFactoryInterface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramManagerThis ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to HighLevelGpuProgramPtr
Ogre::RTShader::HLSLProgramProcessorCG Language program processor class
Ogre::RTShader::HLSLProgramWriterHLSL target language writer implementation
Ogre::Any::holder< ValueType >
Ogre::IlluminationPassStruct recording a pass which can be used for a specific illumination stage
Ogre::ImageClass representing an image file
Ogre::ImageCodecCodec specialized in images
Ogre::ImageCodec::ImageDataCodec return class for images
Ogre::RenderTarget::ImplRenderSystem specific interface for a RenderTarget; this should be subclassed by RenderSystems
Ogre::ImportAbstractNodeThis abstract node represents an import statement
Ogre::Terrain::ImportDataStructure encapsulating import data that you may use to bootstrap the terrain without loading from a native data stream
Ogre::IndexDataSummary class collecting together index data source information
Ogre::TangentSpaceCalc::IndexRemapInformation about a remapped index
Ogre::CompositionPass::InputTexInputs (for material used for rendering the quad)
Ogre::InstanceBatchInstanceBatch forms part of the new Instancing system This is an abstract class that must be derived to implement different instancing techniques (
Ogre::InstanceBatchHWThis is technique requires true instancing hardware support
Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTFInstancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) and hardware instancing
Ogre::InstanceBatchShaderThis is the same technique the old "InstancedGeometry" implementation used (with improvements)
Ogre::InstancedGeometryPre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as instanced geometry in a scene
Ogre::InstanceManagerThis is the main starting point for the new instancing system
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQuerySeparate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryListenerAlternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryResultHolds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values)
Ogre::isPodLike< T >
Ogre::isPodLike< bool >
Ogre::isPodLike< char >
Ogre::isPodLike< double >
Ogre::isPodLike< float >
Ogre::isPodLike< int >
Ogre::isPodLike< long >
Ogre::isPodLike< short >
Ogre::isPodLike< signed char >
Ogre::isPodLike< std::pair< T, U > >
Ogre::isPodLike< T * >
Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned >
Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned char >
Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned long >
Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned short >
Ogre::iterator_range< T >Base for an iterator_range
Ogre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, ValType >Basefunctionality for IteratorWrappers
Ogre::KeyFrameA key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack
Ogre::LayerBlendModeExClass which manages blending of both colour and alpha components
Ogre::Terrain::LayerInstanceAn instance of a layer, with specific texture names
Ogre::LightRepresentation of a dynamic light source in the scene
Ogre::SceneManager::LightClippingInfoStruct for cacheing light clipping information for re-use in a frame
Ogre::LightFactoryFactory object for creating Light instances
Ogre::SceneManager::LightInfoCached light information, used to tracking light's changes
Ogre::SceneManager::lightLessComparator for sorting lights relative to a point
Ogre::SceneManager::lightsForShadowTextureLessDefault sorting routine which sorts lights which cast shadows to the front of a list, sub-sorting by distance
Ogre::LinearResampler_Byte< channels >
Ogre::LinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceLink to another skeleton to share animations
Ogre::LiSPSMShadowCameraSetupImplements the Light Space Perspective Shadow Mapping Algorithm
Ogre::list< T, A >
Ogre::AnimationTrack::ListenerListener allowing you to override certain behaviour of a track, for example to drive animation procedurally
Ogre::MaterialManager::ListenerListener on any general material events
Ogre::MaterialSerializer::ListenerClass that allows listening in on the various stages of material serialization process
Ogre::Camera::ListenerListener interface so you can be notified of Camera events
Ogre::MovableObject::ListenerListener which gets called back on MovableObject events
Ogre::Node::ListenerListener which gets called back on Node events
Ogre::Viewport::ListenerListener interface so you can be notified of Viewport changes
Ogre::CompositorInstance::ListenerProvides an interface to "listen in" to to render system operations executed by this CompositorInstance
Ogre::RenderSystem::ListenerDefines a listener on the custom events that this render system can raise
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::ListenerThis abstract listener interface lets you get notifications of completed background processes instead of having to poll ticket statuses
Ogre::SceneManager::ListenerClass that allows listening in on the various stages of SceneManager processing, so that custom behaviour can be implemented from outside
