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Android APIs
Since: API Level 5
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


String LABEL The user defined label for the phone number.
String NORMALIZED_NUMBER The phone number's E164 representation.
String NUMBER The phone number as the user entered it.
String TYPE The type of phone number, for example Home or Work.


public static final String LABEL

Since: API Level 5

The user defined label for the phone number.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "label"

public static final String NORMALIZED_NUMBER

Since: API Level 16

The phone number's E164 representation.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "normalized_number"

public static final String NUMBER

Since: API Level 5

The phone number as the user entered it.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "number"

public static final String TYPE

Since: API Level 5

The type of phone number, for example Home or Work.


Constant Value: "type"