Ogre::TerrainGroup::LoadRequestStructure for holding the load request
Ogre::StaticGeometry::LODBucketA LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::LODBucketA LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD
Ogre::LodListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of lod events
Ogre::StaticGeometry::LODBucket::LODShadowRenderableNested class to allow shadows
Ogre::LodStrategyStrategy for determining level of detail
Ogre::LodStrategyManagerManager for lod strategies
Ogre::LogManagerThe log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application
Ogre::ManualObjectClass providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry
Ogre::ManualObjectFactoryFactory object for creating ManualObject instances
Ogre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSectionBuilt, renderable section of geometry
Ogre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSectionShadowRenderableNested class to allow shadows
Ogre::ManualResourceLoaderInterface describing a manual resource loader
Ogre::map< K, V, P, A >
Ogre::MapIterator< T >Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying key-value container
Ogre::MapIteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType >Prepiared IteratorWrapper for key-value container
Ogre::MapRange< T >Predefined type
Ogre::MaterialClass encapsulates rendering properties of an object
Ogre::StaticGeometry::MaterialBucketA MaterialBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same Material (and implicitly the same LOD)
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::MaterialBucketA MaterialBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same Material (and implicitly the same LOD)
Ogre::SceneManager::materialLessComparator for material map, for sorting materials into render order (e.g
Ogre::MaterialManagerClass for managing Material settings for Ogre
Ogre::MaterialPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to MaterialPtr
Ogre::MaterialScriptContextStruct for holding the script context while parsing
Ogre::MaterialScriptProgramDefinitionStruct for holding a program definition which is in progress
Ogre::MaterialSerializerClass for serializing Materials to / from a .material script
Ogre::MathClass to provide access to common mathematical functions
Ogre::Matrix3A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes
Ogre::Matrix4Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogeneous matrix
Ogre::MemoryDataStreamCommon subclass of DataStream for handling data from chunks of memory
Ogre::MeshManager::MeshBuildParamsSaved parameters used to (re)build a manual mesh built by this class
Ogre::MeshLodUsageA way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh
Ogre::MeshManagerHandles the management of mesh resources
Ogre::MeshPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to MeshPtr
Ogre::MeshSerializerClass for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file
Ogre::MeshSerializerImplInternal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.1 of the .mesh format
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.2 of the .mesh format
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_3Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.3 of the .mesh format
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_4Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.4 of the .mesh format
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_41Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.41 of the .mesh format
Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::MovableMovableObject implementation to provide the hook to the scene
Ogre::MovableObjectAbstract class defining a movable object in a scene
Ogre::SceneManager::MovableObjectCollectionSimple structure to hold MovableObject map and a mutex to go with it
Ogre::MovableObjectFactoryInterface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing
Ogre::MovableObjectLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a lod change event for movable objects
Ogre::MovablePlaneDefinition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply
Ogre::multimap< K, V, P, A >
Ogre::MultiRenderTargetThis class represents a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once
Ogre::NameGeneratorUtility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names
Ogre::NearestResampler< elemsize >
Ogre::NedPoolingAlignedPolicy< Alignment >An allocation policy for use with AllocatedObject and STLAllocator, which aligns memory at a given boundary (which should be a power of 2)
Ogre::NedPoolingImplNon-templated utility class just to hide nedmalloc
Ogre::NedPoolingPolicyAn allocation policy for use with AllocatedObject and STLAllocator
Ogre::NodeClass representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph
Ogre::NodeAnimationTrackSpecialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms
Ogre::NumericAnimationTrackSpecialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values
Ogre::NumericKeyFrameSpecialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value
Ogre::NumericSolverProvides numeric solvers for Ogre
Ogre::AnyNumeric::numholder< ValueType >
Ogre::ObjectAbstractNodeThis specific abstract node represents a script object
Ogre::DefaultWorkQueueBase::OGRE_THREAD_WORKER_INHERITThread function
Ogre::RTShader::OperandA class that represents a function operand (its the combination of a parameter the in/out semantic and the used fields)
Ogre::StaticGeometry::OptimisedSubMeshGeometryStruct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / lod level, ready for copying to instances
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::OptimisedSubMeshGeometryStruct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / lod level, ready for copying to instances
Ogre::OptimisedUtilUtility class for provides optimised functions
Ogre::OverlayRepresents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents
Ogre::OverlayContainerA 2D element which contains other OverlayElement instances
Ogre::OverlayElementAbstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay
Ogre::OverlayElementFactoryDefines the interface which all components wishing to supply OverlayElement subclasses must implement
Ogre::OverlayManagerManages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them
Ogre::PagePage class
Ogre::PageContentInterface definition for a unit of content within a page
Ogre::PageContentCollectionDefinition of the interface for a collection of PageContent instances
Ogre::PageContentCollectionFactoryDefine the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContentCollection
Ogre::PageContentFactoryDefine the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContent
Ogre::PagedWorldThis class represents a collection of pages which make up a world
Ogre::PagedWorldSectionRepresents a section of the PagedWorld which uses a given PageStrategy, and which is made up of a generally localised set of Page instances
Ogre::PagedWorldSectionFactoryA factory class for creating types of world section
Ogre::PageManagerThe PageManager is the entry point through which you load all PagedWorld instances, and the place where PageStrategy instances and factory classes are registered to customise the paging behaviour
Ogre::PageProviderAbstract class that can be implemented by the user application to provide a way to retrieve or generate page data from a source of their choosing
Ogre::Page::PageRequestStructure for holding background page requests
Ogre::PageStrategyDefines the interface to a strategy class which is responsible for deciding when Page instances are requested for addition and removal from the paging system
Ogre::PageStrategyDataAbstract marker class representing the data held against the PagedWorldSection which is specifically used by the PageStrategy
Ogre::PanelOverlayElementOverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements
Ogre::PanelOverlayElementFactoryFactory for creating PanelOverlayElement instances
Ogre::ParamCommandAbstract class which is command object which gets/sets parameters
Ogre::ParamDictionaryClass to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class
Ogre::RTShader::ParameterA class that represents a shader based program parameter
Ogre::ParameterDefDefinition of a parameter supported by a StringInterface class, for introspection
Ogre::RTShader::ParameterFactoryHelper utility class that creates common parameters
Ogre::ParticleClass representing a single particle instance
Ogre::ParticleAffectorAbstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors
Ogre::ParticleAffectorFactoryAbstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses
Ogre::ParticleEmitterAbstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters
Ogre::ParticleEmitterFactoryAbstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses
Ogre::ParticleIteratorConvenience class to make it easy to step through all particles in a ParticleSystem
Ogre::ParticleScriptCompilerListenerThis is the specific listener for the particle script compiler
Ogre::ParticleSystemClass defining particle system based special effects
Ogre::ParticleSystemFactoryFactory object for creating ParticleSystem instances
Ogre::ParticleSystemManagerManages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories
Ogre::ParticleSystemRendererAbstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances
Ogre::ParticleSystemRendererFactoryAbstract class definition of a factory object for ParticleSystemRenderer
Ogre::ParticleVisualDataAbstract class containing any additional data required to be associated with a particle to perform the required rendering
Ogre::PassClass defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), i.e
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::PassGroupLessComparator to order pass groups
Ogre::PassthroughControllerFunctionPredefined controller function which just passes through the original source directly to dest
Ogre::PatchMeshPatch specialisation of Mesh
Ogre::PatchMeshPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to PatchMeshPtr
Ogre::PatchSurfaceA surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g
Ogre::PixelBoxA primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory
PixelBoxConverter< U >Convert a box of pixel from one type to another
PixelConverter< T, U, id >
Ogre::PixelCountLodStrategyLevel of detail strategy based on pixel count approximation from bounding sphere projection
Ogre::PixelUtilSome utility functions for packing and unpacking pixel data
Ogre::PlaneDefines a plane in 3D space
Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolumeRepresents a convex volume bounded by planes
Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuerySpecialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a plane-bounded volume
Ogre::PlaneOptimalShadowCameraSetupImplements the plane optimal shadow camera algorithm
Ogre::PlatformInformationClass which provides the run-time platform information Ogre runs on
Ogre::PluginClass defining a generic OGRE plugin
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMFaceVertexA vertex as used by a face
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMTriangleA triangle in the progressive mesh, holds extra info like face normal
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMVertexA vertex in the progressive mesh, holds info like collapse cost etc
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMWorkingDataData used to calculate the collapse costs
Ogre::FocusedShadowCameraSetup::PointListBodyInternal class holding a point list representation of a convex body
Ogre::PolygonThe class represents a polygon in 3D space
Ogre::Pool< T >Template class describing a simple pool of items
Ogre::PoseA pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data
Ogre::VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefReference to a pose at a given influence level
Ogre::PrefabFactoryA factory class that can create various mesh prefabs
Ogre::ProfileAn individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGenerator::ProfileInner class which should also be subclassed to provide profile-specific material generation
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileFrameRepresents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileHistoryRepresents a history of each profile during the duration of the app
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileInstanceRepresents an individual profile call
Ogre::ProfilerThe profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramA class that represents a shader based program
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramManagerA singleton manager class that manages shader based programs
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramProcessorA class that provides extra processing services on CPU based programs
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramSetContainer class for shader based programs
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramWriterBase class interface for shader program writers
Ogre::RTShader::ProgramWriterFactoryInterface definition for factories of ShaderProgramWriter
Ogre::ProgressiveMeshThis class reduces the complexity of the geometry it is given
Ogre::Property< T >Property instance with passthrough calls to a given object
Ogre::PropertyAbstractNodeThis abstract node represents a script property
Ogre::PropertyBaseBase interface for an instance of a property
Ogre::PropertyDefDefinition of a property of an object
Ogre::PropertySetDefines a complete set of properties for a single object instance
Ogre::PropertyValueA simple structure designed just as a holder of property values between the instances of objects they might target
Ogre::PSSMShadowCameraSetupParallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) shadow camera setup
Ogre::PVRTCCodecCodec specialized in loading PVRTC (PowerVR) images
Ogre::QuaternionImplementation of a Quaternion, i.e
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::QueuedGeometryStructure recording a queued geometry for low level builds
Ogre::StaticGeometry::QueuedGeometryStructure recording a queued geometry for low level builds
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollectionLowest level collection of renderables
Ogre::QueuedRenderableVisitorVisitor interface for items in a QueuedRenderableCollection
Ogre::StaticGeometry::QueuedSubMeshStructure recording a queued submesh for the build
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::QueuedSubMeshStructure recording a queued submesh for the build
Ogre::RadianWrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians
Ogre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType >Class for performing a radix sort (fast comparison-less sort based on byte value) on various standard STL containers
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::RadixSortFunctorDistanceFunctor for descending sort value 2 for radix sort (distance)
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::RadixSortFunctorPassFunctor for accessing sort value 1 for radix sort (Pass)
Ogre::RayRepresentation of a ray in space, i.e
Ogre::TerrainGroup::RayResultResult from a terrain ray intersection with the terrain group
Ogre::RaySceneQuerySpecialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray
Ogre::RaySceneQueryListenerAlternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery
Ogre::RaySceneQueryResultEntryThis struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type
Ogre::STLAllocator< T, AllocPolicy >::rebind< U >Standard rebind mechanism
Ogre::Rectangle2DAllows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with specific render queue and depth settings, like RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND and 'depth_write off' for backdrops, and RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY and 'depth_check off' for fullscreen quads
Ogre::StaticGeometry::RegionThe details of a topological region which is the highest level of partitioning for this class
Ogre::RegionSceneQueryAbstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region
Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::RendHook to the render queue
Ogre::RenderableAbstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement
Ogre::RenderQueue::RenderableListenerClass to listen in on items being added to the render queue
Ogre::RenderablePassStruct associating a single Pass with a single Renderable
Ogre::RenderObjectListenerAbstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the scene manager when single object is about to be rendered
Ogre::RenderOperation'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers
Ogre::RenderPriorityGroupCollection of renderables by priority
Ogre::RenderQueueClass to manage the scene object rendering queue
Ogre::RenderQueueGroupA grouping level underneath RenderQueue which groups renderables to be issued at coarsely the same time to the renderer
Ogre::RenderQueueInvocationClass representing the invocation of queue groups in a RenderQueue
Ogre::RenderQueueInvocationSequenceClass to hold a linear sequence of RenderQueueInvocation objects
Ogre::RenderQueueListenerAbstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue
Ogre::RTShader::RenderStateThis is a container class for sub render state class
Ogre::RenderSystemDefines the functionality of a 3D API
Ogre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesSingleton class for storing the capabilities of the graphics card
Ogre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesManagerClass for managing RenderSystemCapabilities database for Ogre
Ogre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesSerializerClass for serializing RenderSystemCapabilities to / from a .rendercaps script
Ogre::Renderable::RenderSystemDataAn internal class that should be used only by a render system for internal use
Ogre::CompositorInstance::RenderSystemOperationSpecific render system operation
Ogre::RenderTargetA 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation
Ogre::RenderTargetEventStruct containing information about a RenderTarget event
Ogre::RenderTargetListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of RenderTarget events
Ogre::RenderTargetViewportEventStruct containing information about a RenderTarget Viewport-specific event
Ogre::RenderTextureThis class represents a RenderTarget that renders to a Texture
Ogre::RenderToVertexBufferAn object which renders geometry to a vertex
Ogre::RenderWindowManages the target rendering window
Ogre::RenderWindowDescriptionRender window creation parameters
Ogre::WorkQueue::RequestGeneral purpose request structure
Ogre::WorkQueue::RequestHandlerInterface definition for a handler of requests
Ogre::DefaultWorkQueueBase::RequestHandlerHolderIntermediate structure to hold a pointer to a request handler which provides insurance against the handler itself being disconnected while the list remains unchanged
Ogre::ResourceAbstract class representing a loadable resource (e.g
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueueThis class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceDeclarationNested struct defining a resource declaration
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceGroupResource group entry
Ogre::ResourceGroupListenerThis abstract class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load
Ogre::ResourceGroupManagerThis singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceLocationResource location entry
Ogre::ResourceManagerDefines a generic resource handler
Ogre::ResourceManager::ResourcePoolDefinition of a pool of resources, which users can use to reuse similar resources many times without destroying and recreating them
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::ResourceRequestEncapsulates a queued request for the background queue
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::ResourceResponseStruct that holds details of queued notifications
Ogre::WorkQueue::ResponseGeneral purpose response structure
Ogre::WorkQueue::ResponseHandlerInterface definition for a handler of responses
Ogre::TangentSpaceCalc::ResultThe result of having built a tangent space basis
Ogre::RibbonTrailSubclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances
Ogre::RibbonTrailFactoryFactory object for creating RibbonTrail instances
Ogre::RootThe root class of the Ogre system
Ogre::RotationalSplineThis class interpolates orientations (rotations) along a spline using derivatives of quaternions
Ogre::CompositorChain::RQListenerRender queue listener used to set up rendering events
Ogre::ScaleControllerFunctionPredefined controller function which simply scales an input to an output value
Ogre::SceneManagerManages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene' i.e
Ogre::SceneManagerEnumeratorEnumerates the SceneManager classes available to applications
Ogre::SceneManagerFactoryClass which will create instances of a given SceneManager
Ogre::SceneManagerMetaDataStructure containing information about a scene manager
Ogre::SceneManager::SceneMgrQueuedRenderableVisitorInner helper class to implement the visitor pattern for rendering objects in a queue
Ogre::SceneNodeClass representing a node in the scene graph
Ogre::SceneQueryA class for performing queries on a scene
Ogre::SceneQueryListenerThis optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results
Ogre::SceneQueryResultHolds the results of a scene query
Ogre::ScriptCompilerThis is the main class for the compiler
Ogre::ScriptCompilerEventThis struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by subscribers
Ogre::ScriptCompilerListenerThis is a listener for the compiler
Ogre::ScriptCompilerManagerManages threaded compilation of scripts
Ogre::ScriptLoaderAbstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage
Ogre::ScriptTokenThis struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream
Ogre::ScriptTranslatorThis class translates script AST (abstract syntax tree) into Ogre resources
Ogre::ScriptTranslatorManagerThe ScriptTranslatorManager manages the lifetime and access to script translators
Ogre::SerializerGeneric class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files
Ogre::set< T, P, A >
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGMaterialShader generator material wrapper class
Ogre::RTShader::SGMaterialSerializerListenerThis class responsible for translating core features of the RT Shader System for Ogre material scripts
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGPassShader generator pass wrapper class
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGRenderObjectListenerShader generator RenderObjectListener sub class
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGSceneManagerListenerShader generator scene manager sub class
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGSchemeShader generator scheme class
Ogre::RTShader::SGScriptTranslatorThis class responsible for translating core features of the RT Shader System for Ogre material scripts
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGScriptTranslatorManagerShader generator ScriptTranslatorManager sub class
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::SGTechniqueShader generator technique wrapper class
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGeneratorShader generator system main interface
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorA::SM2Profile::ShaderHelperInterface definition for helper class to generate shaders
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorA::SM2Profile::ShaderHelperCgUtility class to help with generating shaders for Cg / HLSL
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorA::SM2Profile::ShaderHelperGLSLUtility class to help with generating shaders for GLSL
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorA::SM2Profile::ShaderHelperGLSLESUtility class to help with generating shaders for GLSL ES
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderProgramWriterCGFactoryCG program writer factory implementation
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderProgramWriterGLSLESFactoryGLSL ES program writer factory implementation
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderProgramWriterGLSLFactoryGLSL program writer factory implementation
Ogre::RTShader::ShaderProgramWriterHLSLFactoryHLSL program writer factory implementation
Ogre::ShadowCameraSetupThis class allows you to plug in new ways to define the camera setup when rendering and projecting shadow textures
Ogre::ShadowCasterThis class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters
Ogre::SceneManager::ShadowCasterSceneQueryListenerInner class to use as callback for shadow caster scene query
Ogre::ShadowRenderableClass which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces
Ogre::ShadowTextureConfigStructure containing the configuration for one shadow texture
Ogre::ShadowTextureManagerClass to manage the available shadow textures which may be shared between many SceneManager instances if formats agree
Ogre::ShadowVolumeExtrudeProgramStatic class containing source for vertex programs for extruding shadow volumes
Ogre::SharedPtr< T >Reference-counted shared pointer, used for objects where implicit destruction is required
Ogre::SimplePageContentCollectionSpecialisation of PageContentCollection which just provides a simple list of PageContent instances
Ogre::SimplePageContentCollectionFactoryFactory class for SimplePageContentCollection
Ogre::SimpleRenderableSimple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects
Ogre::SimpleSplineA very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines
Ogre::Singleton< T >Template class for creating single-instance global classes
Ogre::SkeletonA collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh
Ogre::SkeletonInstanceA SkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object
Ogre::SkeletonManagerHandles the management of skeleton resources
Ogre::SkeletonPtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to SkeletonPtr
Ogre::SkeletonSerializerClass for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorA::SM2ProfileShader model 2 profile target
Ogre::SmallVector< T, N >SmallVector - This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small
Ogre::SmallVector< T, 0 >Specialize SmallVector at N=0
Ogre::SmallVectorBaseSmallVectorBase - This is all the non-templated stuff common to all SmallVectors
Ogre::SmallVectorImpl< T >SmallVectorImpl - This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter
Ogre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = false> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with non-POD-like T's
Ogre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true >SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = true> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with POD-like T's
Ogre::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >
Ogre::ParticleSystem::SortByDirectionFunctorSort by direction functor
Ogre::BillboardSet::SortByDirectionFunctorSort by direction functor
Ogre::ParticleSystem::SortByDistanceFunctorSort by distance functor
Ogre::BillboardSet::SortByDistanceFunctorSort by distance functor
Ogre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType >::SortEntry
Ogre::SphereA sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking
Ogre::SphereSceneQuerySpecialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere
Ogre::StaticCache< cacheSize >Template version of cache based on static array
Ogre::StaticFaceGroupCollects a group of static i.e
Ogre::StaticGeometryPre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene
Ogre::STLAllocator< T, AllocPolicy >
Ogre::STLAllocatorBase< T >Wrapper class for operating as an STL container allocator
Ogre::STLAllocatorBase< const T >
Ogre::Log::StreamStream object which targets a log
Ogre::StreamSerialiserUtility class providing helper methods for reading / writing structured data held in a DataStream
Ogre::StringConverterClass for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings
Ogre::StringInterfaceClass defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers
Ogre::StringSerialiserSerializes data values into a string using sprintf functions
Ogre::StringUtilUtility class for manipulating Strings
Ogre::SubEntityUtility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity
Ogre::SubMeshDefines a part of a complete mesh
Ogre::StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLinkSaved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry
Ogre::InstancedGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLinkSaved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry
Ogre::RTShader::SubRenderStateThis class is the base interface of sub part from a shader based rendering pipeline
Ogre::RTShader::SubRenderStateAccessorThis class uses as accessor from a template SubRenderState to all of its instances that created based on it
Ogre::RTShader::SubRenderStateFactoryAbstract factory interface for creating SubRenderState implementation instances
Ogre::TagPointA tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities
Ogre::TangentSpaceCalcClass for calculating a tangent space basis
Ogre::CompositorInstance::TargetOperationOperation setup for a RenderTarget (collected)
Ogre::RTShader::TargetRenderStateThis is the target render state
Ogre::TechniqueClass representing an approach to rendering this particular Material
Ogre::TempBlendedBufferInfoStructure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers
Ogre::ManualObject::TempVertexTemporary vertex structure
Ogre::TerrainThe main containing class for a chunk of terrain
Ogre::TerrainGlobalOptionsOptions class which just stores default options for the terrain
Ogre::TerrainGroupHelper class to assist you in managing multiple terrain instances that are connected to each other
Ogre::TerrainLayerBlendMapClass exposing an interface to a blend map for a given layer
Ogre::TerrainLayerDeclarationThe definition of the information each layer will contain in this terrain
Ogre::TerrainLayerSamplerDescription of a sampler that will be used with each layer
Ogre::TerrainLayerSamplerElementInformation about one element of a sampler / texture within a layer
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorClass that provides functionality to generate materials for use with a terrain
Ogre::TerrainMaterialGeneratorAA TerrainMaterialGenerator which can cope with normal mapped, specular mapped terrain
Ogre::TerrainPagedWorldSectionA world section which includes paged terrain
Ogre::TerrainPagingThis class is the 'core' class for paging terrain, that will integrate with the larger paging system and provide the appropriate utility classes required
Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNodeA node in a quad tree used to store a patch of terrain
Ogre::TerrainGroup::TerrainSlotSlot for a terrain instance, together with its definition
Ogre::TerrainGroup::TerrainSlotDefinitionDefinition of how to populate a 'slot' in the terrain group
Ogre::TexCoordModifierControllerValuePredefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates)
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElementThis class implements an overlay element which contains simple unformatted text
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElementFactoryFactory for creating TextAreaOverlayElement instances
Ogre::TextureAbstract class representing a Texture resource
Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinitionLocal texture definition
Ogre::TextureUnitState::TextureEffectInternal structure defining a texture effect
Ogre::TextureFrameControllerValuePredefined controller value for getting / setting the frame number of a texture layer
Ogre::TextureManagerClass for loading & managing textures
Ogre::TexturePtrSpecialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to TexturePtr
Ogre::TextureUnitStateClass representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material
Ogre::TimeIndexTime index object used to search keyframe at the given position
Ogre::TimerTimer class
Ogre::TransformKeyFrameSpecialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform
Ogre::TRect< T >
Ogre::EdgeData::TriangleBasic triangle structure
Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgramSpecialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram which just delegates its implementation to one other high level program, allowing a single program definition to represent one supported program from a number of options
Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgramFactoryFactory class for Unified programs
Ogre::RTShader::UniformParameterUniform parameter class
Ogre::UserObjectBindingsClass that provide convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objects and Ogre core classes
Ogre::TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingModeTexture addressing mode for each texture coordinate
Ogre::VariableAccessAbstractNodeThis abstract node represents a variable assignment
Ogre::vector< T, A >
Ogre::Vector2Standard 2-dimensional vector
Ogre::Vector3Standard 3-dimensional vector
Ogre::Vector44-dimensional homogeneous vector
Ogre::VectorIterator< T >Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying container
Ogre::VectorIteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType >Prepiared IteratorWrapper for container like std::vector
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::vectorLessComparator for unique vertex list
Ogre::VectorRange< T >Predefined type
Ogre::VertexAnimationTrackSpecialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information
Ogre::VertexBoneAssignment_sRecords the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight
Ogre::VertexBufferBindingRecords the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements
Ogre::HardwareBufferManagerBase::VertexBufferLicenseStruct holding details of a license to use a temporary shared buffer
Ogre::VertexCacheProfilerVertex cache profiler
Ogre::VertexDataSummary class collecting together vertex source information
Ogre::VertexDeclarationThis class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API through a RenderOperation
Ogre::VertexElementThis class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration
Ogre::VertexMorphKeyFrameSpecialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track
Ogre::VertexPoseKeyFrameSpecialised KeyFrame which references a Mesh::Pose at a certain influence level, which stores offsets for a subset of the vertices in a buffer to provide a blendable pose
Ogre::ViewPointStructure for holding a position & orientation pair
Ogre::ViewportAn abstraction of a viewport, i.e
Ogre::VisibleObjectsBoundsInfoStructure collecting together information about the visible objects that have been discovered in a scene
Ogre::Renderable::VisitorVisitor object that can be used to iterate over a collection of Renderable instances abstractly
Ogre::WaveformControllerFunctionPredefined controller function based on a waveform
Ogre::WireBoundingBoxAllows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box
Ogre::WorkQueueInterface to a general purpose request / response style background work queue
Ogre::SceneQuery::WorldFragmentRepresents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery
Ogre::ZipArchiveSpecialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from a zip format source archive
Ogre::ZipArchiveFactorySpecialisation of ArchiveFactory for Zip files
Ogre::ZipDataStreamSpecialisation of DataStream to handle streaming data from zip archives

Copyright © 2012 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last modified Fri May 25 23:36:31 2012